Dear SCC Members and Friends,
Thank you very much for your previous support! Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.
This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. For previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events, please visit the following links respectively.
重點活動回顧 Review of Major Events
SCC「智慧生活展館」@國際資訊科技博覽2022 SCC’s Smart Living Pavilion @ Intl ICT Expo 2022 (October 13-16)
SCC staged a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “HKTDC International ICT Expo 2022” on October 13-16 in the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. The SCC pavilion was visited by many senior government officials including Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry (ITIB) Professor Dong Sun, Secretary for Development Bernadette Linn, Permanent Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Eddie Mak, Government Chief Information Officer Victor Lam, and LegCo Members including Chairman and Members of the “Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City”, and also visitors from I&T sectors, professional institutes, academia, and foreign consulates and trade commissioner offices. The project was funded by the General Support Programme (GSP) of the Innovation and Technology Fund.
SCC向政府提交「智慧城市藍圖3.0」建議文件 SCC submitted “Smart City Blueprint 3.0 Advisory Paper” to the Government
圖為(右起) 貿易發展局業務發展副總監吳文慧、香港總商會智慧城市工作小組召集人李世賢、理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監凌嘉勤教授、副政府資訊科技總監黃志光、葛珮帆議員、SCC會長楊文銳、秦仲宇、SCC執行總監梁文英。
Smart City Consortium (SCC), jointly with the HK General Chamber of Commerce and PolyU’s Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, launched a public consultation on Smart City development in mid-2022. Following suggestions and inputs from industry stakeholders and members of the public, a “Smart City Blueprint 3.0 Advisory Paper” was compiled and then submitted to the Deputy Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong on 14 October 2022. The public consultation and advisory paper production work was led by SCC Vice President and Chairman of Research and Blueprint Committee Daniel Chun. Please click here for full version of the advisory paper.
SCC「智慧生活研討會」 SCC Smart Living Seminar
The SCC’s Smart Living seminar took place on October 14 in conjunction with the ICT Expo 2022. Following opening remarks by SCC’s Founder and Honorary President Hon Elizabeth Quat, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong briefed the audience of the Latest Development of Smart City in HK, while Director of PolyU’s Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation Professor KK Ling, and SCC’s Vice President and Chairman of Research and Blueprint Committee Daniel Chun presented SCC’s views on “Smart City Development in HK - The Way Forward”. SCC President Gary Yeung highlighted the significance of building a “HK-Macao-GBA Smart City Cluster”.
局長們參觀地理空間實驗室 GeoLab Visits by Bureau Heads

Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry (ITIB) Professor Dong Sun, Permanent Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Eddie Mak, Government Chief Information Officer Victor Lam and senior officials of the Bureau visited Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) on 14 September 2022 (please click here to see more details posted by the Bureau on social media).
位於觀塘的地理空間實驗室,於2021年7月由發展局成立,東華三院和智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 分別為營運機構和支援組織。實驗室以「地理空間」為主題,配備先進科技及培訓設施,從教育、體驗和實踐提升普羅大眾對空間數據的興趣,共同探索空間數據的價值和應用。
地理空間實驗室是發展空間數據共享平台的重點項目之一,透過其設施和服務推動空間數據的實際應用,推動智慧城市發展。實驗室成立一年多以來,雖然受疫情影響,已舉辦過百場講座、工作坊、比賽等活動,協助大眾掌握地理空間技術和知識。除定期舉辦不同的線上和線下活動外,地理空間實驗室亦為初創企業會員提供諮詢、會議室借用及連續兩星期的電腦設備預約等專屬服務。詳情請參閱地理空間實驗室網頁: 。
Secretary for Development Bernadette Linn visited Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) on 20 September 2022 (please click here to see more details posted by the Bureau on social media). The GeLab is established by the Development Bureau of the HKSAR Government, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC and equipped with advanced technology and training facilities. Various activities such as competitions, workshops and talks are being organised with an aim to raise public interest and explore together with the wider community the value and application of spatial data. More details are available on .
