Dear SCC Members and Friends,
Thank you very much for your previous support! Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year. 智慧城市聯盟仝人多謝大家對SCC工作的支持,祝大家聖誕新年假期快樂,明年會更好!
This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. For previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events, please visit the following links respectively.
本電子通訊簡介 智慧城市聯盟(SCC)過去數月及介紹未來的活動,歡迎到上述連結瀏覽之前的電子通訊,及了解SCC未來活動詳情。
重點活動回顧 Review of Major Events
中國高交會「香港智慧生活館」 SCC “Hong Kong Smart Living Pavilion”@China Hi-Tech Fair 2023
SCC館展品涵蓋城市人的生活起居及工作,由建築管理及檢測、室內及室外空間規劃,減少能源消耗及碳排放、網路安全管理、環境衛生、消費品安全與效能評測、食物科技,以致藝術品的版權處理;還有適用於辦公室或多種日常生活的多元化功能機器人、以科技幫助企業精準吸引目標受眾,實現銷售的解決方案、一站式客服解決方案、數位轉型解決方案、雲端解決方案、區塊鏈技術、和資料處理技術等。 (SCC Pavilion Webpages:
SCC introduced Hong Kong’s smart living technologies to mainland officials and enterprises by mounting a "Hong Kong Smart Living Pavilion" at China Hi-Tech Fair on 15-19 November 2023 in Shenzhen. A total of 25 Hong Kong companies presented their technologies at the 2,700 sq ft pavilion.
(SCC Pavilion Webpages:
The opening ceremony of the SCC Pavilion was held on November 15, officiated by senior representatives from HKSAR Government Shenzhen Office, HKTDC GBA Office, HK Information Technology Joint Council (HKITC), Shenzhen E-Commerce Association and SCC.
SCC's extensive publicity efforts included event website, press releases, event booklets and TV wall. The SCC Pavilion was awarded “Excellent Design” and “Excellent Organisation” awards.
Over 95% of SCC Pavilion exhibitors indicated they had received business enquiries on-the-spot and gained understanding about the mainland market. About 65% of exhibitors said they were able to build up business contacts there, while 70% believed the participation had enhanced their company image. All exhibitors indicated interest in joining similar events again.
SCC President Gary Yeung was satisfied over quality of the exhibition. The SCC project is sponsored by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund from the Trade and Industry Department of the HKSAR Government, with the HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council were Collaborating Organisations.
“Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Vetting Committee of the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund.”
2023 創新科技嘉年華SCC 展位 及研討會 SCC booth and webinar @ InnoCarnival 2023
為期9天的「創新科技嘉年華2023」10月28日在科學園開幕,財政司司長陳茂波、創新科技及工業局局長孫東教授、SCC 創辦人及榮譽會長葛珮帆議員,和一眾主禮嘉賓主持啟動儀式。SCC透過展位和網上硏討會向公眾及學界介紹SCC服務、及空間數據在智慧城市的重要性。SCC 展位吸引一眾官員及嘉賓參觀,包括教育局常任秘書長李美嫦、數碼港主席陳世明等。
Financial Secretary Paul Chan, Secretary for ITIB Professor Dong Sun, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President Hon Elizabeth Quat, and other VIPs officiated at the Opening Ceremony of InnoCarnial 2023 on October 28 at Science Park. Through exhibition and webinar at the 9-day event, SCC introduced SCC’s service and the importance of spatial data in the context of smart city development.
「京港雙智產業促進聯盟」發佈儀式 Inauguration of Beijing-HK Smart Mobility and Smart City Consortium
為促進京港兩地智慧交通及智慧城市產業(以下簡稱「雙智產業」)協同發展,在 北京市經濟與信息化局的指導下,中國聯合網路通訊有限公司、北京智慧城市網路有限公司會同北京京智網智慧科技發展有限公司、北京軟件和信息服務業協會、香港軟件行業協會、香港鐵路有限公司、環球全局電訊、和SCC聯合發起成立「京港雙智(智慧交通+智慧城市)產業促進聯盟」。
The inauguration ceremony of the Beijing-Hong Kong Double-Smart (Smart Mobility and Smart City Industries) Consortium was officiated by Government Chief Information Officer Mr Tony Wong and senior representatives of the founders on 30 November 2023. The Hong Kong Founders are Hong Kong Software Industries Association, MTRC, HGC Global Telecommunications and SCC.
香港經濟日報房地產業界精英論壇2023 HKET Real Estate Industry Forum 2023
SCC 創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士於10月18日舉行的「香港經濟日報房地產業界精英論壇」上,出任第一節「建設可持續社區」專題討論的嘉賓講者,與一眾業界專家討論建設可持續智慧城市的重要性和挑戰。
Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was the speaker of the first panel discussion on building a sustainable community at the HKET Real Estate Industry Forum 2023 on 18 October. SCC is a Supporting Organization of the event.
