Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,

    Dear SCC Members and Friends,

    Thank you very much for your previous support!

    Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


    This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. Please visit the following links for the previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events respectively.

    本電子通訊簡介智慧城市 聯盟(SCC)過去數月及未來的活動,歡迎到上述連結瀏覽之前的電子通訊,及了解SCC未來活動。

    GBA Smart City Cluster Development Policy Initiative

    適逢中華人民共和國成立75周年及《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》公布5周年,民建聯、香港中國企業協會資訊科技行業委員會(CEIT)及SCC於9月23日在會展中心舉辦《發展新質生產力高峰論壇 – 構建灣區智慧城市群》。

    主辦方在開幕禮上向政府提交政策倡議書,内有三個重點內容:1) 進一步推動大灣區智慧城市群互聯互通;2) 在大灣區內發展跨境低空經濟;3) 推動中國科技出口,以大灣區標準連通國家標準及國際標準。


    CEIT主席孟樹森博士在論壇上介紹《 以新質生產力構建灣區智慧城市群》政策倡議書當中18項政策倡議。接著由多位專家、學者作分享及回應,他們包括:中國科學院院士葉嘉安教授丶香港科技大學校董會主席沈向洋教授、澳門科技大學校長李行偉教授、中科院深圳先進技術研究院數字研究所李燁所長、中國信息通信研究院工業互聯網與物聯網研究所金鍵所長,及中國聯通國際網絡部(科技創新部)總經理杜軍博士。最後由SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士為大會總結。




    The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), the Information Technology Committee of the HK Chinese Enterprises Association (CEIT), and the Smart City Consortium (SCC) collaborated to conduct policy research and contribute policy ideas with the hope of accelerating the development of the smart city cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).

    The policy proposal was unveiled at the "GBA Smart City Cluster Summit” on 23 September and submitted to the Government at the Summit’s opening ceremony. Please click above links for the press release and event photos.

    Inauguration of GBA Low Altitude Economy Alliance

    中央政府已將發展通用航空和低空經濟寫入二十屆三中全會公報中,預計到2025 年,中國低空經濟的市場規模將達人民幣3至5萬億元,為大灣區乃至全國經濟發展注入新的增長動力;針對目前低空經濟的發展大趨勢,民建聯及SCC與業界發起成立「大灣區低空經濟聯盟」(聯盟),協調各持份者助力政府推動低空經濟發展。成立儀式在9月23日舉行。


    10月16日《行政長官2024施政報告》提出成立由財政司副司長黃偉綸先生擔任組長的「發展低空經濟工作組」(工作組),聯盟於11月4日與黃偉綸先生、運輸及物流局及民航處官員等工作組成員會面,是首個工作組約見的團體。聯盟創會會長葛珮帆議員在會上向工作組提出10項重點建議,包括必須有頂層設計、完善法規、為試點項目提供一站式服務、促進粵港澳低空跨境航線、建議建立低空經濟科技研發及試飛基地等。(10項重點建議請瀏覽 : )



    The "GBA Low-Altitude Economy Alliance (GBA LAEA)" was established with the inauguration ceremony taking place on 23 September. The goal is to become a collective force that contributes ideas for the development of the Low-Altitude Economy (LAE) in GBA. Hon Elizabeth Quat, who is SCC Founder & Honorary President, DAB Vice President and LegCo Member, is the Founding President; other founding members include China Mobile HK Company Ltd, China Telecom Global Ltd, China Unicom (HK) Operations Ltd and China Travel International Investment HK Ltd.

    “The Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address” proposed the development of LAE and the setup of a Working Group on Developing Low-altitude Economy (Working Group) chaired by the Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong to strategize and promote LAE development.

    Immediately after the government’s announcement, GBA LAEA invited Mr Michael Wong and members of the Working Group for a meeting. Members of GBA LAEA shared their views and raised ten suggestions at the November 4 meeting with the Working Group.

    The Government Working Group eventually convened its first meeting on November 12. It identified four work directions and formulated the details of the sandbox pilot projects.

    The Transport & Logistics Bureau will carry out the sandbox pilot projects by batches. The first batch is now open for applications until December 31. For details, please see

    MoU signing with HKU and PolyU



    GBA LAEA fosters collaboration especially in cultivating professionals with local universities. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The University of Hong Kong (HKU) was signed on 11 November. HKU’s Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Max Shen and GBA LAEA Founding President Hon Elizabeth Quat signed the MoU on behalf of both parties.

    On 19 November, GBA LAEA signed MoU with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). PolyU’s Vice President (Research and Innovation) Professor Christopher Chao and Hon Elizabeth Quat signed the MoU on behalf of both parties.

