Contact info: (852) 3480 4230,

    Dear SCC Members and Friends,

    This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. Please visit the following links for the previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events respectively.

    本電子通訊簡介智慧城市 聯盟(SCC)過去數月及未來的活動,歡迎到上述連結瀏覽之前的電子通訊,及了解SCC未來活動。

    SCC 「怎樣精明地配備“訊息安全” 」講堂
    SCC Information Security Training Seminar

    由SCC舉辦的「怎樣精明地配備“訊息安全”」講堂 ,將於10月18日(星期五)下午4-6時於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下 H6 CONET舉行,由審計、雲計算和軟件開發多元背景的網絡安全專家、香港無線科技商會執行會委員馬裕杰先生主講,講述認識市面一般的企業資安規劃、網絡安全套件成本及前期配備預算、基本人手配備,和如何使員工配合。歡迎現場出席或網上參加,費用全免,報名及詳情請瀏覽:

    SCC今年舉辦5課「信息安全」講堂,第1堂「信息安全 101:保護您的數字⾝份」於5月31日舉行, 由馬裕杰先生主講,介紹日常網絡安全的最佳實踐,例如軟件的定期更新、複雜密碼的使用以及雙因素認證的啟用;提醒企業定期為所有員工進行網絡安全培訓,提高其安全意識, 及應對網絡安全事件的流程,包括如何報告事件、制定應變計劃以及事件後的評估等。講堂還討論了快速反應和有效溝通對於減輕事件影響的關鍵作用。



    活動獲政府創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助,及香港電商協會贊助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為支持機構。查詢請致電3480 4230或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。


    SCC has rolled out another series of training seminars on Information Security. The 4th seminar themed "Spend on ‘Information Security’ smartly and cost-effectively” will take place on October 18 at 4-6 p.m. at H6 CONET - G/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central. Enrolment is free of charge, first-come-first-served.

    Please visit or call SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for enquiries or registration.

    The first three seminars were held on 31 May, 12 July and 30 August respectively. The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    空間數據共享平台大獎 2024頒獎典禮
    CSDI Awards Ceremony

    由「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」舉辦的空間數據共享平台大獎 2024頒獎典禮於7月20日在科學園舉行。SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表SCC 致辭及頒奬。發展局常任秘書長何珮玲 , 東華三院執行總監蘇祐安,發展局空間數據辦事處總監陳宇俊同爲頒奬嘉賓。了解比賽或地理空間實驗室更多活動詳情,請瀏覽:

    「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」由發展局成立,東華三院和智慧城市聯盟分別作為營運機構和支援組織,是發展局空間數據共享平台的重點項目之一。

    2024 CSDI Awards Ceremony, organised by Geospatial Lab (GeoLab), took place on 20 July at Science Park. Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning & Lands) Ms Doris Ho, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) Chief Executive Mr Albert Su, SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang and Head of Spatial Data Office of Development Bureau Mr YC Chan presented the prizes to winners.

    GeoLab is established by the Development Bureau, operated by TWGHs and supported by SCC. For more details about the competition and other GeoLab activities, please visit

    GBA LAE Seminar and International Standardization Innovation Forum

    首屆粵港澳大灣區低空經濟研討會(廣州)於9月4日舉行,SCC 創辦人兼榮譽會長、 民建聯副主席及政策倡議委員會主席葛珮帆議員視像發言,SCC資訊科技管理委員會主席龎博文先生代表SCC現場參加。龎先生表示,活動上見到很多嶄新無人機技術,包括北斗地球網格編碼。葛珮帆議員和SCC會長楊文銳並於9月3日在廣州舉行的“國際標準化創新論壇” 線上致開幕辭,論壇深入探討智慧城市和高新技術的應用。

    SCC 將繼續就大灣區低空經濟及國際標準化等重要科創課題推出大型推廣活動,詳情將於稍後公佈。

    The 1st GBA Low-Altitude Economy Seminar (Guangzhou) was held on 4 September, with Hon Elizabeth Quat, who is SCC‘s Founder and Honorary President, and DAB’s Vice Chairman and Policy Advocacy Committee Chairman, delivering video speech. SCC‘s IT Governance Committee Chairman Mr Ronald Pong attended the event in person on behalf of SCC. Mr. Pang was delighted to see many cutting-edge drone technologies at the event. Hon Elizabeth Quat and SCC President Gary Yeung also delivered opening remarks online at the "International Standardization Innovation Forum" held in Guangzhou on 3 September, where the forum deeply explored the applications of smart cities and high-tech innovations.

