Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,

    Dear SCC Members and Friends,

    This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. Please visit the following links for the previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events respectively.


    Gary Yeung re-elected SCC President



    培育人才方面,SCC面向學界(包括大中小學)舉辦多種類活動,並連同旗下的智慧城市學院(SCA)舉辦多場訓練講堂,範圍包括數據分析,及訊息安全;而「地理空間實驗室(GeoLab) 」工作團隊,截至 2024年5月底,,已舉辦超過380項活動,包括展覽丶講座丶工作坊丶比賽等,接觸了超過160所學校,超過12,600人次參加,並舉辦空間數據共享平台大獎,本年度大獎超過160隊近500人參賽。

    楊會長說,SCC將就三方面作出倡議1)國際標準認證中心落戶香港; 2)發展低空經濟; 3)發揮「中場」角色,協助内地創科企業「走出去」。

    SCC 成立至今短短8年間,已躋身為香港關鍵的創科及智慧城市的機構,獲科創相關的組織,包括政府部門丶大學丶學會丶商會等邀請合作。楊文銳對再度當選會長感到榮幸,表示當致力領導聯盟促進香港智慧城市的發展。

    Smart City Consortium (SCC) held the 8th Annual General Meeting and the 33rd Council Meeting on 28 May 2024. Mr Gary Yeung was re-elected President of SCC the for 2024/26 term. The Vice Presidents are Mr Daniel Chun, Ms. Rosana Wong, Prof. K.F. Tsang, Mr Clement Fung and Damien Wu. Mr Sam Fan is the Honorary Treasurer and Mr Stanley Lee is the Honorary Secretary.

    In his President Report, Mr Gary Yeung highlighted the Smart City Forum at Digital Economy Summit, and the “SCC Smart City Pavilion” at various prominent events including the InnoEX in Hong Kong and HKTDC’s “Think Business Think Hong Kong” in Bangkok, SCC/Smart City Academy’s training seminars, and various educational activities targeting at tertiary, secondary and primary schools. He told Members that Geospatial Lab core team had organized over 380 activities. Mr Yeung was proud to say that SCC had grown to be one of the most influential IT and Smart City organisations in Hong Kong since its inauguration in 2016.

    Mr Gary Yeung felt honored to be elected SCC President again. He pledged to lead the SCC team to enhance smart city development in Hong Kong.

    Review of Major Events

    數字經濟峰會 2024 「能源丶環境與出行論壇」
    ASTRI/SCC Forum @Digital Economy Summit (DES)

    亞洲年度創新科技旗艦盛事 ——「2024 數字經濟峰會」由創新科技及工業局丶政府資訊科技總監辦公室和數碼港主辦,於4月12-13日在會展中心舉行,超過4,000 人次來自 40 個國家及地區的創科界翹楚丶業界先驅和商界領袖於現場和線上參與。SCC 是峰會合辦機構。

    香港應用科技研究院及SCC於4月12日下午舉辦「能源丶環境與出行論壇」, 探索如何融合創新科技為智慧出行釋放變革潛力,如何應用科技以優化交通網絡丶減少碳排放及提高能源效益,促進節能實踐,為永續未來作出貢獻。

    The Digital Economy Summit 2024, the annual flagship event for innovation and technology in Asia jointly organised by the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and Cyberport on April 12-13, attracted over 4,000 in-person and virtual participants from approximately 40 countries and regions. SCC was one of the Summit co-organisers.

    The "Energy, Environment, and Mobility Forum" co-organised by ASTRI and SCC took place on April 12 afternoon, with a focus on how technology can be applied to optimise transportation networks, reduce carbon emissions, and enhancing energy efficiency, so as to promote energy efficiency practices and contribute to a sustainable future.

    SCC Smart Living Pavilion @ InnoEX 2024

    由創新科技及工業局和貿易發展局(貿發局)合辦的「第二屆香港國際創科展(InnoEX)」於4月13-16日在會展中心舉行,連同貿發局的春季電子產品展,合共吸引約8.8萬名來自139個國家及地區的買家參與,主要來自中國內地丶印度丶日本丶韓國和美國等。SCC於InnoEX設置了「SCC智慧生活展館」,面積近2,000平方呎,設計獨特,展出智能樓宇管理系統丶數位分身丶 元宇宙丶網絡編碼通訊丶智能電動車充電樁系列,和食物科技等。



    參展商對是次参展表示滿意,他們表示SCC 館的位置理想, 讚賞SCC館的設計漂亮觸目,提升香港智慧城市形象,提高外地跟香港合作的興趣。展商大都表示是次參展有助他們掌握資訊科技創新動態, 促進與外地交流,認識相關技術在外地應用情況。SCC 項目獲創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助、香港電商協會贊助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為支持機構。

    The 2nd edition of InnoEX, co-organised by the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) on April 13-16, along with HKTDC‘s HK Electronics Fair Spring Edition, attracted some 88,000 buyers from 139 countries and regions, mainly from mainland China, India, Japan, Korea, and the United States. SCC staged a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “InnoEX”, showcasing Smart Building Management, Digital Twin, Metaverse, Network Coding Communication, Smart EV Charger and Food Enzymatic Technologies developed by Hong Kong companies.

    The SCC pavilion was visited by senior representatives from government B/Ds, LegCo Members, I&T sectors, professional institutes and academia. The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    "Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."

    ASEAN Smart City Development Roundtable @ InnoEX 2024


    On the first morning of InnoEX (13 April), an ASEAN Smart City Development Roundtable brought together government officials from Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Laos sharing their experiences in developing and promoting smart cities. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was again invited to be the moderator.

    "Shaping the Smart City" seminar@ InnoEX 2024

    香港國際創科展第二天(4月14日)上午大會舉辦以「塑造智慧城市」專題討論會,由 SCC副會長暨研究及藍圖委員會主席 秦仲宇博士擔任主持。講者為日本電氣香港有限公司顧問總監王鑑強丶MTR Lab投資總管史晶,和上海市智慧城市研究院院長盛雪鋒。

    On the second morning of InnoEX (14 April), the "Shaping the Smart City" seminar took place with Dr Daniel Chun, Smart City Consortium's Vice President & Chairman of Research and Blueprint Committee, being the moderator. NEC HK Ltd’s Consulting Director Wong Kam Keung, MTR Lab’s Head of Investments Jing Shi, and Shanghai Smart City Development Institute President Sheng Xue Feng were speakers at the April 14 seminar.

    Help mainland I&T enterprises to develop HK & foreign markets

    SCC正積極推動香港發揮「中場」角色,協助内地創科企業「走出去」, 於4月26日擧辦「香港信創生態圈研討會暨展覽會」。政府資訊科技總監黃志光及SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長丶立法會資訊科技及廣播事務委員會主席葛珮帆議員擔任主禮嘉賓,並見證SCC和北京智譜華章科技有限公司(智譜)合作備忘錄簽署儀式(智譜是由清華大學電腦系技術成果轉化而來的公司)。


    The rapid development in mainland’s information innovation sectors is expected to create enormous business opportunities to HK; and HK should play the role of “middleman” by helping mainland I&T enterprises to develop HK and global markets. Against this backdrop, SCC, supported by OGCIO, held the “Information Innovation Ecosphere Exhibition cum Seminar” on 26 April. Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong and Chairman of LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting Hon Elizabeth Quat were the Guests of Honour. They also witnessed the MoU signing ceremony between SCC and Beijing Knowledge Atlas Co Ltd.

    Intl Standard Science and T&I Center to be established in HK

    國際標準化在推動科技創新中扮演重要角色,因此,SCC 正籌備國際標準創科中心落戶香港。首屆粵港澳大灣區國際標準化創新論壇於4月19日至20日在深圳成功舉辦。論壇上宣布成立「粵港澳國際標準創新中心」和「粵港澳標準化戰略智庫」,曾劍鋒教授擔任榮譽主任。他向SCC會長楊文銳及其他四位專家頒發了智庫聘書。

    該標準化創新論壇由亞太認知智能學會主辦,香港城市大學深圳研究院和哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)共同承辦;來自粵港澳大灣區及全國各地知名大學,以及中國標準化研究院丶中國資訊通訊研究院丶中國電子技術標準化研究院丶廣東省標準研究院丶深圳市標準化協會,阿里巴巴丶華為丶騰訊丶小米丶TCL等機構的專家丶技術骨幹和相關成員匯聚一堂,就新技術情勢下國際標準化的關鍵議題進行了深入交流和討論。楊文銳會長代表SCC 發言。論壇詳情請看