    PolyU Forum on “HK’s LAE Development” @ AIR Summit


    The PolyU organised the “Aerospace Innovation Research Summit (AIR Summit)” and “Hong Kong LAE Development Forum” on 19 November, with SCC and GBA LAEA as supporting organisations. At the forum, GBA LAEA Founding President Hon Elizabeth Quat and SCC President Gary Yeung spoke on “LAE Development” and “The Development Potential and Policy Focus of the LAE” respectively.

    「學與教博覽」2025 年7月2 - 4 日舉行
    Learning & Teaching Expo 2025 to take place on July 2-4

    一直致力推動及支援電子學習和創新教育的「香港教育城」於11月27日公佈夥拍SCC為「學與教博覽」的合作夥伴,「學與教博覽」是亞洲頂尖的教育盛會,獲教育局全力支持。2025 年展會將於7月2-4 日在灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行。

    SCC與教育城並於11月27日舉辦介紹會,向教育服務供應商講解2025年「學與教博覽」的嶄新願景。教育城行政總監魏遠強先生(圖)介紹由SCC接手後的全新方向; SCC會長楊文銳先生強調將擴大博覽會的影響力,讓其在全球教育界發揮更深遠的作用; 而SCC項目總監朱可儀女士則預告了2025年的精彩亮點,包括更多國際合作機會和一系列創新主題活動。

    有關「學與教博覽」2025參展事宜,請聯絡SCC項目總監朱可儀女士(69561638 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。

    Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) officially partnered with SCC for organizing the Learning and Teaching Expo (LTE) 2025. Fully supported by the Education Bureau, the LTE is Asia's leading education event. The LTE 2025 will take place on July 2-4 in the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    At a briefing organized by the two parties on November 27 targeting at education service providers, EdCity Executive Director Mr Ken Ngai highlighted the exciting transition under the new leadership of SCC, while SCC President Mr Gary Yeung inspired the audience with SCC’s ambitious plans to broaden the scope and deepen the impact of our expo and SCC Project Director Ms Rene Chu previewed what’s ahead in 2025.

    For enquiries or exhibition space booking, please reach out to Ms Rene Chu at 69561638 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    SCC 五課「信息安全」講堂
    5 Training Seminars on “Information Security”

    SCC於2024年5月31日,7月12日,8月30日,10月18及11月29日 舉行5課「信息安全」講堂。


    陳正文博士在第5堂講解防範網絡社交工程攻擊和詐騙的多個面向,包括社交工程的基本概念(如何利用心理操控技術影響人們的行為)丶常見的攻擊手法 (進階釣魚攻擊、冒充供應商或高層管理人員,以及假冒技術支援等),並以實際案例說明這些手法對企業和個人的潛在威脅。陳博士強調提升安全意識的重要性 (包括教育和培訓、謹慎驗證身份,以及使用技術手段如多因素認證和定期更新軟件來減少風險),和介紹實用的防範措施,(如模擬攻擊測試和應急響應計劃,幫助企業在面對社交工程攻擊時能夠有效應對)。



    SCC conducted five training seminars on Information Security on 31 May, 12 July, 30 August, 18 October and 29 November 2024. The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    "Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."

    SCC會員專場活動 –「人工智能+」講座
    SCC AI+ Smart Talks

    數碼港首席公眾使命官陳思源先生應邀於11月5日第二場SCC「至Smart 講座」暨會員交流活動上擔任嘉賓講者。講座以「人工智能+」作主題,由SCC人工智能及雲端委員會及SCC金融科技委員會主辦,雲端與流動運算專業人士協會和香港數字金融協會協辦; xFUSION贊助場地。下一場「至Smart 講座」暨會員交流活動將於2025 年年初舉行,詳情稍後公佈。

    SCC regularly organizes “Smart Talks" on various smart city subjects which also serve as networking activities for SCC members. Themed “AI+”, the 2nd session was held on 5 November. The speaker was Mr Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer of Cyberport.

    The next "Smart Talk" cum SCC members networking activity will take place in early 2025. Details will be announced later.

    Community Fun Day to publicize VR Tour of Kowloon City

    九龍城區青年發展及公民教育委員會與九龍城民政事務處及發展局空間數據辦事處聯合製作「情繫家國。說好龍城歷史」龍城虛擬實景導賞網,以九龍城區五條歷史最悠久的公共出租屋邨,包括馬頭圍邨、真善美邨、樂民新邨、愛民邨及家維邨,以空間數據設計特色導賞路線。地理空間實驗室是合辦機構之一。主辦機構於11 月 23 日舉辦社區同樂日,正式發布導賞網,並以遊戲攤位介紹各條屋邨特色。

    SCC 是社區同樂日活動及該虛擬實景導賞網的承辦機構。楊文銳會長和一眾主禮嘉賓主持啓動儀式。

    “Treasure Our Home and Country, Tell the Dragon's Tale - Community Fun Day on Virtual Reality Tour of Kowloon City” took place on 23 November at Kai Tak Community Hall. Residents of the Kowloon City district could acquire the development stories of some oldest public rental housing estates and learn about key historical events in Kowloon City through virtual guided tours. SCC was the contractor of the Community Fun Day and the VR Tour.

    eBRAM Strategic Partners MoU Signing Ceremony

    一邦國際網上仲調中心 (「一邦」eBRAM)推出網上交易促成平台,這是爲促進跨境交易而設計,eBRAM 邀請SCC及多家機構為策略夥伴,於11月28日簽署合作備忘錄。SCC 會長楊文銳代表SCC 簽署,SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士見證。

    eBRAM signed MoU with SCC and other Strategic Partners on 28 November. SCC President Gary Yeung did the signing on SCC’s behalf, witnessed by SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang.

    Smart City Project Programme 2023/24

    SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士於11月27日出席「智慧城市專題研習計劃 2023/24頒獎典禮」,擔任演講及頒獎嘉賓。她說從得獎作品中看到同學們運用創新思維解決現實生活中的難題,又以地理空間智慧和真實數據分析智慧城市的各項議題,成果令人鼓舞。

    Dr Winnie Tang, SCC Founder and Honorary President, delivered speech and presented prize to winners at the “Smart City Project Programme 2023/24 Prize Presentation Ceremony” on 27 November.

    HK01 FinTech Excellence Award 2024

    財政司副司長黃偉綸先生出席香港01於11月11日舉行的「金融科技前瞻研討會暨金融科技卓領大獎2024」並致開幕辭。SCC 是活動的支持機構; SCC 創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士擔任金融科技卓領大獎的專業評審。

    Deputy Financial Secretary Mr Michael Wong attended the HK01 “Fintech Foresight Seminar cum FinTech Excellence Award 2024” on 11 November. SCC was a supporting organization of the event; Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was the Judge of the Award.

    CIC Global Construction Digitalisation Forum and Exhibition 2024

    智慧城市聯盟創辦人兼榮譽會長於10月29日出席由發展局及建造業議會合辦的「2024建造業議會國際建造數碼化論壇暨展覽」並擔任演講嘉賓,講題是“Smart Construction Driving a Sustainable Smart Future”。SCC 是活動的支持機構。

    The Global Construction Digitalisation Forum and Exhibition (GCDFE) 2024, co-organized by the Development Bureau and the CIC, took place on 29-30 October. SCC was a supporting organization. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, shared her views on “Smart Construction Driving a Sustainable Smart Future” at the Forum on 29 October.

    HKIRC Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme

    香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司 (HKIRC) 與國際信息系統審計協會中國香港分會聯合舉辦「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃,並於11月27日舉行頒獎典禮。SCC為活動支持機構。圖爲HKIRC董事局成員包括鄧淑明博士及一衆嘉賓出席頒獎禮。

    The Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme was co-organised by The Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter with SCC as a Supporting Organisation. Dr Winnie Tang and other HKIRC Directors and a number of guests attended the Award Presentation Ceremony on 27 November.

    2024 China Cybersecurity Week


    The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Professor Sun Dong attended the opening ceremony of 2024 China Cybersecurity Week on 8 September in Nansha, Guangzhou. SCC President Gary Yeung was one of the members of the Hong Kong cyber security industry delegation.

    2024 GBA Summit


    The GBA Summit, organized by the Hong Kong Economic Journal, took place on 8 October.  SCC Vice President and Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee Dr Daniel Chun was one of the speakers.

    2024 LSCM 物流高峰會「從智慧城市邁向數字經濟」
    LSCM Summit 2024

    2024 LSCM 物流高峰會於10 月 10 日 舉行,今年高峰會以「從智慧城市邁向數字經濟」為主題,聚焦探討創新科技在促進智慧城市及數字經濟發展的重要性,推動業界把握粵港澳大灣區創新科技發展帶來的新機遇。SCC 是高峰會支持單位,SCC副會長暨研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇博士代表出席。

    SCC Vice President and Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee Dr Daniel Chun attended the LSCM Summit 2024 on 10 October. Under the theme "From Smart City to Digital Economy", the event highlighted the importance of innovative technologies in fostering the development of the Smart City and Digital Economy and facilitating the industry to capitalise on the new opportunities brought about by technology development in the GBA. SCC was a supporting organization of the Summit.

    GBA Intl AI & Robotics Summit

    由香港生產力促進局舉辦的 “港澳大灣區國際人工智能與機器人高峰會”於11月26日 舉行,SCC是支持機構。SCC名譽秘書長兼人工智能與雲端委員會主席楊智添先生代表SCC出席。

    The GBA International AI & Robotics Summit, organized by the HKPC, took place on 26 November, with SCC as a supporting organization. SCC Honorary Secretary and AI & Cloud Committee Chairman Mr Vandia Yang attended the Summit.

    LegCo Members visited Geospatial Lab

    立法會陳紹雄議員及林筱魯議員於9月16日參觀地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab);而謝偉銓議員及簡慧敏議員也於12月10日到訪,了解GeoLab的服務, 及政府開發「空間數據共享平台」和「三維數碼地圖」的計劃及進展。


    Hon Chan Siu-hung and Hon Andrew Lam visited Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) on 16 September, while Hon Tony Tse and Hon Carmen Kan were there on 10 December to know more about the latest development of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and 3D Digital Map, as well as the services of Geolab.

    Operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC), the GeoLab is equipped with advanced technology and training facilities. Various activities such as competitions, workshops and talks are being organised with an aim to raise public interest and explore together with the wider community the value and application of spatial data. More details are available on .

    HK Economic Journal / SCA collaboration 


    《智慧安老 年輕一代的使命與承諾》- SCC 副會長胡達明先生 (12月5日)

    《未來產業將為香港青年人帶來更大的舞台》- SCC 名譽秘書長兼人工智能與雲端委員會主席楊智添先生 (11月21日)
    《掌握六大金鑰匙 投身大灣區建設》- SCC大灣區孵化委員會主席施培營先生 (11月7日)

    《智慧體育》- SCC 榮譽會長兼審核委員會主席楊全盛先生 (10月24日)

    《生物科技對青年就業和改善生活的影響》- SCC 電子健康委員會主席杜偉樑教授 (10月10日)

    《電子身份與LEI攜手推進香港智慧城市發展》- SCC可信網路協議委員會主席陳婉華女士 (9月26日)

    《人工智能教育 學習駕馭科技》- SCC教育科技委員會主席劉靖瑋先生 (9月12日)

    Jointly developed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) and Smart City Academy (SCA) of SCC, a regular column on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage and Instagram. Please visit the above links for the most recent articles.

    Upcoming Activities

    2025 Esri 青年學人大賽
    Esri Young Scholars Award 2025

    2025 Esri 青年學人大賽 (YSA) 簡介會和實務訓練現已接受報名!簡介會將於2025年1月10日下午2:00至5:30舉行,向有興趣的參賽者介紹比賽詳情及準備技巧。SCC是支持機構。

    了解更多詳情及報名,請瀏覽:。如有疑問,請致電2730 6883聯絡許小姐/陳小姐或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Esri Young Scholars Award (YSA) 2025 briefing and hands-On Training is now open for registration! A briefing session will be held on 10 Jan 2025 at 2:00 – 5:30 pm to introduce the details as well as tips to the interested participants for preparing this competition.

    For registration and more details, please click Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms Joanne Hui or Ms Joy Chan at 2730 6883 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Professional Green Building Council International Conference

    以“Beyond Zero Carbon Design” 為主題的「環保建築專業議會國際會議 2025」將於2025年1月13日在賽馬會環保樓地下BEC演講廳及展覽廳舉行。是次活動由 環保建築專業議會(PGBC)主辦,SCC是支持機構

    登記請登入:連結。了解更多詳情或有任何疑問,請聯絡活動秘書處李女士(2560 8551)或曾女士(2560 8626) ; 電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    The Professional Green Building Council International Conference 2025, themed “Beyond Zero Carbon Design” will be held on 13 January 2025 at BEC Auditorium and Exhibition Hall, G/F, 77 Tat Chee Avenue. The conference is jointly organized by PGBC, with support from Smart City Consortium (SCC).

    For registration or more details, please visit:Link .Should you require further details or have any questions, please contact the Event Secretariat: Ms Yoyo LEE (2560 8551) or Ms Sally TSANG (2560 8626); Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium

    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:

    About Smart City Consortium
    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.

    Dear SCC Members and Friends,

    Thank you very much for your previous support! Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.


    This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. Please visit the following links for the previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events respectively.

    本電子通訊簡介智慧城市 聯盟(SCC)過去數月及未來的活動,歡迎到上述連結瀏覽之前的電子通訊,及了解SCC未來活動。

    SCC 《以新質生產力構建灣區智慧城市群》政策倡議書
    Policy Advocacy on GBA Smart City Clusters Development

    適逢中華人民共和國成立75周年及《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》公布5周年,民建聯、香港中國企業協會資訊科技行業委員會(CEIT)及SCC於9月23日在會展中心舉辦《發展新質生產力高峰論壇 – 構建灣區智慧城市群》。

    主辦方在開幕禮上向政府提交政策倡議書,内有三個重點內容:1) 進一步推動大灣區智慧城市群互聯互通;2) 在大灣區內發展跨境低空經濟;3) 推動中國科技出口,以大灣區標準連通國家標準及國際標準。


    CEIT主席孟樹森博士在論壇上介紹《 以新質生產力構建灣區智慧城市群》政策倡議書當中18項政策倡議。接著由多位專家、學者作分享及回應,他們包括:中國科學院院士葉嘉安教授;香港科技大學校董會主席沈向洋教授、澳門科技大學校長李行偉教授、中科院深圳先進技術研究院數字研究所李燁所長、中國信息通信研究院工業互聯網與物聯網研究所金鍵所長,及中國聯通國際網絡部(科技創新部)總經理杜軍博士。最後由SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士為大會總結。




    The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB), the Information Technology Committee of the HK Chinese Enterprises Association (CEIT), and the Smart City Consortium (SCC) collaborated to conduct policy research and contribute policy ideas with the hope of accelerating the development of the smart city cluster in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA).

    The policy proposal was unveiled at the "GBA Smart City Cluster Summit” on 23 September and submitted to the Government at the Summit’s opening ceremony. Please click above links for the press release and event photos.

    Inauguration of GBA Low Altitude Economy Alliance

    中央政府已將發展通用航空和低空經濟寫入二十屆三中全會公報中,預計到2025 年,中國低空經濟的市場規模將達人民幣3至5萬億元,為大灣區乃至全國經濟發展注入新的增長動力;針對目前低空經濟的發展大趨勢,民建聯及SCC與業界發起成立「大灣區低空經濟聯盟」(聯盟),協調各持份者助力政府推動低空經濟發展。成立儀式在9月23日舉行。


    10月16日《行政長官2024施政報告》提出成立由財政司副司長黃偉綸先生擔任組長的「發展低空經濟工作組」(工作組),聯盟於11月4日與黃偉綸先生、運輸及物流局及民航處官員等工作組成員會面,是首個工作組約見的團體。聯盟創會會長葛珮帆議員在會上向工作組提出10項重點建議,包括必須有頂層設計、完善法規、為試點項目提供一站式服務、促進粵港澳低空跨境航線、建議建立低空經濟科技研發及試飛基地等。(10項重點建議請瀏覽 :



    The "GBA Low-Altitude Economy Alliance (GBA LAEA)" was established with the inauguration ceremony taking place on 23 September. The goal is to become a collective force that contributes ideas for the development of the Low-Altitude Economy (LAE) in GBA. Hon Elizabeth Quat, who is SCC Founder & Honorary President, DAB Vice President and LegCo Member, is the Founding President; other founding members include China Mobile HK Company Ltd, China Telecom Global Ltd, China Unicom (HK) Operations Ltd and China Travel International Investment HK Ltd.

    “The Chief Executive’s 2024 Policy Address” proposed the development of LAE and the setup of a Working Group on Developing Low-altitude Economy (Working Group) chaired by the Deputy Financial Secretary Michael Wong to strategize and promote LAE development.

    Immediately after the government’s announcement, GBA LAEA invited Mr Michael Wong and members of the Working Group for a meeting. Members of GBA LAEA shared their views and raised ten suggestions at the November 4 meeting with the Working Group.

    The Government Working Group eventually convened its first meeting on November 12. It identified four work directions and formulated the details of the sandbox pilot projects.

    The Transport & Logistics Bureau will carry out the sandbox pilot projects by batches. The first batch is now open for applications until December 31. For details, please see

    MoU signing with HKU and PolyU



    GBA LAEA fosters collaboration especially in cultivating professionals with local universities. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The University of Hong Kong (HKU) was signed on 11 November. HKU’s Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Max Shen and GBA LAEA Founding President Hon Elizabeth Quat signed the MoU on behalf of both parties.

    On 19 November, GBA LAEA signed MoU with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). PolyU’s Vice President (Research and Innovation) Professor Christopher Chao and Hon Elizabeth Quat signed the MoU on behalf of both parties.

