“Smartizen Park” carnival in Summer
Celebrating the 3rd Anniversay, Smart City Consortium is planning a signature event "Smartizen Park" in Central. It is estimated that tens of thousands of citizens will experience first-hand how a smart lifestyle will make people happier, healthier, smarter and more prosperous. Smart City Consortium is planning a number of programs and games to attract more members of the public to participate.
Brand building
Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion at ICT Expo 2019

由貿易發展局主辦的 ICT Expo 是亞洲區內最具規模的資訊科技展覽會之一,智慧城市聯盟獲創新科技署資助,在博覽會近入口當眼位置設立智慧城市展館,展館以「信息安全」和「物聯網」為主題,吸引了很多香港、內地及海外人士查詢及媒體訪問。
SCC mounted a Smart City Pavilion at the ICT Expo in Hong Kong to reinforce Hong Kong’s position as a leading smart city in the region. Organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council from April 13-16, the ICT Expo was one of the most important and significant in the region. “Information Security” and “ Internet of Things”, were the themes of the Hong Kong Pavilion.
Advice to the Government on formulating and standards
related to Smart City development
SCC has collaborated with the Government, academia and institutions on formulating policies and standards related to Smart City development.
Over the past months, SCC core members met with a number of Government departments and institutions including Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), Drainage Services Department and the Urban Renewal Authority in developing Smart City strategic plans.
Meeting with Drainage Services Department

The Drainage Services Department (DSD) of the HKSAR Government invited core members of Smart City Consortium to attend a meeting on March 14 to share insight on the smart city initiatives particularly from the drainage services perspective. In the two-hour meeting, Ir Wong Sui-kan, Assistant Director/Projects & Development of DSD, and officials from the department introduced the latest development of DSD in BIM, GIS and other smart city / drainage initiatives. Follow-up meetings will be arranged to further exchange views on concrete details.
Worldwide Collaboration
Smart City Consortium have signed MOUs with 33 partners from 13 countries and regions over the past three years.

Informative and educational conference to connect and empower
智慧城市聯盟就很多跟智慧城市發展、創科等有關的活動,都有不同的參與,有關的活動已上載SCC網頁及SCC Facebook。以下向大家介紹過去一季智慧城市聯盟組織或參與的一些交流會議及研討會。
Members have been receiving eDM invitations from SCC to various seminars and forums. SCC has always been one of the leaders in organizing and participating in informative conferences and symposiums to provide the first-hand information and exchange views on how Hong Kong can improve its sustainability and competitiveness through the adoption of smart technologies and more effective resource management within our community. Please refer to https://smartcity.org.hk/index.php/en/past-events-and-activities-2022 or SCC’s facebook pages (link) for more details. Below were some of the smart cities series we conducted over the past months.
“Next-Gen Information Security & IoT Applicatiions” seminar

智慧城市聯盟於4月13日在 ICT Expo 展覽會場內舉辦了「新時代的信息安全和物聯網的應用」論壇,邀請了智慧城市聯盟副會長曾劍鋒博士工程師、聯盟資訊科技管理委員會主席龐博文、通天地智能產品營運總監陳靖文、聯盟研究及藍圖委員會主席兼 Remotec 的行政總裁秦仲宇與 Tantiv4 創辦人兼首席總監 Kishore Moturi ,於論壇上講述信息安全,和物聯網的最新應用及發展。
Coinciding with the Hong Kong Smart City pavilion at ICT Expo, SCC organized a seminar on “Next-Gen Information Security & IoT Applicatiions” on April 13. Mr Ronald Pong, Chairman of SCC IT Governance Committee, and Mr Daniel Chun, Chairman of SCC Research & Blueprint Committee, were among the expert speakers.
How Big Data Reinvent Hong Kong Future Conference

SCC and Lingnan University hosted “Smartcity: How Big Data Reinvent Hong Kong Future” Conference on January 23 at Hong Kong Productivity Council building. Professionals from the public utilities, infrastructure and innovative technology industries were invited to share their insights on the future of big data and technology applications, thus enhancing the awareness of the public and enterprises on the future development of big data and smart cities in Hong Kong.
The Connected Cities Conference
“The Connected Cities Conference”, was hosted by KPMG with SCC as one of its strategic partners on January 24. The Conference showcased numerous innovations for the next generation of city livings. SCC hosted a breakout session under the theme: "The future of healthcare and the ageing population in the GBA".

