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【大灣區與前海創新創業硏討會】【 GBA and Qianhai seminar】

由 SCC 主辦、前海國際聯絡服務有限公司協辦的「大灣區與前海創新創業硏討會」於11月5日舉行。粵港澳大灣區經貿協會企業國內發展事務主席及前海香港商會代表,在會上介紹大灣區及前海的創新創業投資環境,如何在當地立足。硏討會後隨即舉行SCC會員聚會。
With a view to enhance the awareness of SCC members on the latest development of GBA and Qianhai and the opportunities for Hong Kong companies and how to establish a foothold there, a seminar on "Business Opportunities in Greater Bay Area and Qianhai" was organised by Smart City Consortium and co-organised by Qianhai International Liaison Services Limited on 5 November 2019. Immediately after the seminar was a SCC Members networking event.
With a view to enhance the awareness of SCC members on the latest development of GBA and Qianhai and the opportunities for Hong Kong companies and how to establish a foothold there, a seminar on "Business Opportunities in Greater Bay Area and Qianhai" was organised by Smart City Consortium and co-organised by Qianhai International Liaison Services Limited on 5 November 2019. Immediately after the seminar was a SCC Members networking event.