- 「建築信息模擬和地理信息系統 (BIM / GIS)整合的應用」 (3月19日)
- 「空間分析及路徑分析的應用」 (3月26日)
- 「數碼地圖的應用」 (4月9日)
- 「用於發展智慧城市的人工智能和機器學習簡介」 (4月23日)
- 「STEM親子工作坊 – 製作網上互動地圖應用程式」 (4月9日)
- 「空間數據及地理信息系統簡介」 (4月20日)
- 「地理信息系統製圖及空間分析」 (4月23日)
- 「運用地理空間數據建立網上應用程序」 (4月30日)

This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. For previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events, please visit the following links respectively.
https://smartcity.org.hk/index.php/en/info/enews https://smartcity.org.hk/index.php/en/calendar-2022
Gary Yeung, MH, re-elected SCC President (2022-24) at AGM

楊文銳會長報告在2020-22任期的工作:雖然經歷疫情,但SCC仍再創高峰,去年其中一項發展,是夥拍東華三院成功獲得政府發展局「地理空間實驗室(Geolab)」的五年營運合約,東華三院擔任營運機構,日常運作由 SCC負責。
Smart City Consortium (SCC) held the 6th Annual General Meeting and the 25th Council Meeting on May 17. Mr Gary Yeung, MH, was re-elected President of SCC for 2022/24 term at the meeting. The Vice Presidents are Mr Daniel Chun, Ms Rosana Wong, Ir Dr K.F. Tsang, Ir Wilson Kwok and Mr Clement Fung of the new term. Mr Sam Fan is the Honorary Treasurer and Mr Stanley Lee is Honorary Secretary.
In his President Report for the 2020/22 term, Mr Gary Yeung was proud to say that despite the pandemic situation, SCC has grown to be one of the most influential IT and Smart City organisations in Hong Kong. One of the remarkable achievement last year was the successful bidding of the 5-year contract of the Geospatial Lab (Geolab) jointly with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs). The Geolab is established by the Development Bureau, HKSAR Government, and operated by TWGHs and SCC is responsible for the daily operation.
Mr Gary Yeung said he felt honored to be elected to be the President again. He pledged to lead the SCC team to enhance smart development in Hong Kong and continue to create business opportunities for members.
Geolab Professional Talks

三場學生工作坊 –
The Geospatial Lab held a number of online professional talks in March and April 2022, covering "Application of BIM/GIS Integration", "Application of Spatial Analysis and Network Analysis", "The Application of Digital Maps" and "Introduction to AI and Machine Learning for Smart City Development".
In April, there were also an online “STEM Workshop” for primary school students and their parents, and three “GIS x STEM workshops” targeting secondary school students.
The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) is established by the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC). SCC is responsible for the daily operation of the GeoLab.
“Smart City Forums” series jointly launched with HK01

SCC與 網媒香港01合作舉辦了一系列“「智」未來網上講座”,內容包括:智慧生活、智慧娛樂、智慧消費、智慧環境、和智慧出行。於3月23日及4月份連續四個星期三舉行,歡迎網上重溫。
日期/主題 Date/Subject | 主持Host | 嘉賓Guest | 重溫Link |
23/3/2022 智慧生活新機遇 Smart Living | SCC會長楊文銳 Gary Yeung, SCC President | 城市大學電機工程系副教授曾劍鋒博士 Ir Dr KF Tsang, Associate Professor in Electronic Engineering, City University of HK | 連結Link 1 |
6/4/2022 智慧娛樂新格局 Smart Entertainment | SCC榮譽會長楊全盛 Eric Yeung, SCC Honorary President | 中手游科技集團有限公司聯合創始人兼副董事長冼漢廸 Hendrick Sin, China Mobile Games and Entertainment Group Founder and the Vice Chairman | 連結Link 2 |
13/4/2022 智慧消費新藍海 e-Commerce | 楊文銳 Gary Yeung | 香港電商協會創會會長李基銓 Stanley Lee, Cross border E-Commerce Service Group Founder | 連結Link 3 |
20/4/2022 智慧環境新模式 Smart Environment | SCC副會長秦仲宇 Daniel Chun, Vice President | 信山實業有限公司董事詹嘉慧博士 Dr Cathy Jim, RHT Industries Director | 連結Link 4 |
27/4/2022 智慧出行新里程 Smart Mobility | SCC副會長黃慧敏 Rosana Wong, Vice President | 運輸署助理署長/技術服務羅慶新 Michael Law, Assistant Commissioner/Technical Services, Transport Department | 連結Link 5 |
Trusted Merchants Program to facilitate cross-border business

SCC President Gary Yeung introduced the SCC’s “Trusted Merchants Program” and its contribution in facilitating cross-border business activities at a webinar organised by HKOEF on 19 April 2022.
Hong Kong’s Connected Future

SCC Vice President Daniel Chun spoke at “Hong Kong’s Connected Future” webinar on 9 March 2022. Organised by KPMG China and the British Chamber, with SCC as a strategic partner, the webinar discussed the “Hong Kong’s Connected Future”, which is the 4th study on Hong Kong’s ongoing smart and sustainable city development produced by KPMG China in partnership with SCC and 12 other leading public and private sector industry players.
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

