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“What does the HKSAR Smart City Blueprint 2.0 mean for us?” Sharing at China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce HK's 34th Gurus’ Breakfast Chitchat Webinar

Smart City Academy (SCA) Executive Director and SCC Vice President Daniel Chun shared with members of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce HK at its 34th Gurus’ Breakfast Chitchat Webinar on “What does the HKSAR Smart City Blueprint 2.0 mean for us?” on January 6.
SCC副會長兼智慧城市學院(SCA) 執行總監秦仲宇先生1月6日應邀在全國工商聯房地產商會主辦的第34屆Guru早餐研討會擔任客席講者,探討《香港智慧城市藍圖2.0》的重要性。