    PolyU Forum on “HK’s LAE Development” @ AIR Summit


    The PolyU organised the “Aerospace Innovation Research Summit (AIR Summit)” and “Hong Kong LAE Development Forum” on 19 November, with SCC and GBA LAEA as supporting organisations. At the forum, GBA LAEA Founding President Hon Elizabeth Quat and SCC President Gary Yeung spoke on “LAE Development” and “The Development Potential and Policy Focus of the LAE” respectively.

    「學與教博覽」2025 年7月2-4 日舉行
    Learning & Teaching Expo 2025 to take place on July 2-4

    一直致力推動及支援電子學習和創新教育的「香港教育城」於11月27日公佈夥拍SCC為「學與教博覽」的合作夥伴,「學與教博覽」是亞洲頂尖的教育盛會,獲教育局全力支持。2025 年展會將於7月2-4 日在灣仔香港會議展覽中心舉行。

    SCC與教育城並於11月27日舉辦介紹會,向教育服務供應商講解2025年「學與教博覽」的嶄新願景。教育城行政總監魏遠強先生(圖)介紹由SCC接手後的全新方向; SCC會長楊文銳先生強調將擴大博覽會的影響力,讓其在全球教育界發揮更深遠的作用; 而SCC項目總監朱可儀女士則預告了2025年的精彩亮點,包括更多國際合作機會和一系列創新主題活動。

    有關「學與教博覽」2025參展事宜,請聯絡SCC項目總監朱可儀女士(69561638 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )。

    Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) officially partnered with SCC for organizing the Learning and Teaching Expo (LTE) 2025. Fully supported by the Education Bureau, the LTE is Asia's leading education event. The LTE 2025 will take place on July 2-4 in the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre.

    At a briefing organized by the two parties on November 27 targeting at education service providers, EdCity Executive Director Mr Ken Ngai highlighted the exciting transition under the new leadership of SCC, while SCC President Mr Gary Yeung inspired the audience with SCC’s ambitious plans to broaden the scope and deepen the impact of our expo and SCC Project Director Ms Rene Chu previewed what’s ahead in 2025.

    For enquiries or exhibition space booking, please reach out to Ms Rene Chu at 69561638 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    SCC 五課「信息安全」講堂
    5 Training Seminars on “Information Security”

    SCC於2024年5月31日,7月12日,8月30日,10月18及11月29日 舉行5課「信息安全」講堂。


    陳正文博士在第5堂講解防範網絡社交工程攻擊和詐騙的多個面向,包括社交工程的基本概念(如何利用心理操控技術影響人們的行為)丶常見的攻擊手法 (進階釣魚攻擊、冒充供應商或高層管理人員,以及假冒技術支援等),並以實際案例說明這些手法對企業和個人的潛在威脅。陳博士強調提升安全意識的重要性 (包括教育和培訓、謹慎驗證身份,以及使用技術手段如多因素認證和定期更新軟件來減少風險),和介紹實用的防範措施,(如模擬攻擊測試和應急響應計劃,幫助企業在面對社交工程攻擊時能夠有效應對)。



    SCC conducted five training seminars on Information Security on 31 May, 12 July, 30 August, 18 October and 29 November 2024. The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    "Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."

    SCC會員專場活動 –「人工智能+」講座
    SCC AI+ Smart Talks

    數碼港首席公眾使命官陳思源先生應邀於11月5日第二場SCC「至Smart 講座」暨會員交流活動上擔任嘉賓講者。講座以「人工智能+」作主題,由SCC人工智能及雲端委員會及SCC金融科技委員會主辦,雲端與流動運算專業人士協會和香港數字金融協會協辦; xFUSION贊助場地。下一場「至Smart 講座」暨會員交流活動將於2025 年年初舉行,詳情稍後公佈。

    SCC regularly organizes “Smart Talks" on various smart city subjects which also serve as networking activities for SCC members. Themed “AI+”, the 2nd session was held on 5 November. The speaker was Mr Eric Chan, Chief Public Mission Officer of Cyberport.

    The next "Smart Talk" cum SCC members networking activity will take place in early 2025. Details will be announced later.

