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GeoLab 地理空間資訊專業工作坊 -「免費及開放源碼地理信息系統 (GIS) 簡介」

地理空間資訊專業工作坊 -「免費及開放源碼地理信息系統 (GIS) 簡介」
 Professional Geospatial Workshop - "Introduction to Free and Open-source Geographic Information System (GIS)"

  • 免費和開放源碼軟件 (FOSS) 是指用戶可以自由使用和修改應用程式當中的源碼軟件。FOSS 地理信息系統提供專有軟件的替代方案。是次工作坊將介紹兩種常用開放源碼地理信息系統 (QGIS 和 Python)的基礎知識,以處理地理空間工作。
  • Free and open-source software (FOSS) are applications that users can freely access and modify their source code. FOSS GIS provides alternatives to proprietary software. This workshop introduces the basics of QGIS and Python - two popular open-source GIS for handling geospatial tasks.
日期 Date: 31 December 2022 at 10:00 – 12:00
申請日期 Application period: 已開放申請 Registration is now open
對象 Intended Audience: 有使用 GIS 經驗和對 GIS 有基本認識的人士
Parties and individuals with experience using GIS and fundamental understanding of GIS
客席講師 Guest Lecturers:

香港地理信息系統學會成員; 香港大學城市規劃及設計系助教兼研究員黃翹昊先生
Mr. Kenneth Wong, member of HKGISA, teaching assistant and researcher, Department of Urban Planning and Design, University of Hong Kong

地點 Venue: 地理空間實驗室 (九龍觀塘觀塘道388號創紀之城1期1座9樓915-918室) 線上旁聽
Geospatial Lab (Units 915-918, 9/F, Tower 1, Millennium City 1, 388 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon) or online observation
語言 Language: 以廣東話進行,輔以英文講義
Cantonese, supplemented by English teaching materials

歡迎 SCC會員參加,詳情及報名請參閱 。活動名額有限,先到先得。費用全免。地理空間實驗室職員將會以電話或電郵通知成功報名之參加者。未有接獲通知者歡迎參與地理空間實驗室的其他活動。


如有任何查詢,歡迎致電3708 7260、WhatsApp 9187 2916 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡地理空間實驗室,謝謝!

SCC members are cordially invited to join the activity. Please visit for more details and registration. The quota for each activity is limited. Enrollment is free of charge; on a first-come-first-served basis. Successful applicants will be notified by our phone or email. Appreciate that you can continue to apply other talks or workshops conducted in GeoLab if you do not hear further from us.


For any enquiries, please contact Geospatial Lab via 3708 7260, WhatsApp 9187 2916 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Thank you.