The 2nd issue of e-Newsletter is dispatched in August, the hottest month of the year and it's time to kick off the hottest topic in town as well! The Public Consultation Forum on an Advisory Paper for the Smart City Blueprint in Hong Kong was well received by over hundred participants at Metta again. To understand more details about this, please take a glance at the video below.
Energy consumption of air conditioning being the highest in this month amounts to as much as one third of the total annual usage. We therefore feature how smart energy can assist in reducing carbon emission while achieving sustainable growth at the same time. Enjoy reading!

Dear Members,
This is our second e-newsletter of the Smart City Consortium (SCC). SCC is a professional organization aiming to share our expertise, advice and views in collaboration with other professional bodies to assist the Government in building a Smart City.

Meeting with KS Wong for Smart Energy View Exchange
Organized by SCC. At the meeting, the Secretary of Environment Bureau Mr. Wong Kam-sing exchanged his views and vision on Smart City with Mr. Eric Yeung, Convener of SCC......

Smart City & Smart Identity under Belt & Road Initiative – Innovation Progress in PKI and Authentication International Symposium
Co-organized with Asia PKI Consortium, The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong and SCC. At the Symposium, Mr. Eric Yeung, Convener of SCC......

The first member event: SCC FinTech Forum cum Networking
Over 300 members and guests have crowded Metta at Lan Kwai Fong of Central for the first ever member gathering.

SCC Beijing Tour
National governments and cities around the world are investing in the potential of smart cities at an ever increasing rate. In China alone...

Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival 2016
This Event will be held on 19-22 August 2016. This event is supported by Smart City Consortium.

APAC Innovation Summit 2016 Series - Smart City
This Event will be held on 22-23 September 2016. Smart City Consortium is the strategic partner of this event.

Smart Energy development in Hong Kong – HK Electric & China Light and Power
In Hong Kong, the generation of electricity results in a large amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which accounts for about 70% of the total. About 1/3 of the electricity is used for air conditioning. Therefore, the effects in energy conservation will be significant if everyone of us is conscientious in our use of air conditioning.

Public Consultation on Advisory Paper for the Smart City Blueprint in Hong Kong
View Submission Deadline: 10th Sept, 2016
We have kicked off a 5-week long consultation exercise in early August. If you have missed the Public Consultation Forum held on 4 August, you may send your suggestions by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 10th Sept, 2016.
We shall incorporate your opinions and suggestions, and submit to the government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We look forward to receiving your views soon.
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