【Please register for Digital Economy Summit 2024 (12-13 April afternoon】

【Please register for Digital Economy Summit 2024 (12-13 April afternoon】
The “Digital Economy Summit” 2024 (DES 2024), organised by the HKSAR Government and Cyberport, will be staged on April 12-13 at Convention Hall, 1/F of Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), bear the theme of “Smarter Technovation for All: Forging a Sustainable Future”. (https://www.digitaleconomysummit.hk/en/programme ) .
Smart City Consortium (SCC) is a co-organiser of DES 2024 and thus discounts are offered to SCC Members and Friends - HK$300 for two-day physical participation (standard price at HK$1,000) and HK$100 for virtual pass (standard price at HK$400).
For registration, please scan the QR code on the poster or visit https://des-reg.chefdigital.io/register/full/?lang=en and input “ coorgdes “ for SCC discount code. Please contact Cyberport on 3166 3757 if you have any questions about the ticketing.
Holders of the DES pass can enjoy free access to InnoEX, which is organised by HKSAR Govt and HKTDC from April 13-16 in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, at which SCC will stage a “SCC Smart Living Pavilion” at Hall 3E-A01 to showcase HK’s smart living technologies.