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智慧城市聯盟創辦人及榮譽會長鄧淑明博士於7月4日,參與了由香港工業總會與深圳市政協歷屆港澳委員聯誼會合辦的「透視大灣區危中覓新機 - 港深戰略合作座談會」,和深港兩地嘉賓探討「如何聯手打造科創未來」這議題。
Dr. Winnie Tang, JP, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, attended "Looking for opportunities in the Greater Bay Area - Hong Kong-Shenzhen Strategic Cooperation Symposium" co-organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and CPCC (SZ) HK & Macao on 4th July. Dr. Tang discussed "Building up the future for I & T" with the speakers from Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
Dr. Tang believes that the nurture of an ecosystem jointly built by the government, industry sectors, academics and research institutes, coupled with innovations from start-up companies, will be conducive to the building of smart city clusters and sustainable development of Greater Bay Area, and will have a profound positive impact on social and economic growth.
Dr. Winnie Tang, JP, Founder and Honorary President of SCC, attended "Looking for opportunities in the Greater Bay Area - Hong Kong-Shenzhen Strategic Cooperation Symposium" co-organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and CPCC (SZ) HK & Macao on 4th July. Dr. Tang discussed "Building up the future for I & T" with the speakers from Shenzhen and Hong Kong.
Dr. Tang believes that the nurture of an ecosystem jointly built by the government, industry sectors, academics and research institutes, coupled with innovations from start-up companies, will be conducive to the building of smart city clusters and sustainable development of Greater Bay Area, and will have a profound positive impact on social and economic growth.