【智慧城市學院為房屋協會舉辦「物聯網及5G應用」培訓講座】【Tailor-made training for HK Housing Society on “Application of IoT and 5G in Property Management”】

SCC成立的智慧城市學院 (SCA) 於9月29日為香港房屋協會舉行「物聯網及5G應用」培訓講座,活動由SCA執行總監及SCC副會長秦仲宇先生統籌,主講嘉賓為SCC副會長兼物聯網委員會主席曾劍鋒博士、SCC房地產科技委員會主席胡達明先生,及中國移動香港有限公司解決方案部副主管郭冠鴻先生;近百香港房屋協會職員線上線下參加該培訓講座。
The Smart City Academy (SCA) under Smart City Consortium conducted a training lecture for Hong Kong Housing Society titled " Application of IoT and 5G in Property Management for Better Customer Experience" on 29 September 2020. The course was coordinated by Mr. Daniel Chun, SCC Vice President and SCA Executive Director. Ir. Dr. KF Tsang, SCC Vice President and Chairman of IoT Committee; Mr. Damien Wu, Chairman of SCC PropTech Committee, and Mr. Gordon Guo, Deputy Head of Internet and Enterprise Solution from China Mobile HK, were invited to be the guest speakers. Almost 100 members of staff from Hong Kong Housing Society attended the training online and offline.