    International standardization plays a crucial role in driving technological innovation. SCC is preparing to establish an International Standard Science and Technology Innovation Center in HK. The first Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area International Standardization Innovation Forum was held in Shenzhen from April 19 to 20. During the forum, the establishment of the "Guangdong-HK-Macao International Standard Innovation Center" and the "Guangdong-HK-Macao Standardization Strategy Think Tank" was announced, with Professor Tsang Kim Fung appointed the Honorary Director of the center. He presented the think tank appointment letters to SCC President Gary Yeung and four other experts.

    The forum was hosted by the Asia-Pacific Cognitive Intelligence Society and co-organized by the City University of HK Shenzhen Research Institute and the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). Experts, technical leaders, and members from renowned universities, academia, institutes, and companies including Alibaba, Huawei, Tencent, Xiaomi, TCL, convened to discuss and exchange ideas on critical issues of international standardization under the new technology scenario. For more details of the Forum, please visit

    New Infrastructure for the establishment of Digital Silk Road


    SCC President Gary Yeung attended the 7th Digital China Construction Summit and was a keynote speaker at Fujian/Hong Kong Digital Economic Cooperation Forum held in Fuzhou on 24 May. His speech focused on the New Infrastructure for the establishment of Digital Silk Road.

    Visit to GeoLab by LegCo Members

    立法會科技創新界邱達根議員及身兼中文大學工程學院副院長的黃錦輝教授於4月22日參觀地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab),了解政府空間數據共享平台策略及工作計劃。發展局空間數據辦事處總監陳宇俊丶東華三院丶SCC和GeoLab 代表在場介紹。


    Hon Duncan Chiu (Functional Constituency - Technology and Innovation) and Prof Hon William Wong Kam Fai visited Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) on 22 April 2024. Senior representatives from the Development Bureau, TWGHs, SCC and GeoLab briefed the two LegCo members of the Government’s Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) initiatives and SCC’s services.

    GeoLab is established by the Development Bureau, operated by TWGHs and supported by SCC.

    HK Economic Journal / SCA collaboration on Smart City Subjects


    《智慧城市:攜手創建更安全的未來-信息安全專業人員(一) 》 -SCC資訊科技管理委員會主席龎博文(5月23日)


    《地理資訊系統和空間數據基礎設施在智慧城市發展中的角色(三)》 - SCC 空間數據基礎設施委員會主席鄧兆星博士和副主席王沛欣博士 (4月25日)

    《智慧出行》- SCC 智慧出行委員會主席蘇洪德工程師 (4月11日)

    《通過社會創新推動香港智慧城市的發展(一) 》- SCC 社會創新委員會主席 陳志榮博士工程師 (3月28日)

    《精益求精 以科技輔助建築》- SCC 會長兼智慧生活委員會主席黃慧敏 (3月14日)

    Jointly developed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) and Smart City Academy (SCA) of SCC, a regular column on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage and Facebook. Please visit the above links for the most recent articles.

    Upcoming Activities

    SCC 五課「信息安全」講堂
    5 Training Seminars on “Information Security”

    SCC今年舉辦5課「信息安全」講堂, 第一課内容是「信息安全 101」,5月31日舉行,第二課「信息安全的基本實踐」7月12日舉行,均於下午4至6時於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下 H6 CONET舉行,歡迎現場出席或網上參加,費用全免。

    「信息安全 101」講堂講述企業日常營運有關訊息安全要注意的地方,講者是馬裕杰先生,他是審計丶雲計算和軟件開發多元背景的網絡安全專家,香港無線科技商會執行會委員。報名請瀏覽

    活動由SCC主辦,獲政府創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助,及香港電商協會贊助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為支持機構。查詢請致電3480 4230或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。

    SCC has rolled out another series of training seminars on Information Security. The 1st class will be held on May 31 and 2nd class on July 12. Both will take place at 4-6 p.m. at H6 CONET, the Centre, 99 Queen’s Road Central. Enrolment is free of charge, first-come-first-served.

    Please visit or call SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for enquiries or registration.

    The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    "Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."

    空間數據共享平台大獎 2024
    CSDI Awards 2024

    為更進一步推廣空間數據共享平台 (CSDI)及提升大眾對空間數據的興趣,「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」現正舉辦空間數據共享平台大獎 2024,旨在鼓勵學生及社會大眾利用空間數據共享平台入門網站,就現有的城市挑戰提出創新及可行的解決方案。比賽設有高小丶初中丶高中,及公開組 (公眾及大專學生) 四個組別,頒獎典禮於7月20日在科學園舉行。了解比賽或地理空間實驗室更多活動詳情,請瀏覽:

    Geospatial Lab is organizing the CSDI Awards 2024 to create innovative and feasible solutions for existing city challenges through the use of spatial data available on the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (“CSDI”) portal. For more details on GeoLab activities, please visit

    The award presentation ceremony will take place on 20 July at Science Park. For more details about the competition and other activities organised by the GeoLab, please visit here or call 3708 7260.

    專題講座 - 揭開發展香港動態數碼分身的奧秘
    Feature Talk - Unveiling the Secrets Behind Building a City-scale Dynamic Digital Twin

    「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」將於6月1日舉辦「揭開發展香港動態數碼分身的奧秘專題講座」,探討創建城市數碼分身所使用的技術架構和關鍵技術。講者將會分享如何按照空間數據共享平台的架構下管理大量空間數據,及探索實際應用數碼分身平台的設計原則。講者亦將分享他們在簡化應用程式開發流程的見解:通過整合人工智能和運輸署的即時交通路線,能夠在短時間內建立強大的應用程式,增強城市數碼分身的功能和交互性。更多活動詳情,請瀏覽:

    Organised by the GeoLab, this talk will explore the technical architecture and key technologies used in creating the City Digital Twin. Mr Kenneth Sung will introduce how they successfully managed an enormous amount of data following the CSDI schema, and the discovery of the design principles that made the digital twin platform dynamic and practical for real-world applications. For more details, please visit

    buildingSMART International - Asia Summit 2024

    這個以智慧建築為主題的亞洲高峰會將於6月17-18日在九龍東皇冠假日酒店舉行,SCC為活動支持機構,詳情及及報名 請瀏覽 或電郵EventsManager@hkabaeima與香港建設資產及環境信息管理聯盟聯絡。

    Themed “accelerating openBIM Adoption for Smart City and Sustainability”, the “buildingSMART International – Asia Summit 2024” is organized by the HK Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) and the HK Chapter of buildingSMART International and will be held on 17-18 June 2024 in Crowne Plaza HK Kowloon East, Tseng Kwan O. SCC is a Supporting Organisation.

    As BIM adoption gets more popular, the demand for open standards increases. Gradually and steadily, Governments, regulatory bodies, and clients recognise the need to embrace openBIM to ensure seamless information exchange throughout the entire value chain.

    For more details and registration, please visit Should you have any enquiries, please contact HKBAEIMA at EventsManager@hkabaeima.

    Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme

    「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃 目的是透過嘉許在過去 12 個月內有效提高員工網絡安全意識和對相關風險認知的機構,藉此鼓勵更多機構採取積極的措施來提高防範網絡風險的水平,預防不同類型的網絡威脅。

    嘉許計劃由香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司(HKIRC)與國際信息系統審計協會中國香港分會(ISACA) 合辦,智慧城市聯盟 (SCC)為支持機構, 由即日起至今年8月31日接受本地的機構申請。詳情及及報名 請瀏覽:

    The scheme, co-organised by The Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter (ISACA) with SCC as a Supporting Organisation,aims to recognise organisations that are aware of the importance and have implemented suitable measures to enhance cybersecurity staff awareness within their organisations in the past 12 months. All Hong Kong companies or organisations with local address are welcome to apply the recognition scheme. Deadline of application is 31 Aug 2024 at 23:59. Please visit for more details.

    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium

    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:

    About Smart City Consortium
    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.

    Dear SCC Members and Friends,

    This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. Please visit the following links for the previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events respectively.


    Gary Yeung re-elected SCC President



    培育人才方面,SCC面向學界(包括大中小學)舉辦多種類活動,並連同旗下的智慧城市學院(SCA)舉辦多場訓練講堂,範圍包括數據分析,及訊息安全;而「地理空間實驗室(GeoLab) 」工作團隊,截至 2024年5月底,,已舉辦超過380項活動,包括展覽丶講座丶工作坊丶比賽等,接觸了超過160所學校,超過12,600人次參加,並舉辦空間數據共享平台大獎,本年度大獎超過160隊近500人參賽。

    楊會長說,SCC將就三方面作出倡議1)國際標準認證中心落戶香港; 2)發展低空經濟; 3)發揮「中場」角色,協助内地創科企業「走出去」。

    SCC 成立至今短短8年間,已躋身為香港關鍵的創科及智慧城市的機構,獲科創相關的組織,包括政府部門丶大學丶學會丶商會等邀請合作。楊文銳對再度當選會長感到榮幸,表示當致力領導聯盟促進香港智慧城市的發展。

    Smart City Consortium (SCC) held the 8th Annual General Meeting and the 33rd Council Meeting on 28 May 2024. Mr Gary Yeung was re-elected President of SCC the for 2024/26 term. The Vice Presidents are Mr Daniel Chun, Ms. Rosana Wong, Prof. K.F. Tsang, Mr Clement Fung and Damien Wu. Mr Sam Fan is the Honorary Treasurer and Mr Stanley Lee is the Honorary Secretary.

    In his President Report, Mr Gary Yeung highlighted the Smart City Forum at Digital Economy Summit, and the “SCC Smart City Pavilion” at various prominent events including the InnoEX in Hong Kong and HKTDC’s “Think Business Think Hong Kong” in Bangkok, SCC/Smart City Academy’s training seminars, and various educational activities targeting at tertiary, secondary and primary schools. He told Members that Geospatial Lab core team had organized over 380 activities. Mr Yeung was proud to say that SCC had grown to be one of the most influential IT and Smart City organisations in Hong Kong since its inauguration in 2016.

    Mr Gary Yeung felt honored to be elected SCC President again. He pledged to lead the SCC team to enhance smart city development in Hong Kong.

    Review of Major Events

    數字經濟峰會 2024 「能源丶環境與出行論壇」
    ASTRI/SCC Forum @Digital Economy Summit (DES)

    亞洲年度創新科技旗艦盛事 ——「2024 數字經濟峰會」由創新科技及工業局丶政府資訊科技總監辦公室和數碼港主辦,於4月12-13日在會展中心舉行,超過4,000 人次來自 40 個國家及地區的創科界翹楚丶業界先驅和商界領袖於現場和線上參與。SCC 是峰會合辦機構。

    香港應用科技研究院及SCC於4月12日下午舉辦「能源丶環境與出行論壇」, 探索如何融合創新科技為智慧出行釋放變革潛力,如何應用科技以優化交通網絡丶減少碳排放及提高能源效益,促進節能實踐,為永續未來作出貢獻。

    The Digital Economy Summit 2024, the annual flagship event for innovation and technology in Asia jointly organised by the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer and Cyberport on April 12-13, attracted over 4,000 in-person and virtual participants from approximately 40 countries and regions. SCC was one of the Summit co-organisers.

    The "Energy, Environment, and Mobility Forum" co-organised by ASTRI and SCC took place on April 12 afternoon, with a focus on how technology can be applied to optimise transportation networks, reduce carbon emissions, and enhancing energy efficiency, so as to promote energy efficiency practices and contribute to a sustainable future.

    SCC Smart Living Pavilion @ InnoEX 2024

    由創新科技及工業局和貿易發展局(貿發局)合辦的「第二屆香港國際創科展(InnoEX)」於4月13-16日在會展中心舉行,連同貿發局的春季電子產品展,合共吸引約8.8萬名來自139個國家及地區的買家參與,主要來自中國內地丶印度丶日本丶韓國和美國等。SCC於InnoEX設置了「SCC智慧生活展館」,面積近2,000平方呎,設計獨特,展出智能樓宇管理系統丶數位分身丶 元宇宙丶網絡編碼通訊丶智能電動車充電樁系列,和食物科技等。



    參展商對是次参展表示滿意,他們表示SCC 館的位置理想, 讚賞SCC館的設計漂亮觸目,提升香港智慧城市形象,提高外地跟香港合作的興趣。展商大都表示是次參展有助他們掌握資訊科技創新動態, 促進與外地交流,認識相關技術在外地應用情況。SCC 項目獲創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助、香港電商協會贊助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為支持機構。

    The 2nd edition of InnoEX, co-organised by the Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) on April 13-16, along with HKTDC‘s HK Electronics Fair Spring Edition, attracted some 88,000 buyers from 139 countries and regions, mainly from mainland China, India, Japan, Korea, and the United States. SCC staged a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “InnoEX”, showcasing Smart Building Management, Digital Twin, Metaverse, Network Coding Communication, Smart EV Charger and Food Enzymatic Technologies developed by Hong Kong companies.

    The SCC pavilion was visited by senior representatives from government B/Ds, LegCo Members, I&T sectors, professional institutes and academia. The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    "Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."

    ASEAN Smart City Development Roundtable @ InnoEX 2024


    On the first morning of InnoEX (13 April), an ASEAN Smart City Development Roundtable brought together government officials from Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Laos sharing their experiences in developing and promoting smart cities. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was again invited to be the moderator.

    "Shaping the Smart City" seminar@ InnoEX 2024

    香港國際創科展第二天(4月14日)上午大會舉辦以「塑造智慧城市」專題討論會,由 SCC副會長暨研究及藍圖委員會主席 秦仲宇博士擔任主持。講者為日本電氣香港有限公司顧問總監王鑑強丶MTR Lab投資總管史晶,和上海市智慧城市研究院院長盛雪鋒。

    On the second morning of InnoEX (14 April), the "Shaping the Smart City" seminar took place with Dr Daniel Chun, Smart City Consortium's Vice President & Chairman of Research and Blueprint Committee, being the moderator. NEC HK Ltd’s Consulting Director Wong Kam Keung, MTR Lab’s Head of Investments Jing Shi, and Shanghai Smart City Development Institute President Sheng Xue Feng were speakers at the April 14 seminar.

    Help mainland I&T enterprises to develop HK & foreign markets

    SCC正積極推動香港發揮「中場」角色,協助内地創科企業「走出去」, 於4月26日擧辦「香港信創生態圈研討會暨展覽會」。政府資訊科技總監黃志光及SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長丶立法會資訊科技及廣播事務委員會主席葛珮帆議員擔任主禮嘉賓,並見證SCC和北京智譜華章科技有限公司(智譜)合作備忘錄簽署儀式(智譜是由清華大學電腦系技術成果轉化而來的公司)。


    The rapid development in mainland’s information innovation sectors is expected to create enormous business opportunities to HK; and HK should play the role of “middleman” by helping mainland I&T enterprises to develop HK and global markets. Against this backdrop, SCC, supported by OGCIO, held the “Information Innovation Ecosphere Exhibition cum Seminar” on 26 April. Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong and Chairman of LegCo Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting Hon Elizabeth Quat were the Guests of Honour. They also witnessed the MoU signing ceremony between SCC and Beijing Knowledge Atlas Co Ltd.

    Intl Standard Science and T&I Center to be established in HK

    國際標準化在推動科技創新中扮演重要角色,因此,SCC 正籌備國際標準創科中心落戶香港。首屆粵港澳大灣區國際標準化創新論壇於4月19日至20日在深圳成功舉辦。論壇上宣布成立「粵港澳國際標準創新中心」和「粵港澳標準化戰略智庫」,曾劍鋒教授擔任榮譽主任。他向SCC會長楊文銳及其他四位專家頒發了智庫聘書。

    該標準化創新論壇由亞太認知智能學會主辦,香港城市大學深圳研究院和哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)共同承辦;來自粵港澳大灣區及全國各地知名大學,以及中國標準化研究院丶中國資訊通訊研究院丶中國電子技術標準化研究院丶廣東省標準研究院丶深圳市標準化協會,阿里巴巴丶華為丶騰訊丶小米丶TCL等機構的專家丶技術骨幹和相關成員匯聚一堂,就新技術情勢下國際標準化的關鍵議題進行了深入交流和討論。楊文銳會長代表SCC 發言。論壇詳情請看