鄧淑明博士新作《智慧城市5.0》 “Smart City 5.0” released by Dr Winnie Tang
智慧城市聯盟創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士經過700多個晚上的努力筆耕,全新著作《智慧城市5.0》經已面世!歡迎登入以下連結先睹為快。 。
Winnie從事地圖事業接近30年,一直研究全球各種變化;她從地理資訊系統數據中,早已預視到人口老化、全球暖化和網絡經濟所帶來的深遠影響,故決心要推動智慧城市發展。她多年來默默耕耘推動香港的智慧城市發展,到了今天,初心依舊,推出新作《智慧城市5.0 》,她說:「衷心希望能夠繼續連結各界,共同為香港建設一個可持續發展的智慧城市。」
Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, has just released her brand new book “Smart City 5.0”. Visit for a free copy online.
「洞」悉先機,香港岩洞潛力無限 Boundless Potential of Caverns in Hong Kong
香港大學工程學院計算機科學系、社會科學學院地理系及建築學院客席教授、SCC創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士在中華總商會的會刋「商薈」(2023年9月號) 指出,香港山多而陡峭,岩石堅固,市區邊緣的山地其實相當適合發展岩洞,可助解決本港日益嚴重的土地問題。
Dr Winnie Tang, Adjunct Professor in the Faculty of engineering (Department of Computer Science), the Faculty of Social Science (Department of Geography) and the Faculty of Architect at the University of Hong Kong, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, said rock cavern development can help solve Hong Kong’s increasingly serious land problem. In her article published on the “Vision” (September 2023 edition) of Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, Dr Tang suggested the use of smart monitoring system, mixed reality technologies, AI and GIS to improve the quality and efficiency of the rock cavern projects.
The Vision also carried Mr Eric Yeung’s insights on HK Smart City Development and Hon Shang Hai Long’s views on Hong Kong’s I&T capabilities.
信報教育網《智SmartCity 》欄目 HK Economic Journal & SCA collaboration on Smart City Subjects
A column with brief introduction on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students have been jointly developed by Smart City Academy (SCA) and Hong Kong Economic Journal. The column is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage.
「數據分析」講堂系列 5-class Data Analytics Trainings
為協助各行業利用數據分析提升生產力及營銷效率,SCC 於2023 年舉辦一系列「數據分析」講堂,第4、5課以「 大數據與機器學習現成工具及算法的使用 」及「數據可視化和解釋簡介」為題,分別於8月25日及10月13日舉行,由SCC副會長秦仲宇主持,聶經緯主講。「數據分析」講堂每次線上線下都有百多名參加者。活動獲政府創新科技署資助,及香港電商協會贊助。
SCC organised a series of data analytics training seminars in 2023, with each class joined by over 100 participants online and offline. The 4th and 5th classes took place on 25 August and 13 October respectively. The project is funded by Innovation and Technology Commission General Support Programme and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK.
"Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."
香港網絡安全業界代表團訪問廣州和福州 Hong Kong Cyber Security Industry Delegation to Guangzhou and Fuzhou
為響應國家網絡安全宣傳周,政府資訊科技總監黃志光先生9月中率領香港網絡安全業界代表團,出席在廣州舉行的2023年廣東省網絡安全宣傳周活動及網絡安全博覽會,就兩地網絡安全相關技術及最新發展進行交流,代表團並到福州訪問。SCC 會長楊文銳是代表團成員之一。
SCC President Gary Yeung joined the Hong Kong cyber security industry delegation to visit Guangzhou and Fuzhou in mid-September. The delegation was led by Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong.
大灣區科技政策和智慧城市群 I&T Policies and Smart City Clusters in GBA
由國際青年發展學院、九龍總商會、SCC聯合主辦的「共創機遇」大灣區青年科創發展論壇9月23日舉行,SCC會長楊文銳擔任特邀主題講座嘉賓,講述「灣區科技政策和前沿產業動態」。另外,楊會長於10月6日Inno4life - 創意文化及科技創新高峰會2023的「推動智慧城市 - 如何讓香港更有智慧」座談會上講述「大灣區智慧城市群發展」;另一名嘉賓講者是前資科辦總監林偉喬。
SCC President Gary Yeung spoke on science and technology policies in GBA at the “GBA Youth Science and Technology Innovation Development Forum” organised by the College of International Youth Development, Kowloon Chamber of Commerce and SCC on 23 September. Mr Yeung also shared his views on “Development of Smart City Clusters in GBA” on 6 October at a smart city session of the Inno4life - Creative Culture & Innovation Summit 2023. Former GCIO Victor Lam was another keynote speaker at the smart city session.
