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「香港智慧城市代表團」訪問曼谷 Hong Kong Smart City Delegation to Visit Bangkok (July 13-14)

智慧城市聯盟會長楊文銳率領的「香港智慧城市代表團」於7月13-14日訪問曼谷。代表團參觀泰國多個智慧城市項目及園區,包括剛開發的泰國數字科技及創新園區Thailand Digital Valley、KMITL大學園區內用以輔助醫學及工程等教學的「數字互動中心」、及泰國由原來的運輸系統大幅邁向智慧城市網絡的鐵路及有關配套規劃等。
SCC organized a Hong Kong Smart City Delegation to Bangkok on 13-14 July to learn more about the potential of the Thai market. The delegation members were told that Thailand is actively developing smart city projects.