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Smart @Hong Kong: Our Smart City Journey Conference

香港生產力促進局與香港科技園公司於一月十日舉辦「智慧 香港:我們的智慧城市研討會」,智慧城市聯盟為活動協辦 單位之一。智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表 聯盟參加開幕式。研討會展示了嶄新的智慧城市發展計劃, 呈現各項有助提升市民生活質素的創新應用方案。
The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) jointly with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) as well as SCC, organized the "Smart@Hong Kong: Our Smart City Journey Conference" on 10th January. Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, attended the opening ceremony. The conference showcased the latest smart city initiatives and their innovative applications.
#SCC #HKPC #HKSTP #SmartCity #智慧城市聯盟 #香港生產力促進局 #香港科技園公司
The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) jointly with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) as well as SCC, organized the "Smart@Hong Kong: Our Smart City Journey Conference" on 10th January. Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, attended the opening ceremony. The conference showcased the latest smart city initiatives and their innovative applications.
#SCC #HKPC #HKSTP #SmartCity #智慧城市聯盟 #香港生產力促進局 #香港科技園公司