Smart Vision 智城語錄 — Smart Vision Message

二、初中:在常規課程外,應加入如機械人、計算機藝術(computational art)以擴闊學生對電腦的認識和興趣。
“AI is more than just a tool! It should be conceived as our close working partner and is literally an integral and ubiquitous part of our daily lives. To better embrace AI, young people should take on training in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) during different stages of primary and secondary school in order to stay competitive in the future job market.
Suggested workflow as follows:
Kindergarten to primary education: It is strongly believed that inquiry-based or project-based learning at an early age will be provide juvenile a good foundation. To start with, juveniles should focus on problem-solving and collaboration skills. In a design process using AI, break down a large scale problem into multiple small scale items, thus it will be much more efficient to manage individual small item. The final step will be to integrate the respective parts.
Middle and junior high schools: In addition to regular courses, subjects such as robotics and computational art should be added to broaden the horizon of students’ vision, appreciation and understanding of computer science.
High schools: Strengthening studies in math and computer science such as statistics, probability, graph theory and logic,.. etc. will be useful and beneficial to future data-driven work. Reduced emphasis on conventional mathematics, including advanced calculus, was also suggested.”