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    第三屆 大灣區校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽 3rd Inter school AI Formula Edge (GBA) Competition

第三屆 大灣區校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽 3rd Inter school AI Formula Edge (GBA) Competition

SCC及STEM Plus於2023年12月15-17日在亞洲博覽館舉辦「第三屆大灣區校際人工智能E-級方程式賽車比賽」,比賽吸引20間學校逾77支隊伍超過320名師生參與。參賽的年輕人自製參賽戰車,並為戰車融入人工智能和編程,積極發揮創意。創新科技及工業局、科學園、數碼港、生產力促進局、職訓局轄下的香港資訊科技學院、教育城及香港電子業商會為支持機構。

資科辦總監黃志光和葛珮帆議員12月17 日出席決賽及頒獎禮,擔任主禮嘉賓。多家支持機構都有派出高層代表出席典禮及頒獎。

SCC and STEM Plus organised the 3rd Inter-school AI Formula Edge (GBA) Competition on 15-17 December 2023 in Asia World Expo. The Innovation, Technology and Industry Bureau, HK Science and Technology Parks Corporation, Cyberport, HK Productivity Council, Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (of VTC), Education City and HK Electronics Industry Association were supporting organizations of the competition.

Government Chief Information Officer Tony Wong and Hon Elizabeth Quat, who were the Guests of Honour, and senior representatives from the supporting organisations attended the Closing cum Prize Presentation Ceremony on December 17 afternoon.