GeoLab Professional Talks and Workshops 地理空間數據實驗室專業講座及工作坊

「地理空間實驗室」於9月3日、及24日舉辦以「環境與健康」為主題的講座和工作坊;10月22及30日分別舉行「以地理信息系統 (GIS) 探索空間數據」專業工作坊及「製作網上互動地圖應用程式」STEM親子工作坊;10月8日、11月5日及26日舉辦以「城市規劃與發展」為主題的講座和工作坊,協助同學和大眾掌握有關地理空間技術和知識。
The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) organised many professional talks and workshops to raise public interest on the value and application of spatial data over the past months. The thematic talks on “Environment and Health” were held on September 3 and 24; while "Urban Planning and Development" talks and workshop took place on October 8, November 5 and 26.
「數據分析入門」網上講堂訓練 Data Analytics Trainings
Three “Data Analytics” webinars took place on September 16 and 28, and November 18. They were organised by SCC, funded by Innovation and Technology Commission General Support Programme, sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK and supported by HK General Chamber of Small and Medium Business. The webinars elaborated on how to make good use of data to enhance operation strategies, and how SMEs with limited resources should wisely invest in data and analytics.
創新科技嘉年華SCC展位 SCC booth to promote SDI at InnoCarnival 2022
Organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC), InnoCarnival 2022 took place from October 22 – 30. SCC set up a booth to introduce SCC service and explain how latest GIS technologies could enhance smart city development.
智慧城市管理 Smart City Management
由大灣區國際信息科技協會主辦的「智慧城市大講堂第三集: 智慧城市管理」於10月26日舉行,由該協會會長楊德斌主持。SCC 是支持機構之一。SCC會長楊文銳分享「智慧城市3.0」,其他發言嘉賓包括市區重建局行政總監韋志成、和創新科技及工業局副局長張曼莉。
SCC President Gary Yeung shared on “Smart City 3.0” at a Smart City Forum Roundtable discussion organised by the Greater Bay Area International Information Technology Industry Association on 26 October 2022. The Roundtable was moderated by the Association’s President Ir Allen Yeung. Mr Wai Chi Sing, Managing Director of Urban Renewal Authority, and Ms Lillian Cheong, Under Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry also spoke at the Roundtable.
社會創新 Social Innovation
SCC社會創新委員會主席陳志榮博士工程師2022年9月17日應邀在「智慧城市 -『我為人人』新挑戰」研討會上,作主題演講,講述智慧城市發展中的社會創新。該活動由社企民間高峰會主辦、民政及青年事務局贊助,SCC是支持單位。
Ir Dr Edward Chan, Chairman of SCC Social Innovation Committee, delivered keynote speech on “Social Innovation in Smart City at SE Lab@Central and Western District 2022 on 17 September 2022. Organised by Social Enterprise Summit and sponsored by Home and Youth Affairs Bureau with SCC as a supporting organisation, the event was themed “Bounce Forward Together: Smart City for ALL - Inclusive Challenges”.
At Cyberport Venture Capital Forum (CVCF), Ir Dr Edward Chan was the moderator at “Engineer an Innovative Retirement Life: GeronTech & HealthTech” panel discussion on the Smart Living Day on 28 October 2022.
01金融科技卓領大獎2022 01 Fintech 2022
The 2nd FinTech Seminar and “01 FinTech Award 2022” presentation ceremony took place on 18 November 2022. Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Professor Dong Sun was the Guest of Honour. The activities were organized by HK01 and ICON, with SCC as Supporting Organisation. SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang was a Judge of the Award.