In 'Smart Cities' Panel Discussion, Ms. Rosana Wong (first from the right), Vice President of SCC, shared insights on smart city development.

In the Fireside Chat, Ir. Dr. KF Tsang, Vice President of SCC, chatted with Mr. Eric Chong, President & CEO of Siemens, on "IoT for a Sustainable Connected City".
The GREAT Smart Cities Connect Conference 2019 – The Greater Bay Area

The GREAT Smart Cities Connect Conference 2019 – The Greater Bay Area”於1月11日至12日舉行,旨在促進大中華地區智慧城市的發展,智慧城市聯盟為主辦單位之一。
The GREAT Smart Cities Connect Conference 2019 – The Greater Bay Area was held on January 11 and 12. The conference aimed at fostering the development of smart cities in the Greater China region. SCC was one of the event organizers. Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder & Honorary President of Smart City Consortium and Mr. Gary Yeung, Vice-President of SCC delivered welcoming speech at the opening of the conference and dinner respectively.
Moreover, Dr. Kenneth Tang, Chairman of SDI Committee of SCC, delivered his Keynote Speech. Mr. Wilson Kwok, Deputy Honorary Secretary of SCC, gave a talk in the second session of Technical Presentation and shared his insights on “ The evolution of HK Electric: From corrective and time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance with the help of big data analytics”.
Smart City-related Research
Citizen insights across Asia Pacific on smart city development

智慧城市聯盟會長楊全盛和畢馬威合夥人 Julian Vella 於 1月28日舉行新聞發布會,介紹「互聯城市--亞太地區市民的意見」報告。該報告由中電控股、JOS、智慧城市聯盟、西門子和威信集團共同出版。畢馬威去年11月在香港、首爾、上海、新加坡及墨爾本訪問4192名居民,了解他們對智慧城市的看法。
Mr. Eric Yeung, President of SCC, and Mr. Julian Vella, Partner of KPMG, held a press conference on January 28 to introduce the key findings of a report on smart city development entitled "Connected Cities: Citizen insights across Asia Pacific". This report, published by KPMG China in association with Smart City Consortium, CLP, JOS, Siemens and Wilson Group, features findings from a survey of 4,192 residents in Hong Kong, Melbourne, Seoul, Shanghai and Singapore. The survey seeks residents’ opinions on the development areas most important to them, as well as what benefits they expect as their cities become ‘smarter’.
Mr Yeung opined that "Hong Kong lags behind other regions in the development of smart parking", and this is mainly due to the lack of incentives in private markets to provide data. He recommended and encouraged the government and public service-related organizations to nurture a harmonious sentiment, and expand open data applications and sharing.
( Read more: https://home.kpmg/cn/zh/home/insights/2019/01/connected-cities.html )
Developing our Organisation
Professor Timothy Tong has accepted SCC’s invitation as SCC Patron. Professor Tong is President Emeritus of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

AliCloud has joined Smart City Consortium

阿里巴巴集團旗下的雲計算平台阿里雲積極在香港推展雲端服務,於1月17日在香港舉行阿里雲「Infinity 2019生態峰會」。智慧城市聯盟創辦人兼榮譽會長、立法會議員葛珮帆,及阿里雲港澳及韓國區總經理劉彬星,在會上公布阿里雲正式加入香港智慧城市聯盟,未來將共同為香港的智慧城市發展出謀獻策。
Alibaba Cloud held a digital transformation summit [Infinity Summit 2019] in Hong Kong on January 17 to showcase its latest cloud products. Alibaba Cloud also used the event to announce that it is joining the Smart City Consortium to help advise on Hong Kong's smart city initiative. Hon Elizabeth QUAT, BBS, JP, Founder & Honorary President of SCC, and Mr. Liu Binxing, Alibaba Cloud General Manager of HTK Region pledged the joint contribution to the development of smart cities in Hong Kong.
Mr. Gary Yeung, Vice President of SCC, shared his insight on "Hong Kong Smart City Today & Tomorrow" in the Panel Discussion.

