【2021 智慧城市研討會】【CRECCHKI Symposium 2021】
為分享與智慧城市相關的資訊及發展,全國工商聯房地產商會香港及國際分會(CRECCHKI) 將於12月6日上午9時半至下午4時香港JW萬豪酒店舉辦「2021 智慧城市研討會」。智慧城市聯盟(SCC)是支持機構。
研討會以英語進行,亦設網上形式供參與。詳情請見 https://us6.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=ac963b34619296774113e29bc&id=c2ec67fba9 。SCC會員於登記時輸入宣傳代碼” SO10OFF”可享有優惠價,登記請見 https://crecchkismartcitysymposium2021.com/registration 。
如有查詢,請致電CRECCHKI陳芷蕎小姐 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (852-2153 9683)。
To enhance collaboration, communication and cross-fertilisation of ideas related to the Smart City initiative, China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong and International Chapter (CRECCHKI) will organise “CRECCHKI Symposium 2021-Smart City” on December 6 from 9.30am-4pm at JW Marriott Hotel. Smart City Consortium (SCC) is a supporting organisation.
Mr Daniel Chun, SCC’s Vice President and Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee, will be the Panel Chair of Panel Discussion on Education at 3pm.
The Symposium will be conducted in English and will have online format for participation. For more details, please see https://us6.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=ac963b34619296774113e29bc&id=c2ec67fba9 . SCC Members can enjoy special rate with promotional code “SO10OFF”, participation please visit https://crecchkismartcitysymposium2021.com/registration .
For enquiries, please contact CRECCHKI Ms. Natalie Chan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (852-2153 9683).