    「情繫家國 說好龍城歷史」龍城虛擬實景

    Community Fun Day to publicize VR Tour of Kowloon City

    九龍城區青年發展及公民教育委員會與九龍城民政事務處及發展局空間數據辦事處聯合製作「情繫家國。說好龍城歷史」龍城虛擬實景導賞網,以九龍城區五條歷史最悠久的公共出租屋邨,包括馬頭圍邨、真善美邨、樂民新邨、愛民邨及家維邨,以空間數據設計特色導賞路線。地理空間實驗室是合辦機構之一。主辦機構於11 月 23 日舉辦社區同樂日,正式發布導賞網,並以遊戲攤位介紹各條屋邨特色。

    SCC 是社區同樂日活動及該虛擬實景導賞網的承辦機構。楊文銳會長和一眾主禮嘉賓主持啓動儀式。

    “Treasure Our Home and Country, Tell the Dragon's Tale - Community Fun Day on Virtual Reality Tour of Kowloon City” took place on 23 November at Kai Tak Community Hall. Residents of the Kowloon City district could acquire the development stories of some oldest public rental housing estates and learn about key historical events in Kowloon City through virtual guided tours. SCC was the contractor of the Community Fun Day and the VR Tour.

    eBRAM Strategic Partners MoU Signing Ceremony

    一邦國際網上仲調中心 (「一邦」eBRAM)推出網上交易促成平台,這是爲促進跨境交易而設計,eBRAM 邀請SCC及多家機構為策略夥伴,於11月28日簽署合作備忘錄。SCC 會長楊文銳代表SCC 簽署,SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士見證。

    eBRAM signed MoU with SCC and other Strategic Partners on 28 November. SCC President Gary Yeung did the signing on SCC’s behalf, witnessed by SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang.

    Smart City Project Programme 2023/24

    SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士於11月27日出席「智慧城市專題研習計劃 2023/24頒獎典禮」,擔任演講及頒獎嘉賓。她說從得獎作品中看到同學們運用創新思維解決現實生活中的難題,又以地理空間智慧和真實數據分析智慧城市的各項議題,成果令人鼓舞。

    Dr Winnie Tang, SCC Founder and Honorary President, delivered speech and presented prize to winners at the “Smart City Project Programme 2023/24 Prize Presentation Ceremony” on 27 November.

    HK01 FinTech Excellence Award

    財政司副司長黃偉綸先生出席香港01於11月11日舉行的「金融科技前瞻研討會暨金融科技卓領大獎2024」並致開幕辭。SCC 是活動的支持機構; SCC 創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士擔任金融科技卓領大獎的專業評審。

    Deputy Financial Secretary Mr Michael Wong attended the HK01 “Fintech Foresight Seminar cum FinTech Excellence Award 2024” on 11 November. SCC was a supporting organization of the event; Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was the Judge of the Award.

    CIC Global Construction Digitalisation Forum and Exhibition 2024

    智慧城市聯盟創辦人兼榮譽會長於10月29日出席由發展局及建造業議會合辦的「2024建造業議會國際建造數碼化論壇暨展覽」並擔任演講嘉賓,講題是“Smart Construction Driving a Sustainable Smart Future”。SCC 是活動的支持機構。

    The Global Construction Digitalisation Forum and Exhibition (GCDFE) 2024, co-organized by the Development Bureau and the CIC, took place on 29-30 October. SCC was a supporting organization. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, shared her views on “Smart Construction Driving a Sustainable Smart Future” at the Forum on 29 October.

    HKIRC Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme

    香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司 (HKIRC) 與國際信息系統審計協會中國香港分會聯合舉辦「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃,並於11月27日舉行頒獎典禮。SCC為活動支持機構。圖爲HKIRC董事局成員包括鄧淑明博士及一衆嘉賓出席頒獎禮。

    The Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme was co-organised by The Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter with SCC as a Supporting Organisation. Dr Winnie Tang and other HKIRC Directors and a number of guests attended the Award Presentation Ceremony on 27 November.

    2024 China Cybersecurity Week


    The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Professor Sun Dong attended the opening ceremony of 2024 China Cybersecurity Week on 8 September in Nansha, Guangzhou. SCC President Gary Yeung was one of the members of the Hong Kong cyber security industry delegation.

    2024 GBA Summit


    The GBA Summit, organized by the Hong Kong Economic Journal, took place on 8 October. SCC Vice President and Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee Dr Daniel Chun was one of the speakers.

    2024 LSCM 物流高峰會「從智慧城市邁向數字經濟」
    LSCM Summit 2024

    2024 LSCM 物流高峰會於10 月 10 日 舉行,今年高峰會以「從智慧城市邁向數字經濟」為主題,聚焦探討創新科技在促進智慧城市及數字經濟發展的重要性,推動業界把握粵港澳大灣區創新科技發展帶來的新機遇。SCC 是高峰會支持單位,SCC副會長暨研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇博士代表出席。

    SCC Vice President and Chairman of Research & Blueprint Committee Dr Daniel Chun attended the LSCM Summit 2024 on 10 October. Under the theme "From Smart City to Digital Economy", the event highlighted the importance of innovative technologies in fostering the development of the Smart City and Digital Economy and facilitating the industry to capitalise on the new opportunities brought about by technology development in the GBA. SCC was a supporting organization of the Summit.

    GBA Intl AI & Robotics

    由香港生產力促進局舉辦的 “港澳大灣區國際人工智能與機器人高峰會”於11月26日 舉行,SCC是支持機構。SCC名譽秘書長兼人工智能與雲端委員會主席楊智添先生代表SCC出席。

    The GBA International AI & Robotics Summit, organized by the HKPC, took place on 26 November, with SCC as a supporting organization. SCC Honorary Secretary and AI & Cloud Committee Chairman Mr Vandia Yang attended the Summit.

    LegCo Members visited Geospatial Lab

    立法會陳紹雄議員及林筱魯議員於9月16日參觀地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab);而謝偉銓議員及簡慧敏議員也於12月10日到訪,了解GeoLab的服務, 及政府開發「空間數據共享平台」和「三維數碼地圖」的計劃及進展。


    Hon Chan Siu-hung and Hon Andrew Lam visited Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) on 16 September, while Hon Tony Tse and Hon Carmen Kan were there on 10 December to know more about the latest development of Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) and 3D Digital Map, as well as the services of Geolab.

    Operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by Smart City Consortium (SCC), the GeoLab is equipped with advanced technology and training facilities. Various activities such as competitions, workshops and talks are being organised with an aim to raise public interest and explore together with the wider community the value and application of spatial data. More details are available on .

    HK Economic Journal / SCA collaboration


    《智慧安老 年輕一代的使命與承諾》- SCC 副會長胡達明先生 (12月5日)
    《未來產業將為香港青年人帶來更大的舞台》- SCC 名譽秘書長兼人工智能與雲端委員會主席楊智添先生 (11月21日)
    《掌握六大金鑰匙 投身大灣區建設》- SCC大灣區孵化委員會主席施培營先生 (11月7日)

    《智慧體育》- SCC 榮譽會長兼審核委員會主席楊全盛先生 (10月24日)

    《生物科技對青年就業和改善生活的影響》- SCC 電子健康委員會主席杜偉樑教授 (10月10日)
    《電子身份與LEI攜手推進香港智慧城市發展》- SCC可信網路協議委員會主席陳婉華女士 (9月26日)
    《人工智能教育 學習駕馭科技》- SCC教育科技委員會主席劉靖瑋先生 (9月12日)

    Jointly developed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) and Smart City Academy (SCA) of SCC, a regular column on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage and Instagram. Please visit the above links for the most recent articles.

    Upcoming Activities

    2025 Esri 青年學人大賽
    Esri Young Scholars Award 2025

    2025 Esri 青年學人大賽 (YSA) 簡介會和實務訓練現已接受報名!簡介會將於2025年1月10日下午2:00至5:30舉行,向有興趣的參賽者介紹比賽詳情及準備技巧。SCC是支持機構。

    了解更多詳情及報名,請瀏覽:。如有疑問,請致電2730 6883聯絡許小姐/陳小姐或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Esri Young Scholars Award (YSA) 2025 briefing and hands-On Training is now open for registration! A briefing session will be held on 10 Jan 2025 at 2:00 – 5:30 pm to introduce the details as well as tips to the interested participants for preparing this competition.

    For registration and more details, please click Link. Should you have any inquiries, please contact Ms Joanne Hui or Ms Joy Chan at 2730 6883 or via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Professional Green Building Council International Conference

    以“Beyond Zero Carbon Design” 為主題的「環保建築專業議會國際會議 2025」將於2025年1月13日在賽馬會環保樓地下BEC演講廳及展覽廳舉行。是次活動由 環保建築專業議會(PGBC)主辦,SCC是支持機構。

    登記請登入:連結。了解更多詳情或有任何疑問,請聯絡活動秘書處李女士(2560 8551)或曾女士(2560 8626) ; 電郵:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    The Professional Green Building Council International Conference 2025, themed “Beyond Zero Carbon Design” will be held on 13 January 2025 at BEC Auditorium and Exhibition Hall, G/F, 77 Tat Chee Avenue. The conference is jointly organized by PGBC, with support from Smart City Consortium (SCC).

    For registration or more details, please visit : Link .Should you require further details or have any questions, please contact the Event Secretariat: Ms Yoyo LEE (2560 8551) or Ms Sally TSANG (2560 8626); Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium

    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:
    About Smart City Consortium
    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.