其他金融科技活動 Other FinTech Activities
SCC金融科技委員會主席陳家豪先生於以下活動就金融科技的發展發表意見: SCC Fintech Committee Chairman Emil Chan shared his views on FinTech development at the following:
- RTHK phone-in program (自由風自由Phone節目) on Singapore FinTech Festival and HK FinTech Week (14 September 2022)
- Webinar on NFT and Metaverse (認識NFT 暢遊元宇宙) organised by HK Housing Society and Golden Age Foundation (27 September 2022)
- Talk on Investment Strategies (數字化趨勢下的投資策略講座) held coincided with HK FinTech Week 2022 (3 November 2022)
- Ming Pao supplement on “Awards for Excellence in Finance” (明報卓越財經大獎特刊)
新城電台《創智傳城》節目 "Smart People Smart City” radio program – Metro Radio
Dr Denis Yip, Chief Executive Officer of HK Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), and many experts from I&T sectors were interviewees at the “Smart People Smart City” Programme. Every Saturday at 11:00 a.m.-12:00 noon on Metro Info (FM99.7), and Sunday at 8:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. on Metro Finance (FM104), the "Smart People Smart City" is joined by experts and professionals to introduce the latest smart city technologies and applications. SCC President Gary Yeung is one of the two program hosts.
未來活動,歡迎參與 Other updates and upcoming activities
歡迎參觀OGCIO智慧城市巡迴展覽 Welcome to visit Smart City roving exhibition organised by OGCIO
政府資訊科技總監辦公室(OGCIO) 現正舉行「智慧城市巡迴展覽」歡迎參觀;詳情請看上圖海報,查詢請電25946601 聯絡OGCIO Mr Glen Ho。
The Smart City roving exhibition organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) is being taken place until 11 December 2022. Initiatives related to smart environment, smart village and smart ageing would be shown. The exhibits include the Urban Renewal Information System, smart toilet, smart recycling bin, a telehealth booth, and a number of gerontechnology showcases. Demonstrations will be provided for some of the exhibits and a rehabilitation system for interactive exercising will also be available for trial by the public to experience how gerontechnology could help in smart ageing. Please refer to the above leaflet for more details. Should you need more information, please feel free to contact Mr Glen Ho of OGCIO at 2594 6601.
奧地利 - 香港科技日 Austria - Hong Kong Technology Days 2022
為促進香港與奧地利雙方智慧城市有關項目的合作與交流,奧地利商務專員公署及奧地利科技公司將於 12 月 6 日至 7 日舉行「奧地利 - 香港科技日」,針對「智能出行」及「綠色建築」等議題邀請香港與奧地利專家進行小組討論。此外,與會者可以安排與奧地利業務代表進行1對1會議。敬請踴躍報名參加,共拓合作商機。SCC是是次活動的支持機構。
ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong 是 SCC 的MoU夥伴。報名或更多詳情請按此。查詢請致電2522 2388聯絡 Ms Yvonne Choi 或 Ms Celestina Pang 或者電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。
Organised by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong and supported by SCC, Austria - Hong Kong Technology Days 2022 is held on December 6-7. Join the 2-day online event series and participate/watch panel discussions about Austrian solutions for two key topics for Hong Kong’s urban challenges. In addition, participants can schedule and hold 1:1 meetings with the Austrian business representatives directly.
ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong is SCC’s MoU Partner. Please click here for registration or more details. Enquiries please reach ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Hong Kong Ms Yvonne Choi or Ms Celestina Pang at 2522 2388 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
創科博覽2022 InnoTech Expo 2022
SCC金融科技委員會主席陳家豪將於12月16日下午的創科講座上,就「數碼貨幣 智慧生活」發言,講述該科創領域的現況及發展前景。詳情及登記請見按此。查詢請致電26033681或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡團結香港基金。
InnoTech Expo 2022 is held on December 12-22 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event is organsied by Our Hong Kong Foundation and SCC is a collaboration organisation.
SCC FinTech Committee Chairman Emil Chan has been invited to talk about "Digital Currencies and Smart Living" at a Forum on Dec 16 afternoon. Details and registration please click here. Enquiries please contact Our Hong Kong Foundation by 2603 3681 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
「國際資訊科技博覽 2023」最新安排 Intl ICT Expo 2023 Updates
「SCC將於「國際資訊科技博覽2023」上設置「SCC智慧生活展館」,介紹香港公司與智慧生活有關的服務或產品。SCC展館獲創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助。截止申請日期為2022年12月20日,有意申請參展公司請於提交資料。查詢請電34804230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。
The schedule for the HKTDC International ICT Expo 2023 has been slightly adjusted to 12-15 April 2023. The Expo will be held alongside the HK Electronic Fair and HK International Lighting Fair at HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. The organizer, HKTDC, hopes running these events concurrently will provide synergy for exhibitors and buyers, offering a convenient one-stop marketing and sourcing platform.
