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【2021 建造業議會數碼化大奬啟動禮】【CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Launching Ceremony】
「2021 建造業議會數碼化大奬」啟動禮於今日舉行,並開始正式接受申請。智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士,作為該大奬的籌備委員會成員,出席以實體和網上同步進行的啟動禮。鄧博士在研討會上更與各業界翹楚互相深入探討,如何進一步推動建造業數碼化,一起把香港打造成為世界級的智慧城市。
CIC Construction Digitalisation Award 2021 Launching Ceremony was held today to accept applications officially. Dr Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium, participated in the event as an Organising Committee Member. The launching ceremony was conducted both live and online broadcast. In the panel discussion session, Dr Tang discussed thoroughly with industry experts in an interactive way on how the construction industry can be further digitalized in order to build Hong Kong a world class smart city together.