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LSCM Logistics Summit 2019
粵港澳大灣區建設為不同行業帶來新機遇,商家可把握機會,善用創新科技於大灣區拓展業務。 LSCM物流高峰會是本中心的年度盛事,主題為「物流新科研創建大灣區」,將由政府高層官員、行業專家、商業領袖及學術界代表作出別具洞見的分享,探討創新的科技如何為各界帶來積極正面的推動,以協助業界把握大灣區所帶來的機遇。
With the theme of “The Pivotal Role of Hong Kong in the Greater Bay Area”, the LSCM Logistics Summit 2019 will bring industries, academia and government officials together to explore the potential of leveraging innovation and technologies to generate positive impact on multiple areas so as to embrace the opportunities brought by the Greater Bay Area.
With heavyweights from multiple sectors with diverse backgrounds, the Summit provides a great platform for guests to come together to spark inspirations for the development of innovation and technology, as well as to build network and attract collaboration opportunities. Smart City Consortium is a supporting organisation of this event.
Event Details:
Date: 20 September 2019 Time: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Location: Grand Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Park Phase 3, Shatin
For Registration:
Press HERE