SCC will again stage a "SCC Smart Living Pavilion" at the HKTDC International ICT Expo 2023, showcasing the “Smart Living” technologies of Hong Kong companies. The SCC Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund. Application deadline is 20 December 2022, companies interested in participation please submit application in . For enquiries, please call 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
12月份地理空間實驗室活動 GeoLab activities in December
- 「以空間數據創建賽車遊戲的虛擬世界」專題講座 -
12月3日 11:00至12:00 在觀塘道388號創紀之城1期1座9樓915-918室「地理空間實驗室」舉行,也可線上參加;
- 「3D打印 - 使用LiDAR數據創建3D城市模型」會員限定活動 –
12月17日 10:00至12:00在「地理空間實驗室」舉行。
詳情及報名請參閱 。活動名額有限,先到先得。費用全免。如有任何查詢,歡迎致電3708 7260、WhatsApp 9187 2916 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡地理空間實驗室。
The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab), established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC will roll out below public activities in December.
- Feature Talk - " Using Spatial Data for Car-racing Games ", which will be held on December 3 at 11:00 – 12:00, welcome to come to GeoLab in Units 915-918, 9/F, Tower 1, Millennium City 1, or join online;
- Member activity - "3D Printing - Using LiDAR Data to Create 3D City Models", take place at GeoLab on December 17
Please visit for more details and registration. The quota for each activity is limited. Enrollment is free of charge; on a first-come-first-served basis. Welcome to join events The Geospatial Lab. For any enquiries, please contact Geospatial Lab via 3708 7260, WhatsApp 9187 2916 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
SCC第二屆校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽 SCC 2nd Inter-school AI Formula Edge
由SCC 及STEM Plus Ltd 共同主辦的「第二屆校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽」將於12月16至18日在宣道國際學校舉行。12月18日舉行決賽及頒獎禮。
該比賽由SCC STEM Committee領導籌組工作,STEM Plus Ltd執行,創新科技及工業局、科學園、數碼港、生產力促進局、職業訓練局、教育城及香港電子業商會為支持機構。
Organised by SCC and STEM Plus Ltd, the 2nd Inter-school AI Formula Edge Competition will take place from December 16-18 at Christian Alliance International School. The final round of competition and award presentation ceremony will take place on December 18.
Formula Edge is the largest and most advance inter-school AI competition ever held in Hong Kong. Supporting Organisations include the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau (ITIB), Science Park, Cyberport, HK Productivity Council, Vocational Training Council, Education City and HK Electronic Industries Association. The event is led by SCC STEM Committee, with STEM Plus Ltd being the implementation agent.
SCC全港小小定格動畫創作比賽 The 2nd Next Generation Animator Awards
SCC主辦的第二屆全港小小定格動畫創作比賽,現正接受報名!參加是次比賽可望提升小朋表達技巧及創意思維、訓練其決策能力及團隊協作能力、和加強學生對資訊科技的興趣。活動由SCC教育科技委員會領導,Prister Academy擔任執行機構。比賽分親子組(幼稚園中班至高班學生及其家長)、初小組及高小組;詳情及報名請見此連結。
The 2nd Next Generation Animator Awards, led by SCC EdTech Committee, with the Prister Academy as Implementation Organisation, is open for participation. Please click here for details or registration.
2022金融科技大獎 FinTech Awards 2022

由經濟通(ET Net)主辦及SCC為策略夥伴的2022金融科技大獎,主題為「Stepping into the Metaverse」,現已接受報名。
報名截止日期為11月30日,報名或詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請致電2880 2978或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡ET Net。
Organised by ET Net, FinTech Awards 2022, themed “Stepping into the Metaverse”, is aimed to commending best FinTech practices and recognizing outstanding FinTech professionals from Hong Kong-based companies. SCC is a Strategic Partner.