    SCC will roll out large-scale events focusing on crucial I&T subjects including the development of GBA low-altitude economy and international standardization. Details will be announced soon.

    SCC Smart Talk on AI +

    SCC定期舉辦會員專場活動 —「至Smart 講座」暨SCC會員交流活動。第一場於8月22日舉行,講座以「人工智能+」作主題。由SCC名譽秘書長兼人工智能及雲端委員會主席楊智添先生主講。下一場「至Smart 講座」暨SCC會員交流活動將於十月初舉行,詳情稍後公佈。活動由SCC人工智能及雲端委員會主辦,xFusion提供場地贊助。

    SCC regularly organizes “Smart Talk" on various smart city subjects which also serve as networking activities for SCC members. The first session was held on 22 August, with the theme "AI+". The speaker was SCC Honorary Secretary and SCC AI and Cloud Committee Chairman Mr Vandia Yang.

    The next "Smart Talk" cum members networking activity will take place in October. Details will be announced later. The event is organized by the SCC AI and Cloud Committee, with venue sponsored by xFusion.

    HK Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) of VTC

    職業訓練局機構成員香港資訊科技學院(HKIIT) 於6月13日舉行啟動禮,HKIIT主力提供職前和在職培訓課程及服務,為香港建立資訊科技人才庫。教育局局長蔡若蓮博士蒞臨擔任主禮嘉賓, SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士參與了「開創IT未來:探索專才培育之道」的討論環節。

    The HK Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT), a member institution of VTC, held its launch ceremony on 13 June with Secretary for Education Dr Choi Yuk-lin as the Guest of Honour. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, participated in the panel discussion on “Cultivate the Future of IT: Means to Foster Tomorrow’s IT Talents”.

    ETnet Smart Living Partnership Awards

    由經濟通主辦,數碼港協辦,SCC 是策略夥伴的「2023/24智慧生活夥伴大獎」目的是表揚、推廣和支持致力於推動香港成為智慧城市; 由SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士擔任評審主席。她為頒獎禮預錄的一段短片,表達她對大會及整個業界的支持。

    Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was the Head of Judge of ETnet Smart Living Partnership Awards 2023/24. The competition was organized by ETnet and co-organized by Cyberport, with SCC as a supporting organization.

    2024世界人工智能大會 — 國際AI城市論壇
    World AI Conference & Global AI Governance Forum, Shanghai

    SCC會長楊文銳於7月6日在上海「2024世界人工智能大-·國際AI城市論壇」講述「大灣區智慧城市群」。該論壇由上海智慧城市發展研究院, 中國聯合網絡通信集團, 聯合國教科文組織國際工程科技智識中心智能城市分中心主辦。

    SCC President Gary Yeung attended the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai and shared his insights on “Greater Bay Area Smart City Cluster” at the Global AI Governance Forum on 6 July.

    The Global Sustainable Development Congress, Bangkok

    由泰晤士高等教育和泰國高等教育和科研創新部聯合主辦的「全球可持續發展峰會」6月10至13日在曼谷舉行。SCC 會長楊文銳參與「包容性及可持續發展:全球降溫和建設更美好將來的創新合作方案」專題研討會。

    The Global Sustainable Development Congress (GSDC), co-hosted by Times Higher Education and Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, took place on 10-13 June in Bangkok. SCC President Gary Yeung took part in the panel discussion on "Inclusive sustainability: Collaborative innovations for a cooler planet and better life".

    星島房地產發展動向論壇《智慧建築 創建幸福香港》專題討論
    Panel Discussion on Smart Construction at Sing Tao Forum

    SCC會長楊文銳出席於7 月 11 日 舉行的「星島房地產發展動向論壇 2024」,並在《智慧建築創建幸福香港》專題討論擔任主持。發展局局長甯漢豪任論壇主禮嘉賓,房屋局局長何永賢作專題演講; SCC 是論壇的支持單位。

    SCC President Gary Yeung attended a panel discussion on Smart Construction at the Sing Tao’s Forum on Property Development on 11 July. Secretary for Development Ms Bernadette Linn was the Guest of Honour while Secretary for Housing Ms Winnie Ho delivered Keynote Speech at the Forum.

    HK Economic Journal / SCA collaboration on Smart City Subjects


    《投身電子健康 (e-Health)職業的最好時機》 - SCC審計委員會主席錢國強先生(8月29日)

    《電競:當遊戲成為一項競技運動》 - SCC電競委員會主席施前江先生(8月15日)

    《Web3會是未來高薪工種的引擎嗎?》 - SCC智慧城市聯盟投資委員會主席趙敬賢先生(8月1日)

    《智慧城市不僅僅是關於技術變革(一)》 - SCC數據產業委員會主席關伯明博士(7月18日)

    《攜手創建更安全的未來——訊息安全專業人員(二)》 - SCC資訊科技管理委員會主席龎博文先生(7月4日)

    《物聯網與人工智能的融合:開啟智能生活新篇章》 - SCC副會長兼物聯網委員會主席曾劍鋒教授(6月20日)

    《設計思維——創新的解決問題方法》 - SCC副會長兼研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇博士(6月6日)

    Jointly developed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) and Smart City Academy (SCA) of SCC, a regular column on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage and Facebook. Please visit the above links for the most recent articles.

    "Introduction of CSDI Portal" & Open Spatial Data workshop


              「以三維數據創建虛擬遊戲世界」工作坊 (5月25日)

              「揭開發展香港動態數碼分身的奧秘」專題講座 (6月1日)

              「空間數據及地理空間科技簡介」 工作坊 (7月27日)

              「地理空間測繪及分析工具簡介」工作坊 (8月10日)

              「免費及開源地理空間工具簡介」工作坊 (8月24日)

    在9 月 21 日 將舉行「空間數據共享平台入門網站簡介」專業講堂;及在 9 月 28 日舉行『探索「空間數據共享平台」開放空間數據的應用』工作坊;詳情報名請登入

    Established by the Development Bureau, operated by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and supported by SCC, the GeoLab organised "Creating a Virtual Game World with 3D Visualisation Data" workshop”, "Unveiling the Secrets Behind Building a City-scale Dynamic Digital Twin of Hong Kong" feature talk, and a series of workshops on "Introduction to Spatial Data and Geospatial Technology", "Introduction to Geospatial Tools for Mapping and Spatial Analysis" and "Introduction to Free and Open-source Geospatial Tools" over the past quarter.

    Upcoming, there will be a professional talk on "Introduction of CSDI Portal" on 21 September morning and a workshop on "Exploring the Applications of CSDI Portal’s Open Spatial Data" on 28 September morning。 Please visit for more details.

    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium

    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:

    About Smart City Consortium
    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.

    Dear SCC Members and Friends,

    This e-newsletter provides a glimpse of Smart City Consortium (SCC)’s events and initiatives over the past quarter. Please visit the following links for the previous versions of e-newsletters and more details of upcoming events respectively.


    SCC 「怎樣精明地配備“訊息安全” 」講堂
    SCC Information Security Training Seminar

    由SCC舉辦的「怎樣精明地配備“訊息安全” 」講堂 ,將於10月18日(星期五)下午4-6時於中環皇后大道中99號中環中心地下 H6 CONET舉行,由審計、雲計算和軟件開發多元背景的網絡安全專家、香港銀行學會培訓師馬裕杰先生主講,講述認識市面一般的企業資安規劃、網絡安全套件成本及前期配備預算、基本人手配備,和如何使員工配合。歡迎現場出席或網上參加,費用全免,報名及詳情請瀏覽:

    SCC今年舉辦5課「信息安全」講堂,第1堂「信息安全 101:保護您的數字⾝份」於5月31日舉行, 由馬裕杰先生主講,介紹日常網絡安全的最佳實踐,例如軟件的定期更新、複雜密碼的使用以及雙因素認證的啟用;提醒企業定期為所有員工進行網絡安全培訓,提高其安全意識, 及應對網絡安全事件的流程,包括如何報告事件、制定應變計劃以及事件後的評估等。講堂還討論了快速反應和有效溝通對於減輕事件影響的關鍵作用。



    活動獲政府創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助,及香港電商協會贊助,香港軟件行業協會和香港資訊科技聯會為支持機構。查詢請致電3480 4230或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 與SCC秘書處聯絡。


    SCC has rolled out another series of training seminars on Information Security. The 4th seminar themed  "Spend on ‘Information Security’ smartly and cost-effectively” will take place on October 18 at 4-6 p.m. at H6 CONET - G/F, The Center, 99 Queen’s Road Central. Enrolment is free of charge, first-come-first-served.

    Please visit or call SCC Secretariat (Tel: 3480 4230 ; email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) for enquiries or registration.

    The first three seminars were held on 31 May, 12 July and 30 August respectively. The project is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK, with HK Software Industry Association and HK Information Technology Joint Council as Supporting Organisations.

    空間數據共享平台大獎 2024頒獎典禮
    CSDI Awards Ceremony

    由「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」舉辦的空間數據共享平台大獎 2024頒獎典禮於7月20日在科學園舉行。SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表SCC 致辭及頒奬。發展局常任秘書長何珮玲 , 東華三院執行總監蘇祐安,發展局空間數據辦事處總監陳宇俊同爲頒奬嘉賓。了解比賽或地理空間實驗室更多活動詳情,請瀏覽:

    「地理空間實驗室 (GeoLab)」由發展局成立,東華三院和智慧城市聯盟分別作為營運機構和支援組織,是發展局空間數據共享平台的重點項目之一。

    The CSDI Awards Ceremony, organised by Geospatial Lab (GeoLab), took place on 20 July at Science Park. Permanent Secretary for Development (Planning & Lands) Ms Doris Ho, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs) Chief Executive Mr Albert Su, SCC Founder and Honorary President Dr Winnie Tang and Head of Spatial Data Office of Development Bureau Mr YC Chan presented the prizes to winners.

    GeoLab is established by the Development Bureau, operated by TWGHs and supported by SCC. For more details about the competition and other GeoLab activities, please visit

    GBA LAE Seminar and International Standardization Innovation Forum

    首屆粵港澳大灣區低空經濟研討會(廣州)於9月4日舉行,SCC 創辦人兼榮譽會長、 民建聯副主席及政策倡議委員會主席葛珮帆議員視像發言,SCC資訊科技管理委員會主席龎博文先生代表SCC現場參加。龎先生表示,活動上見到很多嶄新無人機技術,包括北斗地球網格編碼。葛珮帆議員和SCC會長楊文銳並於9月3日在廣州舉行的“國際標準化創新論壇” 線上致開幕辭,論壇深入探討智慧城市和高新技術的應用。

    SCC 將繼續就大灣區低空經濟及國際標準化等重要科創課題推出大型推廣活動,詳情將於稍後公佈。

    The 1st GBA Low-Altitude Economy Seminar (Guangzhou) was held on 4 September, with Hon Elizabeth Quat, who is SCC‘s Founder and Honorary President, and DAB’s Vice Chairman and Policy Advocacy Committee Chairman, delivering video speech. SCC‘s IT Governance Committee Chairman Mr Ronald Pong attended the event in person on behalf of SCC. Mr. Pang was delighted to see many cutting-edge drone technologies at the event. Hon Elizabeth Quat and SCC President Gary Yeung also delivered opening remarks online at the "International Standardization Innovation Forum" held in Guangzhou on 3 September, where the forum deeply explored the applications of smart cities and high-tech innovations.

    SCC will roll out large-scale events focusing on crucial I&T subjects including the development of GBA low-altitude economy and international standardization. Details will be announced soon.

    SCC Smart Talk on AI +

    SCC定期舉辦會員專場活動 ---「至Smart 講座」暨SCC會員交流活動。第一場於8月22日舉行,講座以「人工智能+」作主題。由SCC名譽秘書長兼人工智能及雲端委員會主席楊智添先生主講。下一場「至Smart 講座」暨SCC會員交流活動將於十月舉行,詳情稍後公佈。活動由SCC人工智能及雲端委員會主辦,xFusion提供場地贊助。

    SCC regularly organizes “Smart Talk" on various smart city subjects which also serve as networking activities for SCC members. The first session was held on 22 August, with the theme "AI+". The speaker was SCC Honorary Secretary and SCC AI and Cloud Committee Chairman Mr Vandia Yang.

    The next "Smart Talk" cum members networking activity will take place in October. Details will be announced later. The event is organized by the SCC AI and Cloud Committee, with venue sponsored by xFusion.

    HK Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) of VTC

    職業訓練局機構成員香港資訊科技學院(HKIIT) 於6月13日舉行啟動禮,HKIIT主力提供職前和在職培訓課程及服務,為香港建立資訊科技人才庫。教育局局長蔡若蓮博士蒞臨擔任主禮嘉賓, SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士參與了「開創IT未來:探索專才培育之道」的討論環節。

    The HK Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT), a member institution of VTC, held its launch ceremony on 13 June with Secretary for Education Dr Choi Yuk-lin as the Guest of Honour. Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, participated in the panel discussion on “Cultivate the Future of IT: Means to Foster Tomorrow’s IT Talents”.

    ETnet Smart Living Partnership Awards

    由經濟通主辦,數碼港協辦,SCC 是策略夥伴的「2023/24智慧生活夥伴大獎」目的是表揚、推廣和支持致力於推動香港成為智慧城市; 由SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長鄧淑明博士擔任評審主席。她為頒獎禮預錄的一段短片,表達她對大會及整個業界的支持。

    Dr Winnie Tang, SCC’s Founder and Honorary President, was the Head of Judge of ETnet Smart Living Partnership Awards 2023/24. The competition was organized by ETnet and co-organized by Cyberport, with SCC as a supporting organization.

