【香港零售科技創新大獎2021 截止報名!】【Retail Innovation Award 2021 -- Application Deadline】
本屆香港零售科技大獎除了零售商、科技供應商及初創科技公司組別的創新大獎外,更特設數碼轉型及餐飲創新獎項,為充滿挑戰的環境下善用科技來進行數碼轉型的機構打氣。歡迎各位踴躍報名參加,截止報名日期為2021年7月30日。香港零售科技大獎由香港零售科技商會主辦,智慧城市聯盟 (SCC) 是支持機構。
了解更多關於香港零售科技創新大獎2021 Learn more about Retail Innovation Award 2021: http://www.hkrtia.org/retail-innovation-award-2021/
This year on top of the Best Innovation Awards for Retailers, Vendors and Startups, RTIA will be recognizing organizations with Digital Transformation Awards for Retailers and Food and Beverage providers for their excellence in making good use of digital innovation to beat the odds. We look forward to celebrating this rewarding moment with you. Entries close on 30 July 2021.
The Award is organised by Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (RITA) and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC).