Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,
    Dear Members and Friends,

    Thank you very much for your previous support! Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.
    SCC core members visited the HA Innovation Lab

    SCC核心成員11月24日參觀醫院管理局的Innovation Lab, 並跟醫管局資訊科技及醫療信息部主管張毅翔醫生及其IT團隊會面,就「智慧醫院」的發展交換意見。

    SCC core members visited the Innovation Lab of the Hospital Authority (HA) on November 24 and held a meeting with Dr NT Cheung, Head of HA’s Information Technology and Health Informatics, and his IT team, exchanging views on Smart Hospital development.

    SCC and PKI Forum signed MOU with Beijing authorities

    SCC 聯同香港公匙基建論壇 (PKI Forum) 11月 20日與北京軟件和信息服務業協會和中金金融認證中心有限公司簽署「推進京港非面對面電子合同合作備忘錄」和「京港金融創新互聯互通框架協議之推進京港LEI編碼合作延續協議」。希望能促進京港兩地LEI編碼互聯互通,加強金融科技合作,促進兩地居民、企業商貿對接便利化。香港軟件行業協會也和北京軟件和信息服務業協會簽署「京港兩地軟件行業協會合作備忘錄」。


    Mr Joseph Chan, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, and Mr Victor Lam, Government Chief Information Officer, witnessed the signing ceremonies of the MOUs signing to boost “Beijing / Hong Kong Non-face-to-face e-Contract Cooperation"and “Beijing / Hong Kong Software Industry Association Cooperation” on November 20.


    Tailor-made training for HK Housing Society on “Application of IoT and 5G in Property Management”

    SCC成立的智慧城市學院 (SCA) 於9月29日為香港房屋協會舉行「物聯網及5G應用」培訓講座,活動由SCA執行總監及SCC副會長秦仲宇先生統籌,主講嘉賓為SCC副會長兼物聯網委員會主席曾劍鋒博士、SCC房地產科技委員會主席胡達明先生,及中國移動香港有限公司解決方案部副主管郭冠鴻先生;近百香港房屋協會職員線上線下參加該培訓講座。

    The Smart City Academy (SCA) under Smart City Consortium conducted a training lecture for Hong Kong Housing Society titled " Application of IoT and 5G in Property Management for Better Customer Experience" on 29 September 2020. The course was coordinated by Mr. Daniel Chun, SCC Vice President and SCA Executive Director. Ir. Dr. KF Tsang, SCC Vice President and Chairman of IoT Committee; Mr. Damien Wu, Chairman of SCC PropTech Committee, and Mr. Gordon Guo, Deputy Head of Internet and Enterprise Solution from China Mobile HK, were invited to be the guest speakers. Almost 100 members of staff from Hong Kong Housing Society attended the training online and offline.


    Smart City initiatives revealed in Policy Address 2020

    智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 歡迎《2020 施政報告》多項利好智慧城市發展消息,包括年底公布《香港智慧城市藍圖2.0》,推出超過130項智慧城市措施、推出「智方便」平台、促進大灣區科技合作、協助有關行業發展和「走出去」、和積極推動「智慧出行」等。

    SCC 早在2017年12月政府推出第一份《香港智慧城市藍圖》之前,已就智慧城市建設收集各界意見並呈交政府。很高興政府採納多個範疇的建議,包括推出「智方便」。 SCC於今年4月與創科局薛永恒局長會面,就《香港智慧城市藍圖2.0》提交建議書,希望政府能採納建議。

    SCC hailed the government’s broader efforts in boosting HK's smart city development. The “Policy Address 2020” unveiled that the “Smart City Blueprint 2.0” would be released in December, setting out more than 130 initiatives including the new “iAM Smart” app, which would provide online services for 20 frequently used public services, such as tax return submissions or vehicle license renewal.

    SCC also supported the initiatives the Chief Executive set out in her 4th Policy Address particularly its wider push to integrate Hong Kong into the ambitious Greater Bay Area, offering tremendous employment and start-up business opportunities for the young people in Hong Kong. For more details of SCC’s response to the Policy Address 2020, please for SCC’s press release.


    Smart City Module of "OHKF Internship Program"

    團結香港基金推出「青年實戰工作計劃」,提供兩個月的在職訓練給52位學士畢業生。團結香港基金邀請智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 擔任是項計劃的合作夥伴、SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士擔任智慧城市單元 (Smart City Module) 的顧問。該單元活動於10月22-30日舉行。鄧淑明博士、楊文銳會長及副會長黃慧敏女士、曾劍鋒博士及秦仲宇先生,及多個委員會主席包括鄧兆星博士、陳家豪先生和張龍華先生,講述智慧城市現況及應用、香港智慧城市藍圖,認識內地智慧城市發展。

    Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) has kicked off an Internship Program starting in mid-October offering a two-month on-the-job training to around 52 Bachelor's degree graduates. SCC is a Program Partner and Dr. Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President was invited to be the Lead Advisor of the Smart City Module, which took place on October 22-30. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC President Gary Yeung, Vice Presidents Rosana Wong, Daniel Chun and Ir Dr KF Tsang, and Chairmen of sector-specific committees Dr Kenneth Tang, Emil Chan and Dennis Cheung shared with the youths on smart city concepts and applications.


    「新基建 : 啟動經濟増長新引擎」討論 @「大灣區論壇」
    GBA Conference – The Way Forward

    「大灣區論壇2020」11月18日舉行,冠蓋雲集,行政長官林鄭月娥女士及全國政協副主席梁振英先生發表主旨演講。SCC 創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士主持「新基建:啟動經濟増長新引擎」小組討論環節。多位專家學者在小組環節上就「新基建」將如何推動經濟發展,並創造一個可持續發展的未來,及可以如何幫助我們應付疫情帶來的挑戰進行討論。


    The Greater Bay Area Conference, organised by China Daily and Silk Road Economic Research Centre, with SCC as one of the supporting organisations, took place on November 18.

    Dr Winnie Tang, SCC's Founder and Honorary President, was the Panel Chair of "Technology Infrastructure: The New Engine of Economic Growth" Panel Discussion in the morning. The panelists exchanged views on how technology infrastructure (blockchain, data centers, smart computing, and smart transportation) is expected to drive a further economic growth and create a sustainable future.


    「2021 建造業議會數碼化大奬啟動禮」研討環節
    Panel Discussion @CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Launching Ceremony

    「2021 建造業議會數碼化大奬」啟動禮於11月10日舉行,SCC創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士為該大奬的籌備委員會成員,出席以實體和網上同步進行的啟動禮。鄧博士在研討會上更與業界翹楚探討如何進一步推動建造業數碼化,把香港打造成為世界級的智慧城市。

    CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Launching Ceremony was held on Nov 10 to accept applications officially. Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, participated in the event as an Organising Committee Member. The launching ceremony was conducted both live and online broadcast. In the panel discussion session, Dr Tang discussed thoroughly with industry experts in an interactive way on how the construction industry can be further digitalized in order to build Hong Kong a world class smart city.


    Lingnan University conferred Honorary Fellowship upon Dr Winnie Tang


    Lingnan University conferred Honorary Fellowships upon Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, and other three distinguished individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their professions and their valuable contributions to the society. Mr Alfred Sit, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Hon Elizabeth Quat, SCC's Founder and Honorary President, Mr Eric Yeung, SCC's Honorary President, and Mr Gary Yeung, SCC's President, were among the guests attending the Honorary Fellowship Presentation Ceremony on October 30.


    SCC heavily involved in Smart City, 5G and GBA seminars & trainings

    ●「5G跨平台生態發展創造新可持續性價值」@「5G時代 - 新挑戰vs 新機遇vs 新生態」網上研討會 (10月8日)
    ●「5G與未來生活」網上論壇 @設計「智」識周 (8月28日)
    ●「數碼年代應如何為智慧城市作準備」@工程師學會MIS周年會議 (10月28日)
    ●「發展智慧城市的重要性」@嶺南大學「城市與治理碩士課程」 (10月24日)
    ●「發展智慧城市的重要性」@YMCA研討會 (約700 員工出席) (10月15日)

    SCC President Gary Yeung spoke on smart city development, 5G and GBA in a number of webinars and trainings, including:
    ●"The Age of 5G Communication” webinar (October 8)
    ●“5G and the Future” forum @KODW 2020 (August 28)
    ●“How’s Your Smart City Readiness in a Digital Era?” @HKIE’s MIS Annual conference (October 28)
    ●“Why Smart City?” @Lingnan University’s Master of Cities and Governance Program (October 24)
    ●“Why Smart City?” @YMCA Seminar attended by around 700 YMCA Staff (October 15)


    「智慧城市、IoT、及大灣區」@工程技術學會2020 會議
    “Smart City and IoT deployment in GBA” @IET Wireless Symposium 2020

    IET Wireless Symposium 2020 於11月16日舉行,內容環繞智慧城市、物聯網及大灣區,SCC副會長兼物聯網委員會主席曾劍鋒博士工程師是籌委會主席,並主持多場論壇,SCC會長Gary應邀參與有關大灣區的小組討論。

    IET Wireless Symposium 2020 (IET WS 2020) was held on November 16.

    Ir Dr KF Tsang, SCC’s Vice President and Chairman of IoT Committee, was the Chairman of the IET Wireless Symposium 2020 (IET WS 2020) Organizing Committee and chair of many panel discussions. Organized by the Electronics and Communication Section (ECS) of IET HK with SCC as one of the supporting organisations, IET WS 2020 discussed the latest development on smart city and ABIoT development including AI, Blockchain, 3D printing, healthcare, logistics, transportation, smart metering, mobile communication infra-structure and IoT applications and challenges in HK and GBA. SCC President Gary Yeung was invited to share his views on GBA development.


    「智慧城市職業 - 人工智能、金融科技、雲端科技」網上研討會
    Exploring realms of future Smart City career with AI, FinTech & Cloud technologies

    SCC、智慧城市學院、香港專業教育學院工程學(IVE) 及香港工程師學會於9月30日舉辦「智慧城市職業 - 人工智能、金融科技、雲端科技」網上研討會。智慧城市聯盟金融科技委員會主席陳家豪先生分享了中國的數位貨幣架構。SCC人工智慧及雲端委員會主席楊智添先生則分享人工智能及雲端科技的見解。

    SCC, Smart City Academy, IVE Engineering and HKIE’s Manufacturing, Industrial & Systems Division organized a webinar on 30th September 2020. Chairman of SCC Fintech Committee Emil Chan, and Chairman of SCC AI & Cloud Committee Vandia Yang shared their insights on FinTech Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) for China and AI & Cloud technologies respectively.


    「提升長者生活質素」研討 @社會創新區域論壇
    “Smart Home: Improving quality living of elderly” @ Social Innovation Regional Forum

    凌嘉勤教授是SCC榮譽會員、理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院(JCDISI)總監,JCDISI現正舉辦為期兩個多月的「社會創新區域論壇」,主題是「以雙智慧應對雙老化」,活動包括主論壇、專題研討、網上展覽等。SCC副會長兼研究及藍圖小組主席秦仲宇先生10月9日在該論壇「智慧家居:提升長者生活質素」專題研討上講述「有什麼適合老年人放在家中的的智能家居科技 ?」

    Themed “Tackling Double Ageing by Double Smart”, the Social Innovation Regional Forum 2020 (SIRF 2020) is being organized by PolyU’s Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (JCDISI) until December 11. Professor KK Ling is SCC’s Honorary Member and JCDISI’s Director.

