Smart City Blueprint 2.0 Advisory Report presented to ITB
智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 已經邁進第五年了。SCC自2016年成立以來,一直為連繫各界,推動香港作為領先的智慧城市而努力,當中包括積極向政府提交諮詢報告和舉辦以科技為題的研討會等。

出席與創科局會面的 包括(上圖由左至右)智慧城巿聯盟研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇先生、創新及科技局副局長鍾偉强博士、智慧城市聯盟榮譽會長楊全盛先生、智慧城市聯盟會長楊文銳先生、智慧城市聯盟榮譽會長葛珮帆議員、創新及科技局局長薛永恒先生、創新及科技局常任秘書長蔡淑嫻女士、智慧城市聯盟榮譽會長鄧淑明博士、香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監凌嘉勤教授、政府資訊科技總監林偉喬先生、香港總商會智慧城市工作小組召集人李世賢先生,及智慧城市聯盟執行總監梁文英女士。
The Smart City Consortium (SCC) has entered our 5th year. To foster Hong Kong smart city development, SCC has maintained a transparent platform for the government, technology partners, academia and commercial organisations to collaborate and exchange ideas related to Smart City issues. Recently SCC, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University's Jockey Club Design Institute of Social Innovation (JCDISI), have collectively produced an Advisory Report on Smart City Blueprint 2.0, following a brainstorming meeting on 12 December 2019 and months of consultation with many industry experts, business leaders, academics and members.
Senior representatives of SCC, HKGCC and PolyU's JCDISI presented the Smart City Blueprint 2.0 Advisory Report to Mr Alfred Sit, Secretary for Innovation and Technology on April 27.
Please visit for full version of the Advisory Report.
Smart Vision #12 – Smart City Blueprint 2.0

最新一期出版的《智城》以「香港智慧城市藍圖2.0」為主題, SCC分掌「智慧出行」、「智慧生活」、「智慧政府」、「智慧經濟」、「智慧環境」及「智慧市民」的意見召集人黃慧敏女士、秦仲宇先生、錢國強先生、陳家豪先生、鍾偉樑先生及朱可儀女士分別整合了該六大範疇的部份意見。歡迎瀏覽詳閱今期《智城》電子版。
The 12th issue of the Smart Vision, themed “Smart City Blueprint 2.0”, has been published. Ms Rosana Wong, Mr Daniel Chun, Mr Kenny Chien, Mr Emil Chan, Mr Andy Chung and Ms Rene Chu, respectively the convenors of Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Government, Smart Economy, Smart Environment and Smart People discussions, summarize the opinions and insights in their respective areas in the feature story. Please visit for the e-version.
COVID-19 Dashboard almost 23 million hit rate

In view of the current novel coronavirus pandemic, SCC’s volunteer IT team has worked with the government to launch an Interactive Map Dashboard for effective dissemination and exchange of information related to COVID-19 infection since February 3. The Dashboard is well received by the general public and have reached a hit rate at almost 23 million.
Please visit the Dashboard on https://chp-dashboard.geodata.gov.hk/nia/en.html
Metro Finance Radio Programme on Smart City

SCC副會長兼仁濟醫院顧問局永遠顧問馮卓能先生,和SCC 榮譽會員香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監凌嘉勤先生最近應繳分享「智慧安老」的看法。
Smart City Diploma Programme

SCA 現正與香港專業教育學院(IVE)合作開辦「智慧城市專業文憑」課程,旨在為學員提供創新科技的專業培訓。課程內容橫跨工程、設計及資訊科技領域,理論與實踐並重,由IVE資深導師及SCA的工程師等專業人士教授。IVE今年年初舉行介紹會,由SCA執行總監郭偉信工程師向公眾介紹課程內容。
查詢請電 VTC 2435 9423。課程截止報名日期: 2020年5月29日 (網上註冊請按此)
Jointly offered by Smart City Academy (SCA) and IVE Engineering Discipline, the “Professional Diploma in Smart City” aims to provide students with the specific vocational and professional education and training on innovation and technologies, e.g. Big Data, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for smart city development and improvement. A briefing on the programme details was conducted by Ir Wilson Kwok, SCA’s Executive Director, at IVE earlier this year.
Deadline of Application: 29 May 2020 (Please click here for course registration)
For more enquiries: 2435 9423 (VTC)
HKTDC Belt and Road Portal Infrastructure Tool Kit

香港貿易發展局(HKTDC) 為拓展香港與「一帶一路」地區的經濟合作,特設「一帶一路」網站,設有基建錦囊,內有基建服務提供者名錄,方便「一帶一路」的用家搜索; 經SCC 爭取,TDC 已同意將有意開拓「一帶一路」智慧城市基建業務的SCC會員的名字加進搜索名錄內,增加業務機會。SCC已將登記表格電郵給公司會員。如有查詢,請跟SCC秘書處聯絡 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 或瀏覽 www.infratoolkit.hk .
Hong Kong Trade Development Council sets up the “Belt and Road Portal Infrastructure Tool Kit” aims to promote Hong Kong’s expertise in Belt and Road projects. As an initiative under the HKTDC Belt and Road & Greater Bay Area Committee Smart City and Digital Connectivity Task Force, a centralised database for promoting Hong Kong’s Smart City services is to be developed on HKTDC Belt and Road Portal Infrastructure Tool Kit. It offers Hong Kong companies free listing on the online Services Provider database to help them connect with business partners and seize business opportunities. SCC has sent the registration form to Corporate Members earlier this month. For more information, please contact SCC secretariat on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit: www.infratoolkit.hk .
SCC welcomes the Government’s smart city implementation

SCC歡迎財政司司長發表的2020-21 財政預算案逐步落實智慧城市發展方案。SCC會長楊文銳表示,讓市民大眾感受到智慧項目的好處,有助推動智慧城市的進一步發展;政府財政預算案提到政府將多管齊下推動 5G 網絡發展和應用的措施;推出「智方便」一站式個人化數碼服務平台;資助企業或機構進行與車輛有關的創新科技研究和應用;探討進一步推廣電動車的政策,制定本港首份電動車普及化路線圖等等,都能惠及市民生活。
The SCC supports the initiatives the Financial Secretary set out in his 2020-21 Budget for progressively implementing smart city development in Hong Kong. SCC President Gary Yeung said for the time being, the pressing need is to help the small and medium I&T enterprises to overcome the financial difficulties and create job opportunities.
Seven IT Associations request for relief measures

智慧城市聯盟聯同 互聯網專業協會、科培網絡、香港青年聯會、香港青聯科技協會、香港軟件行業協會及香港資訊科技聯會,與立法會議員葛珮帆辦事處於2月21日舉行記者會,反映在新冠肺炎下IT企業所面對的困境。7個IT協會一同希望政府立即推出更多針對IT 企業的抒解民困的措施,協助IT 企業渡過今次疫情難關。
SCC, iProA, Technology Incubation Network, HK United Youth Association, HK United Youth Science and Technology Association, HK Software Industry Association, HK Information Technology Joint Council and the office of Hon Elizabeth Quat held a press conference on February 21 expressing the difficulties encountered by the IT industry during the COVID-19 epidemic. The government was urged to launch more measures to help the IT sectors tide over the financial difficulties.
Other updates and upcoming activities
SCC Smart City Pavilion at International ICT Expo

Smart City Consortium will stage a “Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion” at the International ICT Expo organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council in Hall 5, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from July 25-28, 2020. More details of the Hong Kong Pavilion will be announced shortly.
HK Smart City Pavilion at China Smart City Intl Expo

歡迎SCC 會員及本港與物聯網、金融科技、訊息安全企業參加,免收場租及參展費。該項目由香港政府工業貿易署資助,香港數碼港、香港資訊科技聯會、香港軟件行業協會為合作單位。有興趣的香港公司歡迎致電SCC秘書處鄭先生:3480 4230;電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
SCC is to promote Hong Kong smart city services to mainland users and officials by mounting a “Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion” in China Smart City International Expo. Organised by China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) and Smart City Development Alliance (SCDA), the expo will take place in Beijing Exhibition Centre, on August 6-8, 2020.
SCC members and Hong Kong companies in IoT, FinTech and Information Security sectors are welcome to join the pavilion. The participation fee and rental are sponsored by HKSAR Trade and Industry Department. Hong Kong Cyberport, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council Limited and Hong Kong Software Industry Association are collaborating organisations.
For enquiries, please contact Mr Cheng of SCC on 3480 4230; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more details about China Smart City International Expo, please click here.
Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion at Digital China

SCC將於今年稍後參加在褔州舉行的「數字中國」展覽會,設置「香港智慧城市展館」,展示香港公司的服務或產品。歡迎SCC 會員及本港與物聯網、金融科技、訊息安全企業參加,免收場租及參展費。該項目由香港政府工業貿易署資助,香港數碼港、香港資訊科技聯會、香港軟件行業協會為合作單位。有興趣的香港公司歡迎致電SCC秘書處鄭先生:3480 4230;電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SCC is to promote Hong Kong smart city services to mainland users and officials by mounting a “Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion” at Digital China, due to take place in Fuzhou later this year. SCC members and Hong Kong companies in IoT, FinTech and Information Security sectors are welcome to join the pavilion. The participation fee and rental are sponsored by HKSAR Trade and Industry Department. Hong Kong Cyberport, Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council Limited and Hong Kong Software Industry Association are collaborating organisations. For enquiries, please contact Mr Cheng of SCC on 3480 4230; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Dialogue with Mo: Climate Change & of Sustainable Future
「與武哥對話:氣候變化與可持續的未來亅活動在商務印書館尖沙咀圖書中文化活動廳舉行,由無國界工程師舉辦,SCC為支持機構。名額有限,歡迎從速報名 (請按此):
The Engineers Without Borders Hong Kong (EWB Hong Kong) will organize the “Dialogue with Mo: Climate Change & of Sustainable Future” at the Commercial Press Tsim Sha Tsui Branch on May 17. SCC is one of the supporting organizations.
This is a dialogue-type seminar, amongst Mr Leung Wing Mo (“Mo”) and three young professionals from civil engineering, building sustainability and international NGO for poverty relief. Mo is the former Assistant Director of the Hong Kong Observatory and a TV “Climate” programme host. There will be 3 sub-themes throughout the session, namely (1) Urban Resilience; (2) Green Building; (3) Climate Justice.
For registration (please click here)
Hong Kong Green Day 2020

為鼓勵市民提高環保意識,環保促進會將6月5日聯合國世界環境日定為香港綠色日,成為屬於香港人的年度環保盛事。SCC為活動支持機構。活動包括香港綠色日啟動禮、著「綠」香港行動、環保烹飪教學示範影片、社交平台互動遊戲、襟章慈善義賣、供企業參與的「綠色承諾」計劃及綠色商店及食肆計劃。香港綠色日活動詳情請參閱: http://www.greencouncil.org 。
Hong Kong Green Day was initiated by the Green Council to acknowledge and celebrate the UN’s World Environmental Day (WED) on June 5. WED is an annual event established by the United Nations as its principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment. SCC supports this month-long campaign that inspires citizens to “Go Green, Act Green!” Please visit www.greencouncil.org for details of Hong Kong Green Day.
IPHatch Hong Kong Competition

IPHatch是一個開放式創新比賽,由香港貿發局與新加坡的Piece Future合辦香港區賽事,智慧城市聯盟是支持單位之一。比賽旨在鼓勵初創企業或創業家,把知名跨國公司提供的知識産權或技術商品化。這個活動不但可促進本地初創企業更多元發展,爲創科生態環境注入新動力,同時也爲所提供的知識産權賦予新生命。
我們會在4月29日、5月7 & 14日舉行網上簡介會,深入講解專利組合的內容和可行的商業應用,為有興趣參加比賽人士分享實用提示和見解。今屆比賽的截止日期為5月31日。
參加4月29日網上簡介會: https://www.iphatchday.com/hkcb2020
IPHatch香港區比賽詳情 : https://www.iphatchday.com/hongkong
Co-organised by HKTDC and Piece Future, IPHatch Hong Kong is an open-innovation competition looking for enthusiastic start-ups or entrepreneurs to bring business concepts to fruition by commercialising the IPs/technology portfolios from renowned MNCs. SCC is one of the supporting organisations. The event aims to stimulate the local start-ups and R&D ecosystem while at the same time to give those IPs on offer a second life.
Upcoming, a webinar briefing session will be held on April 29, May 7 & 14.The business proposal submission deadline for the competition will be on May 31.
Act now to register for online briefing sessions: https://www.iphatchday.com/hkcb2020
More details about IPHatch HK: https://www.iphatchday.com/hongkong
IFTA FinTech Achievement Awards 2019 Presentation Ceremony

IFTA 金融科技成就頒獎禮將於5月25日在生產力促進局大樓舉行,由生產能力促進局主辦,SCC是支持單位之一。詳情請參閱https://iftaawards.org/en/index.html。
Organized by The Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia Limited with SCC as one of the supporting organizations, the awards recognize achievements worldwide in FinTech innovation, education, R&D, and its applications through its 26 corporate and 4 individual award categories. The awards presentation ceremony will take place on May 25 at the Conference Hall of Hong Kong Productivity Council.
For more details, pls visit https://iftaawards.org/en/index.html.
The Smart Energy Award 2020

中華電力有限公司舉辦的創新節能企業大獎, 旨在表揚企業及機構對節能滅碳的貢獻。SCC為支持及評審機構之一, 截止報名日期為5月31日,詳情請按此。
To promote energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C), CLP Power Hong Kong Limited launched “The Smart Energy Award 2020”. SCC is one of the supporting organisations of this event, and SCC President Mr Gary Yeung is one the judge panel members. The Smart Energy Award is to recognize organisations with outstanding performance in energy saving, energy management and application of smart technology. Closing date for application is on May 31, please click here for more information.
Best Development and Conservation Award 2020

有興趣參加者歡迎致電香港測量師學會秘書處31592900,電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。
詳情參閱 https://www.hkisbdca.com/en/index.html
Hosted by The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors (HKIS) under the theme “Surveying Excellence in Development and Conservation”, the Best Development Conservation Award 2020 is a pioneering award that recognises exceptional achievements and excellence of construction projects related to both development and conservation. SCC is a supporting organisation of the activity.
For enquiries, please contact the HKIS BDCA 2020 Secretariat Office at 3159 2900 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Also, please visit https://www.hkisbdca.com/en/index.html for more information. Application will close on May 29, 2020
Asia Smart App Awards 2020

The 7th “Asia Smart App Awards” is organized by Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) with the funding support from Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) of the Government. The awards perceive the inventive and best-of-breed smart applications and provides a platform for app development professionals in Asia to learn and share the latest industry updates and expertise.
For more information, please visit: https://bestasiaapp.hk/; application deadline on June 10th.
SME ReachOut
生產力促進局於 4月23、24、27至29日舉辦「 SME ReachOut - 資助基金網絡互動推廣周 」。活動會以網絡研討會形式舉行,屆時將有遙距營商計劃 (D-Biz) ,及其他資助計劃內容,不論你想申請 EMF/ SFGS/ PSTS/ TVP/ PH-TC/ RP-TC 還是 PAG/ BUD/ ReTAAS 都歡迎參加,除網上解答申請疑難外,還有成功申請個案分享,歡迎報名!網上報名連結請按此。
With the aim to bolster local SMEs overcome the adversities triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, SME ReachOut operated the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) will launch the first-ever “Fund Fair GO Online” from 23 to 29 April through the “HKPC Live” online platform. These efforts will be essential to the enterprises in keeping abreast to the latest HKSAR Government funding scheme information and application details anytime, anywhere, and at no cost. Please click here for more information.
Reminder to Members
AGM on May 18
The upcoming Annual General Meeting will take place on May 18. The secretariat has informed Members of the meeting details by email. Please contact the Secretariat on 34804230 if you have not received the meeting notice.
Promote your products/services at Smart Vision

SCC的會刋《智城》是一本季刊,每期都有不同主題,派發對象包括政府部門、公營機構、學術機構,及與科創有關的組織,另外在多個與資訊科技、科創及智慧城市有關的大型展覽會及研討會都有派發。歡迎會員投稿,向未來用家介紹服務或產品,及分享對智慧城市發展的看法。如有投稿或查詢,請聯絡編採部,電話8108 8876或5117 8468。「智城」編採部對稿件有最終決定權。
Members are invited to introduce your smart city initiatives to your potential users at Smart Vision, which is a quarterly magazine published by Smart City Consortium. It has been circulated to Government departments, Science Park, Cyberport, Hong Kong Productivity Council and tertiary institutions since the first issue. We would like to invite Members to contribute articles about your smart city services or products and your views about smart city development in Hong Kong.
Metro Finance Radio Programme on Smart City

SCC與新城台合作的節目「創智傳城」逢星期六上午11至12時在新城資訊台及星期日晚上8至9時在新城財經播出。SCC會員如有智慧城市的題材可以分享,歡迎主動跟SCC秘書處聯絡This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。節目負責人對是否採納建議有最終決定權。
Smart City Consortium