Establishment of Geospatial Lab

實驗室為使用者提供工作空間及設備完善的培訓室和設施,包括已安裝地理信息系統軟件的高端電腦和提供雲託管等。實驗室將提供指導服務、講座、工作坊等活動。詳情請參閱實驗室的網頁 https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/ 。
The Development Bureau (DEVB) has recently announced the establishment of the Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) to promote the use of spatial data and encourage the public to make use of spatial data in developing mobile applications. The young generation and start-ups are among the primary targets of the GeoLab.
As selected through an open tender, the GeoLab is operated by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC). The Lab is located at Millennium City I in Kwun Tong.
The “Establishment of Geospatial Lab-cum-Webinar” took place on May 10, with the Welcome Address delivered by Ms Bernadette Linn, Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning and Lands). The guest speakers were (see above group photo from left) Mr Albert Su, Chief Executive of TWGHs and Project Director of GeoLab; Ms Winnie Shiu, then Head of the Spatial Data Office; Professor Anthony Yeh, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Hong Kong Academy of Sciences, and Chair Professor of Urban Planning and Geographic Information Systems of the University of Hong Kong; and Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President.
Equipped with advanced technology and training facilities, the GeoLab will provide coaching services and conduct various activities such as competitions, workshops and talks. More details are available on https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/en/ .
Trial on a Universal eHealth Pass to Restore Cross-Border Business

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, governments of various countries including Hong Kong have implemented entry-exit quarantine measures, and normal exchanges between regions have been cut off. For facilitation of international travel, some regions and organisations such as IATA and European Union have issued their own digital health passports containing the Covid-19 testing results and vaccination records. There is an immediate demand for a universal app which should be able to access the testing results and vaccination proof issued by other organisations.
SCC, Hong Kong Public Key Infrastructure Forum (HKPKIF) and Asia PKI Consortium (APKIC) plan to develop an “eHealthPass” app by using PKI and Digital Signing Technologies. Senior representatives of the three organisations held meetings on March 10 with Mr Alfred Sit, Secretary for Innovation and Technology Bureau (ITB), and Mr Victor Lam, Government Chief Information Officer (GCIO), to seek support from the government on the project.
Please refer to above link of latest issue of Smart Vision for more details about the concept and mechanism of the eHealth Pass app.
Smart Infrastructure Conference

由SCC、科大土木及環境工程學系、科大土木及環境工程系校友會、科大極智慧城市中心,及香港工程師學會共同舉辦的「2021智慧城市亞洲國際論壇會 ----- 智能基礎設施研討會」於5月13日至14日在香港科技大學舉行,多個政府部門首長、本港及外地公私營機構高層及學術界應邀出席發言。
The “Smart Infrastructure 2021” Conference, co-organised by SCC, HKUST Civil and Environment Engineering Department, The HKUST Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association, HKUST GREAT Smart Cities Institute and the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, took place from 13-14 May 2021 at HKUST. Heavyweight speakers included senior government officials, and industry leaders and academia from Hong Kong, mainland and overseas.
SCC’s core members including Dr Winnie Tang, Mr Gary Yeung, Mr Daniel Chun, Ms Rosana Wong and Mr John Wong were invited to moderate or speak at various sessions sharing their views on adoption of smart infrastructure technologies.
SCC’s 5th Annual General Meeting

The 5th Annual General Meeting of SCC took place on May 4. President Gary Yeung reported SCC’s activities for driving smart city development of Hong Kong over the past year and introduced upcoming initiatives. More than 40 Members including SCC Honorary Presidents, Council Members, Advisors as well as Steering Committee Member Mr Peter Yan attended the AGM.
The Meeting approved the set-up/rename/upgrade of some sector-specific Sub-committees; and Council Members endorsed the appointment of Ms Eva Chan, Mr Edward Chan and Mr Jimmy Tao as Chairmen of SCC Trust Over IP Committee, Social Innovation Committee and e-Health Committee respectively.
SCA/VTC “Professional Diploma in Smart City” kicked off in April