    2024世界人工智能大會 — 國際AI城市論壇
    World AI Conference & Global AI Governance Forum, Shanghai

    SCC會長楊文銳於7月6日在上海「2024世界人工智能大 — 國際AI城市論壇」講述「大灣區智慧城市群」。該論壇由上海智慧城市發展研究院, 中國聯合網絡通信集團, 聯合國教科文組織國際工程科技智識中心智能城市分中心主辦。

    SCC President Gary Yeung attended the 2024 World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai and shared his insights on “Greater Bay Area Smart City Cluster” at the Global AI Governance Forum on 6 July.

    The Global Sustainable Development Congress, Bangkok

    由泰晤士高等教育和泰國高等教育和科研創新部聯合主辦的「全球可持續發展峰會」6月10至13日在曼谷舉行。SCC 會長楊文銳參與「包容性及可持續發展:全球降溫和建設更美好將來的創新合作方案」專題研討會。

    The Global Sustainable Development Congress (GSDC), co-hosted by Times Higher Education and Thailand’s Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation, took place on 10-13 June in Bangkok. SCC President Gary Yeung took part in the panel discussion on "Inclusive sustainability: Collaborative innovations for a cooler planet and better life".

    星島房地產發展動向論壇《智慧建築 創建幸福香港》專題討論
    Panel Discussion on Smart Construction at SingTao Forum

    SCC會長楊文銳出席於7 月 11 日 舉行的「星島房地產發展動向論壇 2024」,並在《智慧建築創建幸福香港》專題討論擔任主持。發展局局長甯漢豪任論壇主禮嘉賓,房屋局局長何永賢作專題演講; SCC 是論壇的支持單位。

    SCC President Gary Yeung attended a panel discussion on Smart Construction at the Sing Tao’s Forum on Property Development on 11 July. Secretary for Development Ms Bernadette Linn was the Guest of Honour while Secretary for Housing Ms Winnie Ho delivered Keynote Speech at the Forum.

    HK Economic Journal / SCA collaboration on Smart City Subjects


    《投身電子健康 (e-Health)職業的最好時機》 - SCC審計委員會主席錢國強先生(8月29日)

    《電競:當遊戲成為一項競技運動》 - SCC電競委員會主席施前江先生(8月15日)

    《Web3會是未來高薪工種的引擎嗎?》 - SCC投資委員會主席趙敬賢先生(8月1日)

    《智慧城市不僅僅是關於技術變革(一)》 - SCC數據產業委員會主席關伯明博士(7月18日)

    《攜手創建更安全的未來——訊息安全專業人員(二)》 - SCC資訊科技管理委員會主席龎博文先生(7月4日)

    《物聯網與人工智能的融合:開啟智能生活新篇章》 - SCC副會長兼物聯網委員會主席曾劍鋒教授(6月20日)

    《設計思維——創新的解決問題方法》 - SCC副會長兼研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇博士(6月6日)

    Jointly developed by Hong Kong Economic Journal (HKEJ) and Smart City Academy (SCA) of SCC,a regular column on various smart city subjects targeting at secondary school students is being published every other Thursday on HKEJ Education Webpage and Facebook. Please visit the above links for the recent articles.

    "Introduction of CSDI Portal" & Open Spatial Data workshop


    「以三維數據創建虛擬遊戲世界」工作坊 (5月25日)

    「揭開發展香港動態數碼分身的奧秘」專題講座 (6 月1日)

    「空間數據及地理空間科技簡介」 工作坊(7月27日)


    「 免費及開源地理空間工具簡介」工作坊(8月24日)

    在9 月 21 日 將舉行「空間數據共享平台入門網站簡介」專業講堂; 及在 9 月 28 日舉行『探索「空間數據共享平台」開放空間數據的應用』工作坊;詳情及報名請登入

    Best regards,
    Smart City Consortium

    Please visit SCC website for details of the ‘Smart City’ concept, SCC’s role, vision and mission:
    About Smart City Consortium
    Smart City Consortium (SCC) is formed by a group of professionals from different corporations and organizations to provide opinions and suggestions to the Government for formulating related policies and standards in the development of Hong Kong as a world-class smart city. We encourage worldwide collaboration with different stakeholders to create the right ecosystem which fosters innovation and sustainable economic growth for Hong Kong.