    International standardization plays a crucial role in driving technological innovation. SCC is preparing to establish an International Standard Science and Technology Innovation Center in HK. The first Guangdong-HK-Macao Greater Bay Area International Standardization Innovation Forum was held in Shenzhen from April 19 to 20. During the forum, the establishment of the "Guangdong-HK-Macao International Standard Innovation Center" and the "Guangdong-HK-Macao Standardization Strategy Think Tank" was announced, with Professor Tsang Kim Fung appointed the Honorary Director of the center. He presented the think tank appointment letters to SCC President Gary Yeung and four other experts.

    The forum was hosted by the Asia-Pacific Cognitive Intelligence Society and co-organized by the City University of HK Shenzhen Research Institute and the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen). Experts, technical leaders, and members from renowned universities, academia, institutes, and companies including Alibaba, Huawei, Tencent, Xiaomi, TCL, convened to discuss and exchange ideas on critical issues of international standardization under the new technology scenario. For more details of the Forum, please visit

    New Infrastructure for the establishment of Digital Silk Road


    SCC President Gary Yeung attended the 7th Digital China Construction Summit and was a keynote speaker at Fujian/Hong Kong Digital Economic Cooperation Forum held in Fuzhou on 24 May. His speech focused on the New Infrastructure for the establishment of Digital Silk Road.

    Visit to GeoLab by LegCo Members

    立法會科技創新界邱達根議員及身兼中文大學工程學院副院長的黃錦輝教授於4月22日參觀地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab),了解政府空間數據共享平台策略及工作計劃。發展局空間數據辦事處總監陳宇俊丶東華三院丶SCC和GeoLab 代表在場介紹。


    Hon Duncan Chiu (Functional Constituency - Technology and Innovation) and Prof Hon William Wong Kam Fai visited Geospatial Lab (GeoLab) on 22 April 2024. Senior representatives from the Development Bureau, TWGHs, SCC and GeoLab briefed the two LegCo members of the Government’s Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) initiatives and SCC’s services.

    GeoLab is established by the Development Bureau, operated by TWGHs and supported by SCC.

    HK Economic Journal / SCA collaboration on Smart City Subjects


    《智慧城市:攜手創建更安全的未來-信息安全專業人員(一) 》 -SCC資訊科技管理委員會主席龎博文(5月23日)


    《地理資訊系統和空間數據基礎設施在智慧城市發展中的角色(三)》 - SCC 空間數據基礎設施委員會主席鄧兆星博士和副主席王沛欣博士 (4月25日)

    《智慧出行》- SCC 智慧出行委員會主席蘇洪德工程師 (4月11日)

    《通過社會創新推動香港智慧城市的發展(一) 》- SCC 社會創新委員會主席 陳志榮博士工程師 (3月28日)

    《精益求精 以科技輔助建築》- SCC 會長兼智慧生活委員會主席黃慧敏 (3月14日)

    Jointly developed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) and Smart City Academy (SCA) of SCC, a regular column on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage and Facebook. Please visit the above links for the most recent articles.

    Upcoming Activities

    SCC 五課「信息安全」講堂
    5 Training Seminars on “Information Security”

    SCC今年舉辦5課「信息安全」講堂, 第一課内容是「信息安全 101」,5月31日舉行,第二課「信息安全的基本實踐」7月12日舉行,均於下午4至6時於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下 H6 CONET舉行,歡迎現場出席或網上參加,費用全免。

    「信息安全 101」講堂講述企業日常營運有關訊息安全要注意的地方,講者是馬裕杰先生,他是審計丶雲計算和軟件開發多元背景的網絡安全專家,香港無線科技商會執行會委員。報名請瀏覽

    活動由SCC主辦,獲政府創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助,及香港電商協會贊助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為支持機構。查詢請致電3480 4230或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。

    SCC has rolled out another series of training seminars on Information Security. The 1st class will be held on May 31 and 2nd class on July 12. Both will take place at 4-6 p.m. at H6 CONET, the Centre, 99 Queen’s Road Central. Enrolment is free of charge, first-come-first-served.