建造業區塊鏈會議 2023 Construction Blockchain Conference 2023
The Construction Blockchain Conference 2023, co-organised by the HK University of Science and Technology (HKUST), University of College London (UCL) and Construction Blockchain Consortium from 6-8 November in Hong Kong. SCC was a supporting organization. SCC’s Vice President Ms Rosana Wong was a keynote speaker talking about “Revolutionizing MiC lifecycle using BIM-enabled Blockchain Technologies”.
區塊鏈技術概述 SiA Seminar on BlockChain
Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan was the guest speaker at the seminar on “Blockchain Technologies” organised by the HK Software Industry Association on 11 October.
增強下一代的數碼理財素養 BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo and Conference 2023
Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC), Education Bureau and Hong Kong Economic Journal organised a “Digital Financial Literacy Programme for Youth” kick-off ceremony cum seminar on 13 October, with Chairman of SCC FinTech Committee Emil Chan as a guest speaker. The seminar attracted more than 300 teachers online and offline.
在智慧城市應用開放資料面對的挑戰 Open Data Challenges
SCC Data Hub 委員會聯名主席關伯明博士11月3日在第七屆深港澳大數據論壇,講述「在智慧城市應用開放資料面對的挑戰」。該論壇以「推進深港澳數據融通,助力大灣區經濟發展」為主題,其他講者有副政府資訊科技總監黃敬文、互聯網專業協會會長冼漢廸、軟件行業協會會長錢國強、華人大數據學會執行主席洪為民及執行會長車品覺,及英特爾大灣區科技創新中心運營總經理鄭重科。
Dr Peter Kwan, Co-Chairman of SCC Data Hub Committee, shared his views on open data challenges at “The 7th Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao Big Data Forum” held on 3 November in Shenzhen.
SCC就《2023施政報告》 作出建議及回應 Policy Address - SCC’s recommendation and responses
近年ESG (環境保護、社會責任、公司治理) 成社會熱話,星島新聞集團聯同香港理工大學會計及金融學院可持續經濟與創業金融中心於11月13日合辦的「ESG認證嘉許暨永續發展論壇」。SCC擔任活SCC於9月11日向特首就施政報告提出建議,並於10月25日《2023》施政報告發表當天發新聞稿回應,歡迎特首接納業界的建議,包括成立「數字政策辦公室」,和加強跨境資歷互認等等。
SCC創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士在經濟日報撰文表示,施政報告推行智慧城市「百項方案」,以全方位落實智慧政府為目標,希望政府緊記精心規劃,在以人為本之餘,務求經濟及民生方案要產生協同效應,同時要把服務範圍放大至輸出大灣區及亞洲各國,方能有助領航中小企和初創把握商機,拉動經濟發展。 全文請閱。
SCC made six suggestions to the Policy Address 2023 on 11 September, and expressed grateful to see its previous suggestions incorporated in the Chief Executive’s second annual policy on October 25.
SCC Founder and Honarary President Dr Winnie Tang expressed support to the overall direction of the Policy Address 2023 and raised suggestions in her article published on HK Economic Times on 7 November.
SCC 歡迎《大灣區標準合同》 便利措施及先行先試安排
未來活動,歡迎參與 Upcoming Activities
第三屆 大灣區校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽 3rd Inter school AI Formula Edge (GBA) Competition
「第三屆 大灣區校際人工智能 E- 級方程式賽車比賽」將於 2023 年 12 月 15-17 日在亞洲博覽館5號 館 舉行,決賽及頒獎禮於 1 2 月1 7 日下午舉行。立法會葛珮帆議員和資科辦總監黃志光將擔任主禮嘉賓。
該比賽由SCC及STEM Plus Ltd主辦,創新科技及工業局、科學園、數碼港、生產力促進局、職訓局轄下的香港資訊科技學院、教育城及香港電子業商會為支持機構。比賽吸引20間學校逾77支隊伍超過320名師生參與。參賽的年輕人自製參賽戰車,並為戰車融入人工智能和編程,積極發揮創意。活動詳情請瀏覽 。
The 3rd Inter-school AI Formula Edge (GBA) Competition, scheduled for December 15 to 17 in Asia World Expo(Hall 5), is a joint initiative by SCC and STEM Plus Limited with the latter as the Implementation Organisation. Hon Elizabeth Quat and Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong will be the Guests of Honour of the Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony on December 17 afternoon.
The competition aims to encourage exploration into artificial intelligence among Primary 6 students and above. Participants will construct miniature cars using accessible components and software, fostering skills in coding, robotics, and AI model-building. The competition is participated by 20 secondary schools with 77 teams comprising over 320 students and teachers from Hong Kong and Macao.
The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport, HK Productivity Council, Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (of VTC), Education City and HK Electronics Industry Association are supporting organizations of the competition.
