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The Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees(HK-JBCC)


智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表聯盟為The Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees(HK-JBCC)會議中擔任主講講者,並出席主題午宴。財政司司長陳茂波在午宴上發表講話。HK-JBCC每年會舉行一次會議,以增進成員之間互相了解,探索如何拓寬和深化香港與日本商業合作關係的新方向,會後雙方更討論如何抓緊大灣區及智慧城市項目的發展機遇。

Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, was one of the keynote speakers in the conference of The Japan-Hong Kong Business Co-operation Committees (HK-JBCC) and also attended its keynote luncheon. Mr. Paul Chan Mo-po, the Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government, spoke at the luncheon. The HK-JBCC members meet up once a year to facilitate a mutual understanding and explore new dimensions to broaden and deepen the business partnership between Hong Kong and Japan. After the meeting, she also discussed with guests about how to seize the development opportunities of Greater Bay Area and smart city projects.
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