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International Economy Summit 2019 (IES 2019)
由香港特別行政區政府和數碼港主辦的互聯網經濟峰會2019,今年以「數字經濟 • 締造未來」為主題,於4月15至16日舉行。聯盟副會長楊文銳先生代表聯盟,於商會論壇環節與其他嘉賓分享開放數據的新機遇。
The International Economy Summit 2019 (IES 2019) was hosted by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Cyberport during 15th to 16th April. IES 2019 promoted "Digital Economy • Redefines Our Future" as the theme of the year. Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, Vice-president of SCC, shared his insights on the new opportunities of open data in the chambers forum session.
#SCC #智慧城市聯盟 #IES2019 #互聯網經濟峰會2019