Dr. Rosana WONG
Executive Director, Yau Lee
Rosana Wong, Executive Director of Yau Lee Holdings Limited, leads the Group’s integrated business sectors and plays a pivotal role in formulating overall strategic planning. With over two decades of entrepreneurial experience, she oversees corporate business development, management of construction projects in Hong Kong, together with the expansion of regional and overseas markets, implementation of full lifecycle management and Virtual Design & Construction. From building construction, IT solutions, MEP Services, architecture & engineering, energy optimization solutions, precast and low carbon building materials, curtain wall & steel works, to investment, property and hotel development.
Dr. Wong is driven by her passion for combining technology, innovation and science with sustainable ecosystem in Energy & Environmental Systems, Water Sustainability, Nanotechnology & Digital Fabrication, Artificial Intelligence, Robotic, Augmented Reality, Coding, Networks & Computing Systems, Cyber Security, E-health & Wellness and dedicated herself to building a sustainable future city for the society. Apart from her contribution to the construction industry, Ms. Wong has founded Ophylla Ventures to seed a series of multidisciplinary startups to gather interdisciplinary experts around the globe to explore, research and execute of the 4 pillars – infrastructure, environment, care and transformation – towards the ultimate goal of providing better choices for the citizens in a future city
Dr. Wong has been appointed as different advisory committees by the Government of the HKSAR, including Environment and Conservation Fund Committee, Transport Advisory Committee, Longterm Decarbonisation Strategies Support Group of Council for Sustainable Development, Green Minibus Operators Selection Board and Transport Complaints Unit.
Dr. Wong is also a Director of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited, Deputy Director of China Green Building (Hong Kong) Council, Member of Construction Industry Council’s Committee on Building Information Modelling, Council Member of HKTDC Mainland Business Advisory Committee, Council Member of The Better Hong Kong Foundation, Member of The Zonta Club of Kowloon, Member of The Federation of Hong Kong Hotel Owners, Founding Member of the Built World Technology Alliance of Asia, Exponential Advisory Board Member of Singularity University and Advisory Board Member of Center for Integrated Facility Engineering (CIFE) at Stanford University.