FinTech Awards 2022 is calling for entries. Application deadline is November 30. For application, please visit . Enquiries please reach ET Net (Tel: 2880 2978 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
2023「明報卓越財經大獎」 Mingpao “Awards for Excellence in Finance” in 2023

2023「明報卓越財經大獎」現正進行,評審及投票將於2023年1月開始,SCC副會長秦仲宇先生是專業評審團之一。「明報卓越財經大獎」由《明報》主辦,SCC是支持機構。更多詳情請按此 。查詢請致電 2515 5417 與明報聯絡。
“Awards for Excellence in Finance” in 2022 has been kicked off. SCC Vice President Daniel Chun is one of the professional judges. The Awards is organized by Mingpao and supported by SCC. Please click here for more details. Enquiries please reach Mingpao at 2515 5417.
設計營商周2022 (BODW) 2022 「設計求變」 Business of Design Week (BODW) 2022
SCC會員可享有6折門票優惠。如欲索取優惠代碼,請電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。報名或更多資料,請瀏覽 。查詢請致電2522 8688與HKDC聯絡。
Business of Design Week (BODW) 2022, themed as “DESIGN FOR CHANGE”, will be held in M+ Museum from November 30 to December 3. BODW is organised by Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC).
SCC Members can enjoy a 40% off on BODW 2022 Summit Pass, please reach SCC Secretariat ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for the discount purchase. Registration or more details, please visit . Enquiries please reach HKDC at 2522 8688.
HKPC物流科技博覽2022 HKPC LOGTECH Expo 2022

活動費用全免,登記或詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請聯絡致電2788 6077 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與「第三方物流服務供應商資助先導計劃」秘書處聯絡。
LOGTECH Expo will be held on November 28-29 at HKPC Building, to keep local logistics SMEs abreast of the latest technological trends of the sector. LOGTECH Expo is organised by Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and supported by SCC.
Registration is free of charge, registration or more details please visit . Enquiries please call 2788 6077 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to reach the Secretariat of the Pilot Subsidy Scheme for Third-party Logistics Service Providers.
BEC EnviroSeries Conference
「BEC EnviroSeries Conference Nov 2022: Formulating Business Roadmaps Towards Net Zero」將於11月29日假BEC演講廳舉行,活動線上線下同步進行。活動由商界環保協會(BEC)主辦,SCC支持機構。報名或詳情請見 。查詢請致電2784 3900 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與BEC聯絡。
BEC EnviroSeries Conference, themed “Formulating Business Roadmaps Towards Net Zero”, will be held on November 29 in hybrid mode (at BEC Auditorium and online). The Conference is organized by Business Environment Council (BEC) and supported by SCC. For registration or more details, please visit . Enquiries please reach BEC at 2784 3900 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
阿里雲日2022 Alibaba Cloud Day Hong Kong 2022
阿里雲「Alibaba Cloud Summit」將於2022年11月29日假香港君悅酒店舉行,主題為「Sustainable Innovation」。行業領袖及科技專家將分享有關雲端計算、數位智能及嶄新的科技及商業概念。SCC是活動支持機構。報名或更多詳情,請瀏覽 。
Organised by Alibaba Cloud, Alibaba Cloud Summit Hong Kong 2022, themed “Sustainable Innovation”, is held on November 29 at Grand Hyatt. In the half-day conference, industry leaders, technology experts and like-minded innovators will talk about cloud computing, digital intelligence, cutting edge technologies and business innovation. SCC is a supporting organisation of the summit. For registration or more details, please visit .