SCC Fintech Committee Chairman Emil Chan talked about Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) at a number of occasions including a RTHK radio program on February 26, “Connecting the Dots in Metaverse” webinar organised by HK Institute of Marketing (HKIM) on February 28. He also spoke to PolyU students about “CBDC in the Metaverse” on March 6.
"Smart People Smart City” program on Metaverse

Two HKUST professors were recently invited to share their views at the “Smart People Smart City” Programme of Metro Broadcast. Prof Lo Hong-kam, Chair Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, HKUST, talked about “Smart Campus”, while Prof Pan Hui, Director of the Center for Metaverse and Computational Creativity, HKUST, discussed Metaverse in another week. Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon on Metro Info (FM99.7), and Sunday at 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. on Metro Finance (FM104), the "Smart People Smart City" is joined by experts and professionals to introduce the latest smart city technologies and applications. SCC President Gary Yeung is one of the program hosts.
Upcoming Activities
Professional Geospatial Talk - " Introduction to Remote Sensing"

由政府發展局成立、東華三院/SCC營運的「地理空間實驗室」(Geospatial Lab) 5月28日上午10時將舉行「遙感探測簡介」地理空間資訊專業講堂,介紹遙感的基本概念,包括不同的遙感技術和平台,以及它們在解決環境和城市問題中的應用,並概述衛星、空中和地面遙感技術的最新發展,以及與地球大數據和雲計算相關發展、挑戰和機遇。是次活動線上線下同時進行。
「地理空間實驗室」位於觀塘創紀之城一期,配備先進科技設施,供公眾免費使用;並會舉辦比賽、工作坊、講座等一連串活動,協助同學和大眾掌握地理空間技術和知識。歡迎大家參加。詳情及報名請參閱 https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/events-tc/upcoming-event 。查詢請電3708 7260、WhatsApp 9187 2916 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。
The Geospatial Lab will organise a Professional Geospatial Talk - " Introduction to Remote Sensing" on May 28 at 10 am. This talk will introduce the fundamental concepts in remote sensing, including different remote sensing technologies and platforms, and their applications for resolving environmental and urban issues, together with an overview of the latest development in spaceborne, airborne, and ground-based remote sensing technologies, as well as the advances, challenges, and opportunities related to big Earth data and cloud computing. The Professional Geospatial Talk will be held hybrid mode (at Geospatial Lab and online).
Operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC), the GeoLab is equipped with advanced technology and training facilities. Various activities such as competitions, workshops and talks are being organised with an aim to raise public interest and explore together with the wider community the value and application of spatial data. More details are available on https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/en/events/upcoming-event . For any enquiries, please contact Geospatial Lab via 3708 7260, WhatsApp 9187 2916 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Open GIS Competition submission deadline extended to mid-June

「地理空間實驗室」(Geospatial Lab)正舉辦GIS應用公開賽,設有高小、初中、高中及公開組共4個組別,提交作品期限延期至6月13日,匯報日順延至7月30日,高小的分組安排亦有調整,有興趣探索使用並開發空間數據GIS應用程式公眾及同學們,現在有充裕時間準備了。詳情請看網頁( https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/news-notice-220315 )、電3708 7260、WhatsApp 9187 2916 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡地理空間實驗室。
The "2022 Open GIS Competition", with an aim to encourage everyone to explore the use of spatial data and develop GIS applications, is open for applications. Organised by the Geospatial Lab (GeoLab), the competition covers 4 different categories, including Senior Primary School Category, Junior Secondary Category, Senior Secondary Category and Open Category. GeoLab is established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC. For more details, please visit https://csdigeolab.gov.hk/tc/news-notice-220315 . For any enquiries, please contact Geospatial Lab via 3708 7260, WhatsApp 9187 2916 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
“Stop Motion Director Competition” submission deadline extended
to mid-June

SCC「小小定格動畫創作比賽」旨在提升小朋表達技巧及創意思維、訓練其決策能力及團隊協作能力、和加強學生對資訊科技的興趣。由SCC教育科技委員會領導,Prister Academy擔任執行機構。報名連結: https://forms.gle/qj2y4vMgJ5k2BVBc7
Led by SCC EdTech Committee with the Prister Academy as Implementation Organisation, the SCC Stop Motion Director Competition encourages the participation from kindergarten and primary students. Application deadline is extended to June 17 and presentation ceremony will take place on August 13. Please visit the link for details.
DFA設計獎 2022

