- SCC 會長楊文鋭先生及著名主持人李燦榮博士8月6日主講溝通技巧培訓工作坊;
- SCC 大灣區孵化委員會主席張龍華先生,副主席施營培先生,名譽司庫SCC范家珩先生於8月8日下午介紹大灣區的投資及創科環境;
- SCC金融科技委員會主席陳家豪先生於 8月8日傍晚講解「60分鐘認識金融科技」;和
- SCC物聯網委員會主席曾劍鋒博士於8月22日介紹「物聯網之簡介及應用」。
- “Presentation Skills Workshop” conducted by Mr Gary Yeung, President of SCC, and Mr Lee Chan Wing, a consultant and KOL, on August 6;
- “Investment Environment in GBA Seminar” by Mr Dennis Cheung, Chairman of SCC GBA Incubation Committee, Mr Stephen See, Vice Chairman of the Committee, and Mr Sam Fan, SCC’s Honorary Treasurer, on August 8 afternoon;
- “FinTech Seminar” by Mr Emil Chan, Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee on August 8 evening; and
- “IoT Seminar” by Ir Dr KF Tsang, Chairman of SCC IoT Committee on August 22.
Smartizen Park@SummerFest demonstrated Smart Lifestyle
Smartizen Park@SummerFest, organised by the Smart City Consortium, took place from 15 July to 1 September in Central Harbourfront, drawing about 40,000 visitors. There were three major zones, namely the Experience Zone, Learn Zone and Play Zone. Through various programs and showcases, visitors could explore and appreciate the delight of living with innovative technologies.
Grand Final of DEMO CHINA Hong Kong Division
「2019 創業邦 DEMO CHINA 香港區選拔賽」經已圓滿結束,總決賽於8月21日舉行,智慧城市聯盟會長楊文銳先生及創業邦董事總經理方平潮先生分別為活動致歡迎詞。香港特別行政區創科局副局長鍾偉強博士蒞臨主禮, 致詞,並擔任頒獎嘉賓。當天入圍的隊伍施展渾身解數,最後由密卡思(深圳)電訊有限公司獲得大獎。密卡思隊伍其後到杭州出席創業邦全國決賽。
The grand final of 2019 DEMO CHINA Hong Kong division competition took place on 21 August 2019 with Dr David Chung, Undersecretary for Innovation and Technology, as the Guest of Honour. The managing director of DEMO China organizer also attended the event and served as one of the judges. 密卡思(深圳)電訊有限公司 was the champion of the competition.
Four themed talks organised by SCC
智慧城市聯盟在8月份配合「創業邦DEMO CHINA 香港區選拔賽」及「智慧城市遊樂園」活動舉辦了四個專題講座。
Four themed talks were held by SCC in conjunction with the “DEMO CHINA Hong Kong Division” and “Smartizen Park” events in August, with SCC core members as speakers:
The Belt and Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable
由香港特別行政區政府及香港貿易發展局合辦的第四屆「一帶一路高峰論壇」假香港會議展覽中心舉行。期間「一帶一路國際聯盟」亦於9月12日舉行了年度圓桌會議,共有來自 23 個國家及地區、超過85 個成員組織的代表到場參與。智慧城市聯盟會長楊文銳先生在會議上介紹聯盟的工作,他鼓勵「一帶一路」沿線國家和地區的智慧城市相關企業與香港合作開展業務。
Jointly organised by the HKSAR Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the 4th Belt and Road Summit took place in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Mr. Gary Yeung, President of SCC, introduced the work of SCC to more than 85 association members from 23 countries and regions at the Belt and Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable on September 12. He encouraged business acquaintance from Belt and Road smart city sectors to collaborate with Hong Kong partners and use Hong Kong as a business hub.
Meeting with Customs and Excise Department
SCC has collaborated with various Government departments on formulating policies and standards related to Smart City development. On 14 August 2019, SCC core members held a meeting with Mr Hermes Tang and senior officials from the Customs and Excise Department and were briefed of the department’s new initiatives especially those related to smart customs and trade facilitation.