HKPC智瞻2023 HKPC ForeSight 2023
為協助企業配合現今日趨數碼化和競爭激烈的營商環境,香港生產力促進局(HKPC)將於12月2日下午2時半至5時半於香港科學園12W大展覽廳(線上線下同步進行)舉行「智瞻2023」,論壇主題為《經濟開新篇 . 科技創優勢》。活動以英語進行,SCC是支持機構。詳情及登記請瀏覽 。查詢請聯絡HKPC (電話:2788 5678 ;電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。
To enhance productivity and facilitate their sustainable growth in this increasingly digitalized and competitive business environment, Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) organizes Foresight 2023, under the theme of “Leveraging Technologies for New Economic Chapters”, on December 2 at 2:30pm-5:30pm at Grand Hall, 12W, Hong Kong Science Park (online participation is also available). The discussion forum is conducted in English, SCC is a supporting organisation. For more details, please visit . Enquiries please contact HKPC by 2788 5678 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
CRECCHKI二十周年及午餐分享會 CRECCHKI 20th Anniversary Sharing Luncheon
全國工商聯會房地產商會香港及國際分會將於12月12日早上11時45分至下午2時50分假香港JW萬豪酒店舉行「二十周年特別呈獻| 午餐分享會:『新田科技城:打造港版矽谷』」,活動亦可供網上參與。SCC是支持機構。是次午餐分享會以英語進行,活動流程請見 ,報名請瀏覽 。
CRECCHKI 20th Anniversary Sharing Luncheon "San Tin Technopole : HK's Future Silicon Valley?" will be held on December 12 at 11:45am-2:50pm at JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong (online participation is also available). SCC is a supporting organisation. The sharing luncheon is conducted in English, programme rundown please visit , registration please visit .
如何保衛加密資產網上研討會 Webinar on Safeguard Crypto-Assets
香港下一代互聯網學會(HKNGIS)將於12月14日下午4時30分至5時30分舉行 “How can you safeguard crypto-assets?” 網上研討會。SCC是支持機構。費用全免,報名或詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與HKNGIS聯絡。
Hong Kong Next Generation Internet Society (HKNGIS) will organise “How can you Safeguard Crypto-Assets?” technical webinar on December 14 at 4:30pm-5:30pm online. SCC is a supporting organisation. Webinar admission is free-of-charge, details and registration please visit . Enquiries please reach HKNGIS at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
香港國際生活科技展 BIOHK2022
香港國際生活科技展將於12月14至17日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,目的為提供一個探討香港潛在的、無限的生物科技商機,並讓全球的業界人士建立聯繫的全球交流平臺。活動由香港生物科技協會(BIOHK)主辦,SCC是支持機構。詳情請瀏覽 。查詢請與BIOHK聯絡 (電話:2799 7688;電郵: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。
BIOHK2022 will be held on 14-17 December 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The convention will introduce novel state-of-the-art biotech innovations from around the globe, with the purpose of providing and extensive platform to allow pioneers of the biotech industry to convene. BIOHK2022 is organised by Hong Kong Biotechnology Organization and supported by SCC. More details please visit . Enquiries please reach BIOHK (Tel: 2799 7688 ; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
香港綠色建築議會大灣區可持續建築環境會議2022 HKGBC Greater Bay Area SBE Conference 2022
香港綠色建築議會「大灣區可持續建築環境會議2022」,主題為「Achieving a Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Built Environment in the GBA」,將於12月16日假香港會議展覽中心舉行,活動線上線下同步進行。活動由香港綠色建築議會(HKGBC)主辦,SCC是支持機構。
是次會議以英語及普通語進行,費用全免。報名或詳情請按此。查詢請致電39948876或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與HKGBC Ms Vicky CHAN / Ms Adelaide LI聯絡。
The Greater Bay Area Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2022, themed “Achieving a Sustainable and Carbon Neutral Built Environment in the Greater Bay Area”, will be held on December 16 at HKCEC (online participation is also available). The Conference is organized by Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and supported by SCC.
The Conference is conducted in English and Putonghua, and registration is free of charge. For more information and registration, please click here. Enquiries please contact HKGBC Ms Vicky CHAN / Ms Adelaide LI (Tel: 3994 8876 ; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
Best regards, Smart City Consortium
Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission: |
About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |