- Redefining HK Seminar organised by SCMP (September 7)
- Big Data, Smart Data and Open Data in a Smart City” course together with GCIO Mr Victor Lam (September 11)
- Alibaba Cloud Day 2021 (November 24)
- Fashion Summit (HK) on “Green Finance – Resilient to Changes” (September 10)
- Next-GEN Webinar: Post COVID Team Management – Practical Tips and Ideas (October 7)
- Post COVID Financial Management Talk (November 4)
- TVB Finance Channel ) (November 8)
- 2021 Mobile Banking App Benchmark (November 19)

Thank you very much for your previous support! Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.
Review of Major Events
Northern Metropolis Development Strategy

「北部都會區發展策略」對香港未來發展有深遠影響,智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 將就創科和智慧城市的角度探討及提供意見。首項活動是邀請港深合作策略規劃顧問、規劃署前署長凌嘉勤先生於11月23日舉行研討會向SCC核心成員介紹該份發展策略。
The “Northern Metropolis Development Strategy” contemplates new action directions and approaches for the long-term development prospects of Hong Kong. Smart City Consortium (SCC) will study the government strategies and express opinions from technology & innovation and smart city development perspectives. On November 23, Mr KK Ling, Strategic Planning Advisor for Hong Kong/Shenzhen Cooperation, was invited to brief SCC core members of the strategies.
Trusted Platforms to facilitate e-Commerce and Cross-border Businesses

另外,政府資訊科技總監林偉喬、行政會議成員葉國謙議員、SCC 會長楊文銳等於12月7日見證京港就「推動香港地區法人數字化身份識別工作進程」的備忘錄簽署儀式,簽署方為香港郵政核證機關之營運商翹晉電子商務有限公司,與中金支付有限公司和中金金融認證中心有限公司。全球法人識別編碼(LEI) 是國際通用的高標準法人識別體系,可有效增強金融機構和企業的國際信任度和透明度。LEI近年在京港有關部門的支持和努力下穩步推進。
香港政府資訊科技總監辦公室(OGCIO) 和北京市經濟和信息化局並於12月7日舉行「京港洽談會2021數字經濟賦能產業發展專題活動」。活動由北京軟件和信息服務業協會和香港軟件行業協會承辦,SCC、互聯網專業協會,香港資訊科技聯會以及香港公匙基建論壇支持。
Digital identity is an important infrastructure for smart city development. In order to deliver secure and mutually trusted e-commerce platform for cross-border businesses, SCC and HK Public Key Infrastructure Forum jointly announced the development of a Corporate Identity Verification project on November 25.
In addition, Government Chief Information Officer Victor Lam, Executive Council Member Hon IP Kwok-him, and SCC President Gary Yeung witnessed a MoU signing ceremony on December 7 between Certizen Limited, which is the operator of Hongkong Post e-Cert services, and its counterparts from Beijing with an aim to jointly boost Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) adoption. LEI code has been widely accepted across the globe in many fields.
SCC’s Smart Living Pavilion @ Intl ICT Expo 2021 (October 27-30)

SCC staged a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “HKTDC International ICT Expo” on October 27-30 in the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. The project was funded by the General Support Programme (GSP) of the Innovation and Technology Fund. The SCC pavilion was visited by many senior government officials including Secretary for Innovation and Technology Alfred Sit, GCIO Victor Lam, Director of Architectural Services Winnie Ho, and many guests including those from the academia, heads of foreign chambers and consulates, and celebrities from the political and business sectors.
More than 10 sessions to introduce SCC’s proposed “Indexing Standard and Deployment Guidelines for IoT Property Technologies in Hong Kong”, also a GSP-funded project, to visitors at the SCC “Smart City Pavilion” venue.
SCC booth and webinar to promote SDI at InnoCarnival 2021

Organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), InnoCarnival 2021 took place from October 23 – 31 under the theme "Innovate for a Bright Future". Through exhibition, webinars and workshop, SCC introduced how latest GIS technologies and STEAM education could promote smart city development. The SCC Webinar on “Use of Spatial Data & GIS in Different Area of Application” was conducted by Dr Kenneth Tang and Dr Paulina Wong, respectively SCC Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Committee Chairman and Vice Chairman.
MoU Signing with HKABAEIMA to propel Better Management of Built Asset

