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「IT人看施政報告研討會」在8月14日傍晚於灣仔舉行,智慧城市聯盟作為活動合辦機構之一,由聯盟會長楊文銳作代表,從發展智慧城市的角度講述對施政報告的期望。政府資訊科技總監林偉喬先生, JP亦有出席研討會,代表政府聆聽IT界專業人士對施政報告的意見,與一眾IT業界人士一同探討「改善營商環境與產業發展」、「科技人才培訓」以及「科技發展與打造國際創科中心」等議題。
SCC was one of the organisers on “The Views of IT Specialist On the Policy Address Symposium 2019” held in Wan Chai on 14 August. President of SCC, Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, was a speaker and expressed his view on the 2019 Policy Address from the perspective of developing Smart Cities. The Government Chief Information Officer, Mr. Victor Lam JP, also attended the symposium to exchange views with IT specialists and discuss topics around technology development.
SCC was one of the organisers on “The Views of IT Specialist On the Policy Address Symposium 2019” held in Wan Chai on 14 August. President of SCC, Mr. Gary Yeung, MH, was a speaker and expressed his view on the 2019 Policy Address from the perspective of developing Smart Cities. The Government Chief Information Officer, Mr. Victor Lam JP, also attended the symposium to exchange views with IT specialists and discuss topics around technology development.