    Please visit or call SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for enquiries or registration.

    The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    "Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund."

    空間數據共享平台大獎 2024
    CSDI Awards 2024

    為更進一步推廣空間數據共享平台 (CSDI)及提升大眾對空間數據的興趣,「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」現正舉辦空間數據共享平台大獎 2024,旨在鼓勵學生及社會大眾利用空間數據共享平台入門網站,就現有的城市挑戰提出創新及可行的解決方案。比賽設有高小丶初中丶高中,及公開組 (公眾及大專學生) 四個組別,頒獎典禮於7月20日在科學園舉行。了解比賽或地理空間實驗室更多活動詳情,請瀏覽:

    Geospatial Lab is organizing the CSDI Awards 2024 to create innovative and feasible solutions for existing city challenges through the use of spatial data available on the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (“CSDI”) portal. For more details on GeoLab activities, please visit

    The award presentation ceremony will take place on 20 July at Science Park. For more details about the competition and other activities organised by the GeoLab, please visit here or call 3708 7260.

    專題講座 - 揭開發展香港動態數碼分身的奧秘
    Feature Talk - Unveiling the Secrets Behind Building a City-scale Dynamic Digital Twin

    「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」將於6月1日舉辦「揭開發展香港動態數碼分身的奧秘專題講座」,探討創建城市數碼分身所使用的技術架構和關鍵技術。講者將會分享如何按照空間數據共享平台的架構下管理大量空間數據,及探索實際應用數碼分身平台的設計原則。講者亦將分享他們在簡化應用程式開發流程的見解:通過整合人工智能和運輸署的即時交通路線,能夠在短時間內建立強大的應用程式,增強城市數碼分身的功能和交互性。更多活動詳情,請瀏覽:

    Organised by the GeoLab, this talk will explore the technical architecture and key technologies used in creating the City Digital Twin. Mr Kenneth Sung will introduce how they successfully managed an enormous amount of data following the CSDI schema, and the discovery of the design principles that made the digital twin platform dynamic and practical for real-world applications. For more details, please visit

    buildingSMART International - Asia Summit 2024

    這個以智慧建築為主題的亞洲高峰會將於6月17-18日在九龍東皇冠假日酒店舉行,SCC為活動支持機構,詳情及及報名 請瀏覽 或電郵EventsManager@hkabaeima與香港建設資產及環境信息管理聯盟聯絡。

    Themed “accelerating openBIM Adoption for Smart City and Sustainability”, the “buildingSMART International – Asia Summit 2024” is organized by the HK Alliance of Built Asset & Environment Information Management Associations (HKABAEIMA) and the HK Chapter of buildingSMART International and will be held on 17-18 June 2024 in Crowne Plaza HK Kowloon East, Tseng Kwan O. SCC is a Supporting Organisation.

    As BIM adoption gets more popular, the demand for open standards increases. Gradually and steadily, Governments, regulatory bodies, and clients recognise the need to embrace openBIM to ensure seamless information exchange throughout the entire value chain.

    For more details and registration, please visit Should you have any enquiries, please contact HKBAEIMA at EventsManager@hkabaeima.

    Cyber Security Staff Awareness Recognition Scheme

    「共建員工防火牆」嘉許計劃 目的是透過嘉許在過去 12 個月內有效提高員工網絡安全意識和對相關風險認知的機構,藉此鼓勵更多機構採取積極的措施來提高防範網絡風險的水平,預防不同類型的網絡威脅。

    嘉許計劃由香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司(HKIRC)與國際信息系統審計協會中國香港分會(ISACA) 合辦,智慧城市聯盟 (SCC)為支持機構, 由即日起至今年8月31日接受本地的機構申請。詳情及及報名 請瀏覽:

    The scheme, co-organised by The Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter (ISACA) with SCC as a Supporting Organisation,aims to recognise organisations that are aware of the importance and have implemented suitable measures to enhance cybersecurity staff awareness within their organisations in the past 12 months. All Hong Kong companies or organisations with local address are welcome to apply the recognition scheme. Deadline of application is 31 Aug 2024 at 23:59. Please visit for more details.

    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium

    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:
    About Smart City Consortium
    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.