Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,

       Professor Timothy W. TONG, PH.D., BBS, JP Prof.

Steering Committee

       Hon Elizabeth QUAT, SBS, BBS, JP

       Dr. Rocky Cheng
       Hon Duncan CHIU
       Ir. Dr. Hon LO Wai-Kwok SBS, MH, JP
       Dr. Winnie TANG, JP
       Mr. Albert WONG
       Mr. Eric YEUNG, JP

Founders and Honorary Presidents

       Hon Elizabeth QUAT, SBS, BBS, JP
       Dr. Winnie TANG, JP
       Mr. Eric YEUNG, JP

Honorary Legal Adviser

       Mr. Nick CHAN, MH

Honorary Members

       Mr. Raymond CHENG
       Ir. HON Chi-keung, GBS, JP
       Mr. Patrick LAU, SBS
       Mr. K. K. LING, SBS, JP
       Ir. Dr. Eric LIU
       Prof. H C MAN
       Prof. Man, Kim-Fung
       Mr. Johnny MOK S L, SC, BBS, JP
       Prof. Joshua MOK Ka-ho
       Mrs. Pauline NGAN, BBS, JP
       Ir. Chi-sing WAI, GBS, JP, FHKEng
       Prof. Christopher J WEBSTER
       Dr. Allan Zeman GBM, GBS, JP

Technical Advisers

       Mr. Andy BIEN
       Mr. Paul CHAU
       Ms. Mabel CHAU, MH
       Ms. Ada FUNG, BBS, JP
       Dr. Meikei IEONG
       Mrs. Agnes KOON, MH
       Mr. James LAW, JP
       Mr. Daryl NG, JP
       Mr. Samson TAI
       Dr. Gloria TAM, JP
       Prof. Xun WU

Council Members

       Ir Dr. Edward CHAN
       Mr. Emil CHAN
       Mr. Simon CHAN
       Ms. Eva CHAN
       Ir. Henry CHEUNG
       Mr. Dennis CHEUNG
       Mr. Kenny CHIEN
       Mr. Leo CHIU
Dr. Daniel CHUN
       Mr. Andy CHUNG
       Mr. Sam FAN
       Mr. Clement FUNG, MH
       Mr. Stephen HO
       Prof. Witman HUNG, JP
       Ir. Wilson KWOK
       Ir. Prof. Alan LAM
       Mr. Edmund LAM
       Mr. Raymond LAM
       Mr. Peter LAU
       Mr. John LEE
       Mr. Stanley LEE
       Ms. Anna LIN, JP, FCILT
       Ir. Sam PANG
       Mr. Ronald PONG
       Mr. Stephen SEE
       Prof. John SHI
       Ir. Charles SO
       Mr. Aries SZE
       Mr. Gordon SZETU
       Dr. Kenneth TANG
       Prof. Jimmy TAO
       Ms. Kiki WANG
Mr. John WONG
       Dr. Rosana WONG
       Prof. Paulina WONG
       Mr. Damien WU
       Mr. Vandia YANG Chih-Tien
       Mr. Gary YEUNG, MH
       Mr. Kenny YIU


       Mr. Gary YEUNG, MH

    Vice Presidents
       Dr. Daniel CHUN
       Mr. Clement FUNG, MH
       Mr. Stanley LEE
Dr. Rosana WONG
Mr. Damien WU

    Honorary Secretary
       Mr. Vandia YANG Chih-Tien

    Honorary Treasurer
       Mr. Sam FAN

Chairmen of Committees

       Ir Dr. Edward CHAN | Chairman of Social Innovation Committee
       Mr. Emil CHAN | Chairman of FinTech Committee
       Ms. Eva CHAN | Chairperson of Trust over IP Committee
       Mr. Gary YEUNG, MH | Chairman of IoT Committee
       Mr. Gary YEUNG, MH | Chairman of ArtTech Committee
       Mr. Kenny CHIEN | Chairman of Audit Committee
       Mr. Leo CHIU | Chairman of Investment Committee
       Dr. Daniel CHUN | Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee
       Mr. Andy CHUNG | Chairman of Green Committee
       Mr. Clement FUNG, MH | Chairman of Smart Community Committee
       Mr. Gary YEUNG, MH | Chairman of Data Hub Committee
       Mr. Edmund LAM | Chairman of Talent Cultivation Committee
       Mr. Peter LAU | Chairman of EdTech Commitee
       Mr. Stanley LEE | Chairman of e-Commerce Committee
       Mr. Stephen See |Chairman of GBA Incubation Committee
       Mr. Ronald PONG | Chairman of IT Governance Committee
       Ir. Charles SO | Chairman of Smart Mobility Committee
       Mr. Aries SZE | Chairman of eSports Committee
       Dr. Kenneth TANG | Chairman of SDI Committee
       Prof. Jimmy TAO | Chairman of eHealth Committee
       Ms. Kiki WANG | Chairperson of PropTech Committee
       Dr. Rosana WONG | Chairperson of Smart Living Committee
       Mr. Vandia YANG Chih-Tien | Chairman of Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Committee
       Mr. Eric YEUNG, JP | Chairman of Vetting Committee

Chairmen of SIGs

       Ms. Anna LIN, JP, FCILT | Chairperson of Supply Chain SIG
       Dr. Winnie TANG, JP | Chairperson of HK-SZ Innovation & Technology Park SIG

*in alphabetical order of Surname