(The event is postponed) How research & technologies can make cities a better place to live and work】【奧地利「研究與科技術如何能促進城市生活和工作」研討會】
(The event is postponed)
“Sustainable Austria“ presents: “How research and technologies can make cities a better and safer place to live and work” Roundtable.
Meet Wolfgang Knoll, Scientific Managing Director, Austrian Institute of Technology on 3 Feb 2020 at 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. at Austrian Trade Commission (13/F Diamond Exchange Building, 8 – 10 Duddell Street, Central)
Seats are limited so register now. Enquiries: Ms Yvonne Choi/Florence Hui Tel: 2522 2388 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. https://www.advantageaustria.org/cn/events/Sustainable_Austria.en.html#
奧地利是SCC合作備忘錄夥伴,奧地利商務專員公署將聯同SCC於2月3日5時舉辦交流會,奧地利科技學會負責人將出席介紹奧地利適用於香港的研究和技術,SCC副會長曾劍鋒博士將出席。歡迎SCC 會員出席,座位先到先得。
地點:奧地利商務專員公署 (香港中環都爹利街8-10號鑽石會大廈13字樓)