The latest issue is out now!
今期《智城》以智慧及電子醫療為主題,介紹創新科技對醫療服務的影響。零售價每本$65。少量《智城》將送到數碼港、香港科學園、啟迪科技園、生產力促進局,以及各大專院校校園供公眾取閱(送完即止),大家亦可致電3480-4230或電郵至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.聯絡秘書處訂購,或瀏覽以下網址詳閱電子版。
The theme of this issue is smart and electronic healthcare. It introduces the impact of innotech on medical. Retail price is at HK$65 per copy. Limited quantity of free copies will be available (first come first served) in Cyberport, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Tusparks, Hong Kong Productivity Council and tertiary institutions. Please contact our secretariat at 3480-4230 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to purchase a copy, or browse the above link to check out the e-version!
Upcoming Activities
China Hi-Tech Fair
SCC 計劃在內地重點展覧會,向內地官員及企業,介紹香港公司的物聯網、金融科技及訊息安全的服務或產品。第一個展會是11月13至17日在深圳舉行的中國國際高新技術交易會2019,SCC 將設置「香港智慧城市展館」,推廣香港形象。
SCC is to promote smart city services to mainland users by mounting a “Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion” in prominent trade shows. The forthcoming one will be the “China Hi-Tech Fair” due to take place in Shenzhen on 13-17 November 2019. The products or services of Hong Kong companies in IoT, FinTech and Information Security sectors will be presented to mainland users.
SCC Members’ Views and Insights on smart city development are
SCC will submit an advisory paper to the government to review the Smart City Blueprint 1.0 and provide insights on smart city development. SCC Secretariat will send emails asking Members to share your views and insights.
政府資訊科技總監林偉喬先生及數碼港行政總裁任景信先生將於10月18日(星期五)出席在數碼港全天候廣場舉行的「創科發展論壇」,並作主題演講,智慧城市聯盟是活動支持機構之一。歡迎報名,費用全免,請看下圖參閱活動詳情,及登入圖中的QR Code 或網址報名。
2nd Open Data Conference
第二屆開放數據會議將於10月29日(星期二)下午在香港生產力促進局大樓舉行,討論在創科帶動的經濟發展中,開放數據對提高生產力及盈利能力的重要性,智慧城市聯盟是支持機構之一,智慧城市聯盟空間數據基礎委員會主席鄧兆星博士將主持其中一個討論環節。會議詳情請參閱下圖,報名及查詢請與鄧小姐聯絡,電話2788 5889或 電郵This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
The 2nd Open Data Conference on “Open Data Brings Commercial Benefits - Leveraging Digital Transformation” will take place on 29 October 2019 (Tuesday) at 2- 6 pm at Conference Hall, 4/F, Hong Kong Productivity Council Building. Dr Kenneth Tang, Chairman of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Committee of Smart City Consortium (SCC) will be one of the moderators, with panelists Mr Ricky Ho, Chief Engineer, Smart Mobility of Transport Department; Mr Victor Ng, Chief Land Surveyor of Lands Department; and Mr Yu Tak-cheung, JP, Deputy Director of Buildings Department.
Please refer to the following DM for more details of the conference. For enquiries and registration, please contact Ms Just Tang by phone on 2788 5889 or by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
“Symposium on Smart City Development” for Building Industry
智慧城市聯盟空間數據基礎委員會主席鄧兆星博士是專家講者之一。會議詳情請參閱下圖。報名及查詢請電36105719或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
To bolster the building industry’s understanding on the concept of smart city, BEAM Society Limited will host a “Symposium on Smart City Development” on 15 November 2019 (Friday) at 2:30-5:30 p.m. at Jockey Club Environmental Building. Smart City Consortium (SCC) is a supporting organisation of the symposium. A 10% discount for the event is offered to SCC members.
Dr Kenneth Tang, Chairman of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Committee of SCC will be one of the speakers. Please refer to the following flyer for more details of the symposium. For enquiries and registration, please call 36105719 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Best regards,
Smart City Consortium