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Workshop on Developing Standards for Smart Cities


智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士代表聯盟前往南韓首爾,參與於3月25至29日,為期五天,由The Asian Productivity Organization 主辦的 Workshop on Developing Standards for Smart Cities。她於是次活動共發表3次演講,並與來自19個國家和地區的政府部門代表及學者交流,探索如何發展智慧城市,尤其在訂立標準、法例及策略上作準備,務求能夠協助促進其20個成員國經濟體系的生產力。
Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, attended the APO Workshop on Developing Standards for Smart Cities. The workshop was hosted by The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) in Seoul from 25th to 29th March. During the event, Dr. Tang delivered 3 presentations and interacted with government representatives and scholars from 19 countries and regions. In the meeting, members discussed the establishment of standards, legislations and strategies to enhance the productivity of the economic growth of its 20 member states in the smart city development.
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