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【Hong Kong Green Day 2020】 【香港綠色日】


 “Hong Kong Green Day” was initiated by the Green Council to acknowledge and celebrate the UN’s World Environmental Day (WED) on June 5.  WED is an annual event established by the United Nations as its principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. The one-month-long campaign will have various activities, including Dress Green Campaign, demonstration videos of eco-jewellery DIY, watercolor painting and green cooking, social media activities, Charity Sale of Commemorative Pins, “Green Pledge” targeting at enterprises and Green Restaurant and Green Shop Campaigns. For details of Hong Kong Green Day, please visit
Smart City Consortium is one of the supporting organisations of this event.
為鼓勵市民提高環保意識,環保促進會將6月5日聯合國世界環境日定為「香港綠色日」,成為屬於香港人的年度環保盛事。活動包括著「綠」香港行動、環保飾物DIY示範、花鳥水彩畫教學、環保烹飪教學示範影片、社交平台互動遊戲、襟章慈善義賣、供企業參與的「綠色承諾」計劃,以及綠色商店及食肆計劃。香港綠色日活動詳情請參閱: 。