HKSiA Workshop of Blockchain
Workshop of Blockchain 將於9月10 (星期五) 下午4-7時於荔枝角號時信中心7樓701室舉行。Workshop of Blockchain 是香港軟件行業協會 (HKSiA) 主辦的「在"一帶一路"推廣香港優秀軟件及資訊科技產業」計劃的工作坊之一,智慧城市聯盟 (SCC) 是支持機構之一。
是次工作坊是線上+線下形式進行。報名截止日期為9月3日,詳情或報名請瀏覽 或掃瞄海報QR code。
如有查詢,請聯絡HKSiA 秘書處 ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 3913 2000)。
Workshop of Blockchain will be organised on September 10 (Friday) at 4-7pm at Come Know (Room 701, Trust Centre, Lai Chi Kok). The Workshop is one of the sessions during HKSiA’s project: The promotion of Hong Kong outstanding software, information and communication technology (ICT) industries in “One Belt One Road”. Smart City Consortium (SCC) is one of the supporting organisations.
The Workshop will also be hosted online. Application on or before September 3, event details and online registration or scan QR code on poster.
For enquiries, please reach HKSiA Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 3913 2000.