少量《智城》將陸續送到數碼港、香港科學園、啟迪科技園、生產力促進局以及各大專院校校園供公眾取閱(送完即止),大家亦可致電3480-4230或電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.聯絡秘書處訂購,或瀏覽以下網址詳閱電子版。
It is exciting to announce that the 8th issue of the Smart Vision has been published with the themes of AI, Big Data and Cloud Technology.
A small number of copies are available free of charge on a first come first served basis in following locations: Cyberport, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Tusparks, Hong Kong Productivity Council and tertiary institutions. Please contact our secretariat at 3480-4230 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to purchase a copy, or browse the link below to check out our e-version!
SCC hailed Greater Bay Area Outline Developmemt Plan
SCC hailed the Central Government's promulgation of the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), saying that Hong Kong I &T sectors will benefit from the regional development plan that covers Hong Kong, Macau and nine Guangdong cities. The plan, announced on Feb 18, identifies that Hong Kong, the most international city in the Greater Bay Area, as well as Macau, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as core cities, as well as core engines for driving regional development.
Opinions of Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium
Opinions of Mr Eric Yeung, President of Smart City Consortium )
SCC welcomed FS’s heavy focus on I & T development
The SCC supported the initiatives the Financial Secretary set out in his 2019-20 Budget and its heavy focus on innovation and technology (I & T) development, noting that measures on various fronts including building infrastructure, promoting research and development (R&D), pooling and training I&T talents and supporting technology enterprises will strengthen Hong Kong’s competitiveness.
New Executive Director of SCC
Ms Phoebe Leung, Executive Director, has joined SCC since mid-January. Ms Leung was the Director of Communication at Our Hong Kong Foundation. She also worked for the Hong Kong Economic Journal and Hong Kong Trade Development Council.
AGM on May 7
The upcoming Annual General Meeting will take place on May 7. The secretariat have informed Members of the meeting details by email. Please contact the Secretariat if you have not received the meeting notice.
Provide a platform of choice to the Government and technology partners
政府多個部門都要創新,SCC現收集會員的I&T solutions資料,交予OGCIO,為發展智慧城市的部門提供參考。
The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) is to launch a Smart Government Innovation Lab (智慧政府創新實驗室) and will provide information about Proposals of Innovation and Technology Solution (創新科技解決方案) to various government departments and other institutions. OGCIO has invited SCC to collect such information from Members. Members who are interested in doing business with government are advised to contact SCC secretariat at tel: 3480 4230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Smart City Academy (SCA) established by SCC
智慧城市聯盟於2018年初成立「智慧城市學院」,旨在提高公眾對智慧城市發展的認識,並進行有關教育普及。我們將與不同院校及教育機構,面向不同專業舉辦多類型的課程或講座。第一個課程題為“Envisioned Our Future City”,由智慧城市聯盟及香港科技大學合辦,將於5月4日開課。
Smart City Academy (SCA), established in 2018, is a non-profit organisation, and a subsidiary of the Smart City Consortium. The objective of SCA, in support of Smart City Consortium’s mission, is to promote education and public awareness of smart cities development and technologies. We do this by jointly developing and conducting various smart cities courses and workshops with our local educational institution partners. The first program, titled “Envisioned Our Future City” which is jointly organized by SCC and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, will kick off on May 4.
Promote your products/services at SmartVision
Members are invited to introduce your smart city initiatives to your potential users at Smart Vision, which is a quarterly magazine published by Smart City Consortium. It has been circulated to Government departments, Science Park, Cyberport, Hong Kong Productivity Council and tertiary institutions since the first issue. We would like to invite Members to contribute articles about your smart city services or products and your views about smart city development in Hong Kong.