SCC 轄下智慧城市學院(SCA) 與職業訓練局轄下香港專業教育學院(IVE)合作開辦「智慧城市專業文憑」課程,旨在為學員提供創新科技的專業培訓,4月16日開課。當天晚上,職業訓練局副執行幹事廖世樂博士及SCC會長楊文銳先生致歡迎辭。學員每星期上課三小時,課程由SCA執行總監秦仲宇先生統籌,郭偉信工程師、蘇洪德先生、關伯明博士,及往後多位SCC專家擔任講師。
此外,SCA 與嶺南大學合作的智慧城市行政人員課程將於7月27日開課,歡迎報名,詳情請看本通訊「活動預告」部份。
Jointly offered by Smart City Academy (SCA) and IVE Engineering Discipline, the “Professional Diploma in Smart City” aims to provide students with the specific vocational and professional education and training on innovation and technologies for smart city development and improvement. VTC’s Deputy Executive Director Ir Dr Eric Liu and SCC President Gary Yeung delivered opening remarks in the first lesson on April 16.
Upcoming, SCA and Lingnan University have jointly developed a SmartCity Executive Training (SET) Program of which the first module on “SMART ECONOMY” will start on 27 July 2021. (Please see “Upcoming Activities” in the latter part of this e-newsletter for details).
KPMG Connected City Conference

畢馬威中國舉行網上「互聯城市會議」,SCC 是策略夥伴之一。SCC除在會上設置虛擬攤位外,會長楊文銳先生及副會長秦仲宇先生於5月27日在會議不同討論環節上分別擔任講者和主持。
SCC is one of the Strategic Partner of The Connected Cities Conference (virtual) organized by KPMG China. In addition to staging virtual booths at the Conference, President Gary Yeung spoke at “Digital City Panel – Hong Kong ‘s digital journey”, while Vice President Daniel Chun was the moderator at the “HK Connectivity – ASEAN Panel” on May 27.
SCC@ Austrian Technology Days (25-27 May 2021)

ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong與SCC、商界環保協會和建造業議會合作,於5月25至27日舉行網上「奧地利科技日」,與奧地利技術商會面討論有關智慧城市和城市科技的解決方案。SCC副會長曾劍鋒博士工程師主持有關供水及污水處理系統問題的討論。
SCC Vice President Dr KF Tsang was invited to be the moderator of the panel discussion on "Water and Waste Water Initiatives for Hongkong and Austrian expertise" in the event of AUSTRIAN TECHNOLOGY DAYS, which was organised by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong, in partnership with SCC, Business Environment Council and Construction Industry Council from May 25-27.
Professional Surveying Services in Smart City Conference

Dr Kenneth Tang, Chairman of SCC’s SDI Committee, was invited to speak at the “Smart Development” session of the “Evolving Professional Surveying Services in Smart City” Conference organized by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors on March 27. Mr Kingsley Wong, Assistant Government Chief Information Officer, Professor Anthony Yeh, Chair Professor of Urban Planning and Geographic Information Systems of the University of Hong Kong, and many other experts from the government and academia also spoke at the Conference.
Digital Currencies & FinTech Webinar@HKU SPACE

Mr Emil Chan, SCC Chairman of Fintech Committee, and Dr Au King-lun, Executive Director of Financial Services Development Council, were invited to speak on the impact of Digital Currencies and FinTech on reshaping the global economy at a webinar of the HKU SPACE Open Day 2021 on June 5.
Smart Vision #15

第15期《智城》經已出版,本期以「善用電子健康憑證互認機制 -- 重啓跨境商貿、復甦本地經濟、保護個人私穩」為主題,零售價每本$65。大家可致電3480-4230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡秘書處訂購,或瀏覽詳閱電子版。
The latest issue of "Smart Vision" publication is out now! The #15 Smart Vision issue focuses on “e-Health Pass” sharing mechanism. Retail price is at HK$65 per copy. Please contact our secretariat at 3480-4230 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to purchase a copy, or click the above link to check out the e-version!
Upcoming Activities
SCA/LingU SmartCity Executive Training (SET) Program

智慧城市學院(SCA) 現正與嶺南大學合作開辦智慧城市行政人員課程,旨在加強學員對智慧城市多個領域包括智慧生活、智慧環境、智慧經濟的科技的認識,提升相關的管理技巧及策略部署能力。第一個單元是「智慧經濟」,2021年7月27日開課。
歡迎報名,SCC會員可獲七折優待(推薦代碼: SCCLU2021)。截止報名日期為7月16日(星期五)。網上註冊或了解更多:https://www.ln.edu.hk/sgs/set/home ; 如有查詢,請電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 或致電2616 8274 與嶺南大學聯絡。
Smart City Academy and Lingnan University have jointly developed a SmartCity Executive Training (SET) Program with an aim to enrich students with multi-dimensional knowhow in smart city technologies, management/strategic skills, specific knowledge in smart living, smart environment, smart economy and social context areas.
Members of SCC can enjoy 30% discount on registration of this program (SCC Referral Code: SCCLU2021). The first module will be SMART ECONOMY with start date on 27 July 2021. Application deadline is on 16 July 2021. For application or more information, please visit https://www.ln.edu.hk/sgs/set/home . For enquiries: please reach Lingnan University (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 2616 8274)
Welcome Sponsorship for Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition

由SCC 主辦的「校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽」將於2021年12月10至12日在亞洲博覽館舉行。歡迎跟人工智能或資訊科技有關的公司贊助。
該比賽的目的是讓香港小學六年級或以上的學生,不用花費很多金錢,便能参與研製由人工智能操作可以比賽的小車。該活動由SCC 屬下的STEM 委員會領導,STEM Plus Limited 為活動的營運及統籌單位。預期活動可以使學生建立在編碼、機械人、和人工智能等方面的技能。
比賽詳情請參閱 http://www.formulaedge.org。如有查詢,請跟秘書處李小姐或鄭先生聯絡,電話3480 4230。
The first Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition, organized by SCC and operated by STEM Plus Limited, will take place at the Asia World Expo on 10-12 December 2021. Sponsorship from companies in AI or ICT businesses are welcome.
Led by SCC’s STEM committee with STEM Plus Limited as the event operator and coordinator, the Competition is aimed to motivate Primary 6 Students or above to learn the latest AI technology by constructing cars on a small scale using affordable parts and software. It is expected that the competition can help build up participants’ skills in coding, robotics and AI model building.
More details of the Competition are available on http://www.formulaedge.org. Please contact Ms Katrina Lee or Mr Edwin Cheng at SCC Secretariat on 34804230.
3 modules of Professional Geospatial Talks

1. 「地理信息系統在不同領域的應用」講堂 (6月24日下午4至5時半線上舉行)
2. 「地理信息系統簡介」講堂,包括示範及學員即場操作 (7月8日下午4至5時半於地理空間實驗室舉行)
3. 「運用空間數據作地理應用」專業講堂,包括示範及學員即場操作 (7月15日下午4至5時半於地理空間實驗室舉行)
詳情請參閱上圖海報或瀏覽 https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/upcoming-events/professional-geospatial-talks 。
Established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC, the Geospatial Lab will host three modules of Professional Geospatial Talks, namely:
1. "The Applications of GIS in Different Disciplines" online talk on June 24 at 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
2. "Introduction to GIS" talk with demonstrations and hands-on practice on July 8 at 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. at Geospatial Lab
3. "Applying Spatial Data for Geospatial Applications" talk with demonstrations and hands-on practice on July 15 at 4 p.m.-5:30 p.m. at Geospatial Lab
Please visit https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/en/upcoming-events/professional-geospatial-talks for more information.
Join HK Smart City Pavilion at China Smart City Expo in Beijing –

智慧城市聯盟 (SCC) 將於8月19至21日在北京展覽館舉行的「中國智慧城市博覽會」(智博會) 設置「香港智慧城市展館」(香港館),向內地官員及企業,介紹香港公司的服務或產品。香港館將展示約15家香港公司的產品或服務。歡迎與「智慧生活」有關的SCC 會員及本港企業參加,免收場租及參展費。
參展的香港公司可以在博覽會中展出產品或服務,或作資料介紹。SCC可代製作展示板,亦會印製場刊,介紹有關參展香港公司的業務,促進內地企業及官員更了解參展香港公司的服務。「香港智慧城市展館」由香港特別行政區政府創新及科技署創新及科技基金(ITF) 「一般支援計劃(GSP) 」撥款資助。
智博會詳情請按此;香港館詳情。有興趣的香港公司請於6月30日前登入 https://forms.gle/hjt5xZLybqmKpANT8 提交資料。查詢請電3480 4230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與Ms Katrina Lee或 Mr Edwin Cheng 聯絡。
Smart City Consortium (SCC) is to promote “Smart-City-as-a-Service” to mainland officials and enterprises by mounting a “Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion” at China Smart City Expo in Beijing, which will be held on 19-21 August 2021. SCC members and Hong Kong smart city companies in Smart Living sectors are welcome to join the Pavilion. Successful participants will enjoy free participation fee and rental.
Organised by China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) and Smart City Development Alliance (SCDA), the Expo will take place in Beijing Exhibition Centre. The products or services of 15 Hong Kong companies in Smart Living sectors will be presented to mainland users.
The Hong Kong Smart City Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme (GSP) of the Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) under Innovation and Technology Commission, HKSAR Government.
For more details about China Smart City Expo, please click here; about Hong Kong Pavilion. To join our pavilion, please visit https://forms.gle/hjt5xZLybqmKpANT8 and register before 30 June; for enquiries, please contact Ms Katrina Lee or Mr Edwin Cheng of SCC on 3480 4230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
HKSIA’s HK Pavilion at China International Software Expo

有意參加的企業請於2021年6月30日或以前,請瀏覽HKSIA香港館網頁了解更多或聯絡HKSIA秘書處 ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 3913 2000)。
To promote Hong Kong’s industry and seize new business opportunities for HK enterprises, Hong Kong Software Industry Association will mount a “Hong Kong Pavilion” at China International Software Expo in Hangzhou on August 26-28. The pavilion will invite 22 companies for participation. SCC Members are welcome to join. SCC is a supporting organisation of the Pavilion.
For participation or to know more, please click here or reach HKSIA Secretariat ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; 3913 2000) on or before June 30.
The Smart Energy Award 2021

中華電力有限公司舉辦的創新節能企業大獎, 旨在表揚企業及機構對節能滅碳的貢獻。SCC為支持機構之一, SCC綠色委員會主席鍾偉樑先生應邀擔任評審,得獎結果將於本年度第四季公佈。
To promote energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C), CLP Power Hong Kong Limited launched “The Smart Energy Award 2021”. SCC is one of the supporting organisations of this event, and Mr Andy Chung, Chairman of SCC Green Committee, has been invited as one the judges. The Smart Energy Award is to recognize organisations with outstanding performance in energy saving, energy management and application of smart technology. The awards will be announced in the last quarter in 2021.
Golden Age Expo and Summit (GAES) and Smart Ageing Award

第六屆「黃金時代展覽暨高峰會」將以網上和實體的混合模式舉行,主題為「想·創·智齡城市」!實體活動將於8 月27-29 日香港會議展覽中心1A展館舉行,而網上活動將於8 月16 日至9月15 日網上進行。黃金時代展覽暨高峰會由黃金時代基金會主辦,智慧城市聯盟 (SCC) 是支持機構。更多「想•創•智齡城市」的資料,請瀏覽: https://www.goldenage.foundation/zh-hant/gaes2021 。
如有查詢,請電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與黃金時代基金會秘書處聯絡。
This August, Golden Age Expo and Summit (GAES 2021), themed “Reimagining Smart Ageing City”, returns for the sixth edition! The 6th GAES will adopt a hybrid format that combines both virtual and physical exposure. The physical event will be held at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Hall 1A from 27-29 August while the online event will be held from 16 August to 15 September. GAES is organised by Golden Age Foundation, and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC). More information about GAES 2021: https://www.goldenage.foundation/en/gaes2021 .
For queries, please contact the Golden Age Foundation Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival
香港電腦通訊節將於8月20-23日假香港會議展覽中心 Hall 3 舉行。活動由香港電腦商會主辦,SCC是支持機構。展位訂購或了解更多,請按此或聯絡香港電腦商會 (電話:2785 8867)。
Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival will be organised on August 20-23 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hall 3. The Festival is organised by The Chamber of H.K. Computer Industry (CHKCI) and supported by SCC. Booth order or to know more, please click here or reach CHKCI at 2785 8867.
Metro Radio Programme on Smart City

SCC與新城電台合作的節目「創智傳城」逢星期六上午11至12時在新城知訊台及星期日晚上8至9時在新城財經台播出。SCC會長楊文銳是主持之一。節目會邀請嘉賓就不同智慧城市的議題作出討論。SCC會員如有特別的題材可以分享,歡迎主動跟SCC秘書處聯絡 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。節目負責人對是否採納建議有最終決定權。
Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon on Metro Info (FM99.7), and Sunday at 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. on Metro Finance (FM104), the “Smart People Smart City” is joined by experts and professionals to introduce the latest smart city technologies and applications. Mr Gary Yeung, President of SCC, is one of the programme hosts.
Should SCC Members have smart city topics to share with us, please contact our secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Smart City Consortium

About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |