Wishing you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous Year of the Rat!

Interactive Map Dashboard jointly launched by Govt/SCC
to release Wuhan Pneumonia infection info
In view of the current novel coronavirus infection (Wuhan Pneumonia) pandemic the two Founders and Honorary Presidents of Smart City Consortium (SCC), Hon Elizabeth Quat and Dr Winnie Tang, and President Mr Gary Yeung have worked with the government to launch an Interactive Map Dashboard (hereafter called Dashboard) for effective dissemination and exchange of information related to the latest Wuhan Pneumonia infection.
The launch of the Dashboard is a Public-Private-Partnership led by the Development Bureau and Lands Department with support from SCC’s volunteer IT team.
The information available from Department of Health and Hospital Authority will be updated and presented on Dashboard using key indicators.
Please visit the Dashboard on https://chp-dashboard.geodata.gov.hk/nia/en.html
More info of the Wuhan Pneumonia infection in other countries are available on https://www.gislounge.com/this-map-is-tracking-the-wuhan-coronavirus-in-near-realtime/
"Professional Diploma in Smart City" Programme
智慧城市聯盟於2018年成立「智慧城市學院」(SCA),旨在提高公眾對智慧城市發展的認識,並進行有關教育普及。SCA 與職業訓練局(VTC)機構成員香港專業教育學院(IVE)去年簽署合作備忘錄合作開辦「智慧城市專業文憑」課程。歡迎報讀,查詢請電2435 9423。詳情請參閱附頁。
Established in 2018, Smart City Academy (SCA) is a subsidiary of the Smart City Consortium. The objective of SCA is to promote education and public awareness of smart cities development and technologies. SCA and Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), one of the VTC member institutions, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MoU”) last year and has jointly offered a “Professional Diploma in Smart City" Programme.
The Programme aims to provide students with the specific vocational and professional education & training on innovation and technologies, e.g. Big Data, Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for smart city development and improvement. The program is designed using an Outcome-Based Education approach.
Students can learn through real life cases related to transportation, living, environment, people, public services and economy. Sharing from smart city technology experts and related site visits will be arranged.
Please see attached leaflet or call 2435 9423 for more details of the Programme.

Smart City Consortium

About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |