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【SCC督導委員會討論智慧城市項目】【 SCC Steering Committee reviewed smart city initiatives】
SCC督導委員會6月22日舉行午餐會議,討論智慧城市發展的未來方向。出席會議的包括數碼港行政總裁任景信先生、科學園行政總裁黃克強先生、SCC 三位榮譽會長葛珮帆議員、鄧淑明博士及楊全盛先生,及會長楊文銳先生。
SCC Steering Committee Members held a lunch meeting on June 22 to discuss smart city development initiatives. The meeting was attended by CEO of Cyberport Mr Peter Yan, CEO of Science Park Mr Albert Wong, SCC Hon Presidents Hon Elizabeth Quat, Dr Winnie Tang and Mr Eric Yeung, and President Mr Gary Yeung.
SCC Steering Committee Members held a lunch meeting on June 22 to discuss smart city development initiatives. The meeting was attended by CEO of Cyberport Mr Peter Yan, CEO of Science Park Mr Albert Wong, SCC Hon Presidents Hon Elizabeth Quat, Dr Winnie Tang and Mr Eric Yeung, and President Mr Gary Yeung.