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【香港/緬甸建築科技交流會】【Myanmar x Hong Kong Joint Technical Webinar】


「無國界工程師 (香港) EWB-HK 智慧城市系列」 ── 香港/緬甸建築科技交流會

EWB-HK和緬甸工程師總會青年工程師委員會於十月十日合辦網上研討會,建造業議會、智慧城市聯盟及亞洲智能建築學會是支持機構之一。建造業議會經理Mr Ron Ng 詳細介紹香港建築信息模型(BIM) 的發展,緬甸代表Ms Win Mon Mon Lwin也介紹緬甸的情況。詳情請參閱 。 

A Hong Kong/Myanmar webinar on BIM technology took place on October 10.  The event was jointly launched by Engineers Without Borders Hong Kong (EWB Hong Kong) and Young Engineer Committee of Federation of Myanmar Engineers Societies (YEC of Fed. MES), with Smart City Consortium, Construction Industry Council (CIC) and Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings as supporting organisations.

CIC Manager Mr Ron Ng introduced BIM development in HK, while Ms Win Mon Mon Lwin from YEC shared their experience in Myanmar at the “Myanmar x Hong Kong Joint Technical Webinar”, which was one of the EWB-HK Urban Sustainability Series. For more information, please visit .