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Future Hong Kong 2030: Lessons From World-Leading Smart Cities and Paths to Build a Smarter, More Liveable, More Sustainable Hong Kong

23 June 2020 (Tue)
12:00 – 13:00
Programme Highlights:
This year, the Hong Kong SAR government is expected to release an updated version of its Smart City Blueprint originally published in 2017, which will guide efforts to build a smarter, more liveable, more sustainable city over the coming decade.
Further enhancement of Hong Kong's technology infrastructure is a critical factor to the city's development as a smart city by 2030, according to the recently released KPMG survey report 'Future Hong Kong 2030'. Published in cooperation with CLP, Cyberport, HKBN JOS, Smart City Consortium, Siemens, Weave Co-Living and Wilson Group, the report analyses the factors shaping Hong Kong's smart city transformation over the next ten years.
In this interactive seminar, Julian Vella, Co-Head of Infrastructure for KPMG China, will share the report highlights and discuss the key factors shaping Hong Kong's smart city transformation over the next ten years. A panel of experts will further explore the below topics:

  • Developing the right smart city governance model: 'regulation-free' zones and sandboxes
  • Communications strategies for smart city solutions: creating 'public-private-people partnerships'
  • Crucial factors for creating and refining a smart city blueprint
  • Technology infrastructure: greater connectivity, open data ecosystems
  • Best practices in other leading smart cities

Access link for the webinar will be sent to participants 1 day before the event.
Daniel Chun, Chairman of Blueprint SIG, Smart City Consortium, is one of the speakers.
For more information and registration:
Please visit this website:
German Industry and Commerce Ltd. / German Chamber of Commerce, Hong Kong,
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