SCC「智慧生活展館」@國際資訊科技博覽2022 SCC’s Smart Living Pavilion @ Intl ICT Expo 2022 (October 13-16) 智慧城市聯盟(SCC)於10月13至16日「貿發局國際資訊科技博覽2022」設置了「SCC智慧生活展館」。設計獨特,面積近2,000平方呎,展出多家香港公司開發的智慧生活科技產品,包括「智慧地圖」、「智慧學習」、「智慧辦公室」、「智慧物業管理」、「自動泊車系統」、「智慧轉型」及「智慧基建」。 創新科技及工業局局長孫東教授、發展局局長甯漢豪、創新科技及工業局常任秘書長麥德偉、政府資訊科技總監林偉喬等政府官員,和多位立法會議員(包括「發展智慧城市事宜小組委員會」主席和委員),及眾多科技界業內人士及用家、學術界、外國領事及商務專員代表等等,參觀了「SCC智慧生活展館」。展館獲創新科技署「創新及科技基金一般支援計劃(GSP)」資助。更多圖片及展館詳細報告請見這裡。 SCC staged a “Smart Living Pavilion” at “HKTDC International ICT Expo 2022” on October 13-16 in the HK Convention and Exhibition Centre. The SCC pavilion was visited by many senior government officials including Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry (ITIB) Professor Dong Sun, Secretary for Development Bernadette Linn, Permanent Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Eddie Mak, Government Chief Information Officer Victor Lam, and LegCo Members including Chairman and Members of the “Subcommittee on Matters Relating to the Development of Smart City”, and also visitors from I&T sectors, professional institutes, academia, and foreign consulates and trade commissioner offices. The project was funded by the General Support Programme (GSP) of the Innovation and Technology Fund. |
SCC向政府提交「智慧城市藍圖3.0」建議文件 SCC於10月14日向政府官員遞交「智慧城市藍圖3.0」建議文件,SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長葛珮帆議員表示,SCC聯同香港總商會及香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院,早前就智慧城市的未來發展進行公眾諮詢,吸納不同界別代表和市民意見,再彙集整理,輯成建議書,作為政府制定相關政策和標準的參考。SCC副會長兼研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇負責統籌公眾諮詢及撰寫建議書,內容請參閱《SCC智慧城市藍圖3.0建議文件》。建議書由創新科技及工業局副資訊科技總監黃志光代表政府接收。 圖為(右起) 貿易發展局業務發展副總監吳文慧、香港總商會智慧城市工作小組召集人李世賢、理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監凌嘉勤教授、副政府資訊科技總監黃志光、葛珮帆議員、SCC會長楊文銳、秦仲宇、SCC執行總監梁文英。 Smart City Consortium (SCC), jointly with the HK General Chamber of Commerce and PolyU’s Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, launched a public consultation on Smart City development in mid-2022. Following suggestions and inputs from industry stakeholders and members of the public, a “Smart City Blueprint 3.0 Advisory Paper” was compiled and then submitted to the Deputy Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong on 14 October 2022. The public consultation and advisory paper production work was led by SCC Vice President and Chairman of Research and Blueprint Committee Daniel Chun. Please click here for full version of the advisory paper. |
SCC「智慧生活研討會」 SCC於10月14日在「國際資訊科技博覽2022」舉行「智慧生活研討會」,SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長葛珮帆議員致開幕辭;副政府資訊科技總監黃志光在會上講述政府在推展智慧城市發展的工作;香港理工大學賽馬會社會創新設計院總監凌嘉勤教授,和SCC副會長兼研究及藍圖委員會主席秦仲宇討論智慧城市的未來發展,及提出建議;SCC會長楊文銳在研討會上強調建立粵港澳大灣區智慧城市群的重要性。 The SCC’s Smart Living seminar took place on October 14 in conjunction with the ICT Expo 2022. Following opening remarks by SCC’s Founder and Honorary President Hon Elizabeth Quat, Deputy Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong briefed the audience of the Latest Development of Smart City in HK, while Director of PolyU’s Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation Professor KK Ling, and SCC’s Vice President and Chairman of Research and Blueprint Committee Daniel Chun presented SCC’s views on “Smart City Development in HK - The Way Forward”. SCC President Gary Yeung highlighted the significance of building a “HK-Macao-GBA Smart City Cluster”. |