Hon Elizabeth QUAT,
Legislative Council Member – Election Committee
Chairman of Steering Committee;
Founder and Honorary President,
Smart City Consortium
Hon. Elizabeth Quat, a Legislative Council member, is the current Chairman of Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting, Chairman of Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Members' Interests, the former Chairman of Panel on Environmental Affairs. Hon. Quat has founded several non-profit organizations. She is the Founder and Honorary President of the “Smart City Consortium”, Founding President of the “Energy Saving & Environment Concern Alliance”, one of the founders and former president of “Internet Professional Association”, Honorary President of International New Energy Industry Alliance, and Advisory Board Member of ESG Consortium, Honorary Advisor of “Institute of Web 3.0 Hong Kong”, and Co-chairman of “International Hydrogen Investment Assoication”.
Hon Quat was appointed by the HKSAR Government as Member of The Deposit-taking Companies Advisory Committee, Non-official Member of the Task Force on Promoting Web3 Development, Non-official Member of the Green Tech Fund Assessment Committee and Member of the Sub-Committee on Development of Industries under the Advisory committee on the Northern Metropolis. She is the elected member of the HKSAR Election Committee for the Technology and Innovation Sub-sector, and also was the elected member of the HKSAR Election Committee for the Information Technology Sub-sector in 2006 and 2011.
Her previous official appointments include member of the "Advisory Committee on Innovation & Technology", member of the "Small Entrepreneur Research Assistance Programme Project Assessment Panel" of the Innovation and Technology Fund, Senior Advisory Committee Member of "The United Nations' Global Alliance For ICT and Development", member of the "Digital 21 Strategy Advisory Committee", and member of the "Personal Data (Privacy) Advisory Committee".