SCC Smart City Pavilion at InnoEX 2024 SCC智慧生活館 @ 「2024香港國際創科展」
香港特別行政區政府及香港貿易發展局將於 2024年4月13至16日假灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉辦「香港國際創科展」(InnoEX 2024),詳情請瀏覽。
SCC將於InnoEX上設置「智慧生活展館」,介紹香港公司與智慧生活有關的服務或產品。截止申請日期為2024年1月20日,有意申請參展的公司請於提交資料。查詢請電3480 4230或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) will co-organise an inaugural InnoEX on 13-16 April 2024. The InnoEX will be a prominent I&T event displaying cutting-edge technologies and disruptive innovations, facilitating regional and cross-sector collaborations among enterprises and government administrations, with a special focus in Asia. (Please visit for more information).
SCC will stage a "Smart Living Pavilion" at the InnoEX, showcasing the “Smart Living” technologies of Hong Kong companies. Application deadline is 20 January 2024, companies interested in participation please submit application in For enquiries, please call 34804230 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
2024數字經濟峰會 Digital Economy Summit (DES 2024)
本屆數字經濟峰會將於2024年4月12-13日假灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行,智慧城市聯盟作為合辦機構,將聯同香港應用科技研究院(ASTRI) 於活動首天下午舉辦能源、環境與出行論壇。 「數字經濟峰會」由香港特別行政區政府和數碼港主辦,2024峰會將以「智創無限 成就可持續未來」為主題,內容包括智慧城市的各項創新科技發展將會如何惠及未來可持續社會的發展,以及在數字經濟時代下,企業與大衆如何參與及受惠於智慧城市及數字經濟的發展。
The “Digital Economy Summit” 2024 (DES 2024) will be staged on April 12-13 at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. SCC, jointly with ASTRI, will stage a half-day forum on Energy, Environment and Mobility on the first day afternoon.
Jointly organised by the Government of HKSAR and Cyberport, DES 2024 will bear the theme of “Smarter Innovation for All: Forging a Sustainable Future” to provide an excellent platform for renowned industry experts, global thought leaders, and policy makers to exchange insights on how cutting-edge technologies and innovative applications reshape the urban landscape and modern digital economy through the lenses of sustainability, connectivity, and resilience.
地理空間實驗室專題講座及體驗日 Geospatial Lab Talks and Experience Day
由發展局成立、東華三院和SCC分別作為營運機構和支援組織的「地理空間實驗室」(位於觀塘道388號創紀之城1期1座9樓915-918室) 將舉行:
1. 地理空間實驗室 體驗日 (12月16日 09:30至17:30 ) 2.「利用地理信息系統進行香港日佔時期研究」專題講座 (12月23日 10:00至12:00)
費用全免。詳情及報名請參閱。 查詢請電37087260、WhatsApp 9187 2916 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 聯絡地理空間實驗室。 The Geospatial Lab (GeoLab), established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC, will roll out below public activities at the Lab in Units 915-918, 9/F, Tower 1, Millennium City 1, 388 Kwun Tong Road.
Geospatial Lab Experience Day (16 December at 09:30 - 17:30)
Feature Talk "Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Investigate the Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong" (23 December at 10:00-12:00)
Enrolment is free of charge; on a first-come-first-served basis. For more details and registration, please visit For enquiries, please contact Geospatial Lab via 3708 7260, WhatsApp 9187 2916 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
馬來西亞科技展2024香港館 Hong Kong Pavilion @ Malaysia Technology Expo 2024
香港軟件行業協會將於2024年2月22-24日在馬來西亞舉行的「Malaysia Technology Expo 2024」上設立香港展館。SCC是活動合作機構。歡迎申請參展。詳情請看:。
Hong Kong Software Industry Association will organise a HK Pavilion at Malaysia Technology Expo 2024, which will take place in World Trade Centre on 22-24 February 2024, with SCC as a collaborating organisation. Welcome to apply for participation. For details or registration, please visit the above link.
傑出ESG綠色發展及碳中和大獎 ESG Green Development & Carbon Neutrality Awards
《AM730》與環境社會企業管治及基準學會 (IESGB)及亞洲金融科技師學會(IFTA)合力創辦「傑出ESG綠色發展及碳中和大獎」,SCC是活動支持機構。歡迎報名參加,截止日期是12月30日。 詳情及報名請登入:
AM730, in collaboration with the Institute of ESG & Benchmark (IESGB) and the Institute of Financial Technologists of Asia (IFTA), will organise ‘The ESG Green Development & Carbon Neutrality Awards’. Welcome to submit registration by 30 Dec. Please visit the above link for details.
SCC 是峰會支持單位。此峰會提供早鳥優惠,參加者於12月21日或之前報名,可享七折優惠,請於網站 報名,截止報名日期 2023 年12月29日。如有查詢,請與協會秘書處 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 3583 5619 聯絡。
Best regards, Smart City Consortium
Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission: |
About Smart City Consortium Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong. |