Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,
【報名參展 - 香港電腦通訊節2021 】【Join Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival】
香港電腦通訊節將於8月20-23日假香港會議展覽中心 Hall 3 舉行。活動由香港電腦商會主辦,SCC是支持機構。展位訂購或了解更多,請按此或聯絡香港電腦商會 (電話:2785 8867)。
Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival will be organised on August 20-23 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 3. The Festival is organised by The Chamber of H.K. Computer Industry (CHKCI) and supported by SCC. Booth order or to know more, please click here or reach CHKCI at 2785 8867.