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    數字經濟峰會 2023 Digital Economy Summit (DES) 2023

由香港特區政府及香港數碼港主辦的「數字經濟峰會 (DES)」已於4月13-14日順利舉行。100多位嘉賓在50多場主題演講深入探討數字經濟與智慧城市等主題。峰會吸引超過4,000位行業參與者出席及超過25萬線上觀看次數,反應非常熱烈 ( )。

智慧城市聯盟(SCC) 是DES合辦機構之一。圖為SCC創辦人兼榮譽會長葛珮帆議員和鄧淑明博士在開幕禮上和一眾貴賓,包括主禮嘉賓行政長官李家超在台上大合照。

Organised by The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong Cyberport, the “Digital Economy Summit (DES) 2023” was successfully held on April 13-14 . Over 100 speakers from around the region shared insights on hottest topics related to digital economy and smart city innovation across 50+ sessions of keynote speeches and forum discussions, engaging more than 4,000 industry participants to the Summit and generating 250,000+ online views. Smart City Consortium (SCC) was a co-organiser of DES.

The Chief Executive Mr John Lee was the Guest of Honour at the opening ceremony. Picture shows Hon Elizabeth Quat and Dr Winnie Tang, both are SCC Founders and Honorary Presidents, onstage at the opening ceremony with the Chief Executive Mr John Lee and other VVIPs.