發展局常任秘書長(規劃及地政) 甯漢豪及SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士11月23日見證了香港建設資產及環境信息管理聯盟(HKABAEIMA) 會長馮宜萱建築師和SCC會長楊文銳就共同推動香港的建設資產及環境信息及相關科技的管理的諒解備忘錄簽署儀式。
SCC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the HK Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) to collaborate in promoting better management of built asset and environment information and associated technologies in Hong Kong. The MoU was signed by HKABAEIMA’s President Ar Ada Fung and SCC’s President Gary Yeung, at the witness of Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands) Bernadette Linn and SCC’s Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang.
Recycling Fund: Smart Routing and Weighing System for Recycling of Solid Waste project

此外,香港特區政府駐東京辦事處12月2日舉行HK's Pathway to Carbon Neutrality by 2050 - Goals & Opportunities網上研討會。SCC綠色委員會副主席徐開源應邀向日本商界介紹SCC上述「回收基金:固體廢物智能回收車隊路線規劃及稱重系統」。研討會其他發言嘉賓包括環境局黃錦星局長。
SCC has developed a model for the solid waste collection and transport by making use of geo-informatics solutions. The "Recycling Fund: Smart Recycling Fleet Routing and Weighing System Scheme” project has recently been put on trial in a number of residential sites and SCC will open the system to other recyclers and property management companies on a cost-recovery basis. A Knowledge Sharing Forum took place on October 22.
At the invitation of HKSAR government, SCC Green Committee Vice Chairman Sr Paul Tsui shared the success of the pilot study of the "Recycling Fund: Smart Recycling Fleet Routing and Weighing System Scheme” at the “HK’s Pathway of Carbon Neutrality by 2050- Goals & Opportunities” webinar organised by HK Economic and Trade Office (Tokyo) on December 2. Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam Sing, Chairperson of BEAM Society Ivy Lee, Chairman of Environment Committee of HK Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Makishima Tatsuya also shared their insights on recycling, green environment and cooperation with different sectors in GBA at the webinar.
SCC Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition

Participated by over 70 teams from 21 secondary schools, the first SCC Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition took place from December 10-12 at Asia World Expo. Secretary for Innovation and Technology Alfred Sit was the Guest of Honour of the closing ceremony.
Formula Edge is the largest and most advance inter-school AI competition ever held in Hong Kong. The Organization Committee was led by SCC Vice President Clement Fung; with Supporting Organisations including Innovation and Technology Bureau, Vocational Training Council, HK Productivity Council, Cyberport, HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, HK Electronics Industry Association and Yan Chai Hospital Lan Chi Pat Memorial Secondary School.
GeoLab Professional Talks and Workshops

Established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC, the Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) organised many professional talks and workshops to raise public interest on the value and application of spatial data over the past months. The feature talk on "The Battle of Hong Kong 1941" held on December 4 received overwhelming response from students and the public.
The talk introduced how to use geographic information systems (GIS) to build a web map about the battle of Hong Kong and a database of British military installations in Hong Kong during the Second World War, with Dr Kwong Chi Man, Associate Professor of Department of History of HK Baptist University, and Joe Wong, Digital Experience Consultant, as guest lecturers.
“Hong Kong-Viet Nam Partnership” Webinar

SCC President Gary Yeung spoke at the “Revival under the ‘New Normalcy’: Hong Kong-Viet Nam Partnership” Webinar on September 20 as a panelist sharing Hong Kong’s experience in using I&T application in combating COVID-19 and how to capitalise opportunities in GBA. Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Edward Yau and other expert speakers also spoke at the webinar.
The Belt and Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable

Over the past several years, SCC President Gary Yeung attended the Belt and Road Global Forum Annual Roundtable together with members from other BnR countries and regions. Gary Yeung spoke on "Cross-border Technology Expansion" at the latest Forum on September 3.
SCC Core Members at various IT and Smart City events

Organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission together with the HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, HK's first ever City I&T Grand Challenge concluded its Finale at HK Science Park on October 16. The Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam was the Guest of Honour at the award presentation ceremony. SCC Founder and Honorary President Hon Elizabeth Quat was one of the judges. Vice President Daniel Chun was a judge of the semi-pitch. SCC President Gary Yeung was a member of organizing committee.

The Smart Living Partnership Awards 2021 was organised by ET Net and co-organised by Cyberport, with SCC as a Strategic Partner. SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang was the Head of Judge; Gary Yeung and Emil Chan were among the judges. On behalf of SCC, Vice President Daniel Chun presented awards to winners on December 2.

SCC President Gary Yeung moderated/spoke at following events:

全國工商聯房地產商會香港及國際分會(CRECCHKI) 於12月6日舉辦「2021智慧城市研討會」,SCC是支持機構之一。SCC副會長秦仲宇主持有關「教育」的討論環節。
SCC Vice President Daniel Chun was the esteemed chair of Panel Discussion–Education at the “CRECCHKI Symposium 2021-Smart City” organised by China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce HK and International Chapter (CRECCHKI) on December 6.
FinTech events

“Fintech 2021” award presentation ceremony took place on November 11. Secretary for Innovation and Technology Alfred Sit was the guest of honour. The event was organised by HK01, with Dr Winnie Tang and Gary Yeung among the judges.

Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan moderate/spoke at the following events:

「WRLDCTY世界論壇」是全球第一個及最大規模以都市創新為主題的缐上活動。2021論壇於10月26至28日 舉行,當中有關香港城市創新的討論環節,由SCC創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士主持,西九文化區管理局行政總裁馮程淑儀是小組成員之一。
WRLDCTY 2021 global forum, the world’s first and largest virtual cities festival, took place on October 26-28. SCC’s Founder & Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang moderated one of the panel discussions on “Urban Innovation in Hong Kong: Smart City and Beyond”. West Kowloon Cultural District Authority’s CEO Betty Fung was one of the panelists.

SCC Vice President Daniel Chun was a speaker at the “ART x TECH” presentation organised by Our Hong Kong Foundation at Cyberport on October 25.
"Smart People Smart City” radio program – Metro Radio

Mr YC Chan, Head of Spatial Data Office of the Development Bureau, explained the importance of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and introduced the GeoLab at the “Smart People Smart City” Programme. Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon on Metro Info (FM99.7), and Sunday at 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. on Metro Finance (FM104), the "Smart People Smart City" is joined by experts and professionals to introduce the latest smart city technologies and applications. SCC President Gary Yeung is one of the program hosts.
Other updates and upcoming activities
2022 Open Geographic Information System (GIS) Competition

位於觀塘創紀之城一期,面積約3000平方呎的「地理空間實驗室」,配備先進科技設施,供公眾免費使用;並會舉辦比賽、工作坊、講座等一連串活動。即將舉行的有「2022 地理信息系統(GIS) 應用公開賽」、「智慧出行的空間分析」專業講堂,和「建築信息模擬和地理信息系統整合及City Engine的簡介」專業講堂等。歡迎大家參加。詳情請參閱 https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/ 。
The Geospatial Lab is planning the “2022 Open Geographic Information System (GIS) Competition”, and a series of professional talks including those on "Spatial analysis for smart mobility" and "Introduction to BIM/GIS Integration and City Engine". More details will be available on https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/en/ 。
SCC Stop Motion Director Competition

SCC主辦的第一屆小小定格動畫創作比賽,現正接受報名!參加是次比賽可望提升小朋表達技巧及創意思維、訓練其決策能力及團隊協作能力、和加強學生對資訊科技的興趣。活動由SCC教育科技委員會領導,Prister Academy擔任執行機構。比賽分親子組(幼稚園中班至高班學生及其家長)、初小組及高小組;詳情及報名請參閱 https://bit.ly/3DW6HLi 。繳交作品截止日期為2022年3月11日。
The 1st Stop Motion Director Competition, organised by SCC with the Prister Academy as Implementation Organisation, is open for participation. Please visit https://bit.ly/3DW6HLi for details. Submission deadline is 11 March 2022.
“Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion” at Intl ICT Expo 2022
SCC將於2022年4月12至15日在「貿發局國際資訊科技博覽 2022」上設置「香港智慧城市館」,介紹香港公司與智慧生活有關的服務或產品。SCC獲創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助。查詢請電3480 4230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。
SCC will again stage a "Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion" at the HKTDC International ICT Expo on 12-15 April 2022, showcasing the “Smart Living” technologies of Hong Kong companies. The Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund. For enquiries, please call 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Best regards,
Smart City Consortium

About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |