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【大灣區智慧旅遊論壇】 【GBA Smart Tourism Forum】

SCC副會長及智慧城市學院(SCA)執行總監秦仲宇應邀在2021年12月17日「第2屆大灣區智慧旅遊論壇」講述「智慧城市與旅遊」。論壇由香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院及其Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre舉辦。
SCC Vice President and Smart City Academy (SCA) Executive Director Mr Daniel Chun was invited to speak in the “2nd Smart Tourism in the Greater Bay Area (GBA) Forum” on “Smart City and Tourism”. The Forum was co-organised by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM) of PolyU and its Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre on 17 December 2021.