DFA Design for Asia Award 2022 亞洲最具影響力設計獎
- SCC Members enjoy 30% discount in regular entry fee
活動由香港設計中心舉辦,SCC為支持機構之一。 SCC會員報名參賽可獲折扣優惠,有關優惠詳情請直接聯絡SCC秘書處 (電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 或電話3480 4230)。查詢 http://dfaa.dfaawards.com 或電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;電話:3793 8455 / 3793 8450)。
Organised by Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) and supported by SCC, this award seeks to celebrating design excellence and acknowledging outstanding designs with Asian perspectives. The award is now open for global submission. Submission deadline is 30 June 2022. For more details please visit http://dfaa.dfaawards.com or reach HKDC (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; tel: 3793 8455 / 3793 8450).
SCC valid Members will enjoy a privilege of 30% off (Regular fee: HK$2000/entry) in entry fee by June 30, please call SCC on 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for the promotional code.
DFA Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award 2022香港青年設計才俊獎 This award seeks to enlighten Hong Kong young designers’ creative thinking with a global perspective and to enrich their worldwide industry experience. Application deadline is 28 June 2022. Visit https://ydta.dfaawards.com/en/online_application/ or reach HKDC (Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; Tel: 3793 8446 / 3793 8458).
香港貿易發展局 IP Patch 活動

Organised by HKTDC, and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC), IPHatch is an open-innovation challenge inviting start-ups and SMEs to bring business concepts to fruition. Application deadline is June 30. Application or more details, please visit www.iphatchday.com/hong-kong .

報名截止日期為6月30日,詳情請瀏覽 https://www.hkrtia.org/retail-innovation-award-2022/ 。查詢請聯絡香港零售科技商會秘書處 (電話:3586 9285;電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。
Organised by Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association (HKRITA), “The Hong Kong Retail Innovation Award 2022” promotes awareness and adoption of the latest technologies across retailing industry, and connects stakeholders for cross-sector collaboration. Smart City Consortium (SCC) is a supporting organisation of the Award. Application deadline is June 30, more details please visit https://www.hkrtia.org/retail-innovation-award-2022/ . For enquiries, please reach HKRITA (Tel: 3586 9285; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
Stem Education Project for the Youth

為讓中小學生動動腦筋,思考STEM知識,挑戰自我,為期6天的【科創‧起‧承】知識競賽將於6月17日-22日舉行。【科創‧起‧承】青年科技創新教育計劃由香港教育工作者聯會主辦,香港科技創新教育聯盟、香港青年大專學生協會、嶺南大學STEAM教育及研究中心、香港資訊科技聯會、工程及科技學會香港分會合辦,SCC是支持機構。報名請瀏覽連結。查詢請聯絡青年科技創新教育計劃秘書處何先生 (電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;電話:3707 1143) 。
The “Stem Education Project for the Youth” is organised by HK Federation of Education Workers with SCC as one of the supporting organization. Registration please visit link. For details please contact Mr Ho by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone on 3707 1143.
香港資訊及通訊科技獎2022 現正接受報名

香港資訊及通訊科技獎由政府資訊科技總監辦公室策動,目的是為香港建立一個廣受香港社會愛戴、並獲國際認同的資訊及通訊科技專業獎項。獎項有多個類別,由香港業界組織及專業團體主辦, SCC是商業方案獎、智慧出行獎、及資訊科技初創企業獎的支持機構,該等獎項報名詳情及查詢請看下文。
“Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022: Smart Business Award” 商業方案獎 Organised by Hong Kong Computer Society (HKCS) and supported by SCC, this award streams include “Solution for Business and Public Sector Enterprise”, “Solution for SME”, and “Emerging Technologies”. Visit https://hkcs.org.hk/ictawards/ or contact Hong Kong Computer Society Ms Connie Chan (email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; tel: 2834 4205).
Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022: ICT Startup Award 資訊科技初創企業獎 Organised by Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) and supported by SCC, this award aims at discovering and recognising the outstanding local ICT startup companies which focus on software, hardware and social innovation areas. Visit https://www.ictstartup.org/ or contact the WTIA Secretariat Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 2989 9164.

由Advantage Austria及AI Austria主辦的Applied AI Conference將於5月24-25日在維也納舉行,活動亦以網上形式同進行。報名請瀏覽 https://aaic2022.b2match.io/ 。查詢請聯絡Advantage Austria (電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。
Organised by Advantage Austria and AI Austria, and supported by SCC, the Applied AI Conference will be held on May 24-25 in hybrid mode (online and in Vienna). The 2-day program includes keynotes of international experts, panel discussion and in-depth workshops. Participants can request and schedule video call meetings with each other.
Registration or more details, please visit https://aaic2022.b2match.io/ . Enquiries please reach Advantage Austria by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
postponed to August

黃金時代基金會每年均會在香港會議展覽中心舉辦年度大型活動黃金時代展覽暨高峰會,今年展覽暨高峰會將於 8 月 5 至 7 日舉行,SCC是支持機構。詳情將於黃金時代基金會網頁介紹 ( https://www.goldenage.foundation/ )。
Organised by the Golden Age Foundation with SCC as a supporting organization, the 7th Golden Age Expo & Summit will take place on August 5 - 7, 2022 (Friday to Sunday) at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme this year is “Smart Ageing: Innovation, Sustainability & Inclusion”. With the rapid growth of the middle-aged population, all living and consumer needs, product design and service models are bound to change. Civil, business, government, academic and research sectors must embrace innovative thinking and actions. When responding to the huge market demands and making good use of the human resources of the golden generation, they must adopt sustainable and inclusive strategies to implement ESG development.
For more details, please visit https://www.goldenage.foundation/ .
Best regards,
Smart City Consortium

Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.