    Mr Daniel Chun, Vice President cum Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee of SCC, spoke on “What are the best smart living technologies to be placed at home for the elderly?” at a Thematic Session on “Smart Home: Improving quality living of elderly” on 9 October 2020.


    Fintech Seminars and Discussions


    Professor Emil Chan, Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee, participated in many FinTech promotional activities including seminars, talks and interviews over the past months, please see below,

    • “China’s Central Bank Digital Currency Blockchain-Based or Rival to Alipay” webinar (25 Sep 2020)
    • 香港01訪問:《金融科技如逆水行舟,不進則退》及《香港過去的成功反而成了未來發展和創新的絆腳石》 (27 Sep 2020)
    • “The Opportunities and challenges presented by implementing digital currencies” talk at HKBU (29 Sep 2020)
    • “The New Normal for Smart Citizens” sharing with Southern Leyte State University, Philippines (1 Oct 2020)
    • “CTG Leading Financial Solutions” webinar (orgainsed by China Telecom’s webinar on 15 Oct 2020)
    • 「科創中國-博士智庫創新科技大會」網上論壇 (16 Oct 2020)
    • FinTech class of MBA Program at HKUST (17 Oct 2020)
    • “The Future of Fintech” Webinar (20 Oct 2020)
    • 「人工智能與大數據如何解決數字經濟的新問題」 @網上研討會 (27 Oct 2020)
    • “FinTech in GBA: DCEP and FinTech Opportunity” @webinar (28 Oct 2020)
    • TVB《理財有道》:虛擬銀行存款攻略 (6 Nov 2020)


    Data Centre Development

    隨著電子產品愈見普及,加上雲端服務盛行,市場對數據中心需求越來越大,但本港撥作數據中心的土地一直不足,對人才也相當渴求,究竟這行業的發展潛力如何?SCC 數據中心委員會聯名主席關伯明博士在10月4日TVB財經節目分享他的看法。

    Dr Peter Kwan, Co-chairmen of SCC Data Hub Committee, shared his views about HK’s data centre development in an interview with TVB finance program on 4 October.


    "New Urban Mobility: Engineering Resilience for Cities of Tomorrow" webinar


    Ir Henry Cheung, SCC Council Member and President of the University of Toronto Engineering Alumni Association HK Chapter (UTEAAHK), spoke on how the latest innovative solutions can make the city a better place at the "New Urban Mobility: Engineering Resilience for Cities of Tomorrow" webinar on 24 September 2020. The event was organised by UTEAAHK, co-organised by HK Institute of Engineers and sponsored by KONE, with SCC and HKUST School of Engineering as supporting organisations.


    香港/緬甸建築科技交流會 @無國界工程師(香港)智慧城市系列
    Myanmar x Hong Kong Joint Technical webinar

    EWB-HK和緬甸工程師總會青年工程師委員會於10月10日合辦網上研討會,建造業議會、SCC及亞洲智能建築學會是支持機構之一。建造業議會建築信息模擬經理吳智偉先生詳細介紹香港建築信息模型(BIM) 的發展,緬甸代表Ms Win Mon Mon Lwin也介紹緬甸的情況。詳情請按此

    A Hong Kong/Myanmar webinar on BIM technology took place on October 10. The event was jointly launched by Engineers Without Borders Hong Kong (EWB Hong Kong) and Young Engineer Committee of Federation of Myanmar Engineers Societies (YEC of Fed. MES), with SCC, Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings as supporting organisations. Please click here for event details.


    Smart Vision #14 on Smart City Blueprint 2.0

    第14期《智城》經已出版,本期主要討論香港智慧城市發展的多項建議,零售價每本$65。少量《智城》將送到數碼港、香港科學園、啟迪科技園、生產力促進局,以及各大專院校校園供免費取閱(送完即止),大家亦可致電3480-4230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡秘書處訂購,或瀏覽詳閱電子版。

    The latest issue of "Smart Vision" publication is out now! The #14 Smart Vision issue focuses on views and suggestions on Hong Kong's smart city development. Retail price is at HK$65 per copy. Limited quantity of free copies will be available (first come first served) in Cyberport, Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, Tuspark, Hong Kong Productivity Council and tertiary institutions. Please contact our secretariat at 3480-4230 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to purchase a copy, or check out the e-version!


    Metro Radio Programme on Smart City

    SCC與新城電台合作的節目「創智傳城」逢星期六上午11至12時在新城知訊台及星期日晚上8至9時在新城財經台播出。SCC會長楊文銳是主持之一。節目會邀請嘉賓就不同智慧城市的議題作出討論。SCC會員如有特別的題材可以分享,歡迎主動跟SCC秘書處聯絡 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。節目負責人對是否採納建議有最終決定權。

    Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon on Metro Info (FM99.7), and Sunday at 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. on Metro Finance (FM104), the “Smart People Smart City” is joined by experts and professionals to introduce the latest smart city technologies and applications. Mr Gary Yeung, President of SCC, is one of the programme hosts.

    Should SCC Members have smart city topics to share with us, please contact our secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Upcoming Activities
    灣時代「 創智 」企業家 評選活動
    GBA Leaders Award


    香港數碼港、香港中華廠商聯合會、香港工業總會、香港生物科技協會為活動的支持機構,有關是次活動詳情及主辦單位的介紹請參考以下連結,查詢請電SCC李嘉琪小姐 (電話:3480 4230 / 電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);或深圳市走出去戰略合作聯盟曾卓婷小姐 86 13632602262 / 86 755 25028304。

    The “GBA Leader Award” activity is organised by SCC and Shenzhen Outbound Alliance, with Cyberport, the Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of HK, Federation of HK Industries and HK Biotechnology Organisation as supporting organisations.

    For enquiries, please contact Ms Katrina Lee or Mr Edwin Cheng on 3480 4230 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


    SCC Pavilion at China Smart City Expo, Beijing (3-5 Dec 2020)

    由國家發展和改革委員會指導,中國城市和小城鎮改革發展中心及智慧城市發展聯盟舉辦的「中國智慧城市博覽會」(智博會) 將於2020年12月3至5日在北京展覽館舉行,SCC 將在「智博會」上設置「香港智慧城市展館」(展位號:3號館C003),向內地官員及企業,展示26家香港公司與物聯網、金融科技、信息安全的企業產品或服務。


    如有查詢,歡迎致電3480 4230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與Ms Katrina Lee或 Mr Edwin Cheng 聯絡。

    SCC will set up a Smart City Pavilion (Booth no.: C003, Pavilion 3) at China Smart City Expo on 3-5 December 2020 in Beijing to reinforce Hong Kong’s position as a leading smart city in the region. The products or services of 26 Hong Kong companies in IoT, FinTech and Information Security sectors will be presented to mainland users.

    SCC’s Smart City Pavilion is sponsored by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund from the Trade and Industry Department, HKSAR Government. Cyberport, HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council are collaborating organisations.


    SCC展覽及講座 @網上創新科技嘉年華2020
    SCC Booth and CSDI Seminar @ Virtual InnoCarnival 2020


    SCC will participate in the Virtual InnoCarnival 2020 and stage a webinar to promote Common Spatial Data Infrastructure in the event, due to take place on December 23-31.


    Smart Infrastructure 2021 Conference


    The “Smart Infrastructure 2021” Conference, co organized by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Civil and Environment Engineering Department, HKUST Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association, HKUST GREAT Smart City Centre, SCC and the Civil Division of HK Institution of Engineers, will take place from 13-14 May 2021 at HKUST. The conference is an event to celebrate HKUST’s 30th Anniversary. More details will come soon.


    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium
    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:
    About Smart City Consortium

    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.