SCA/Lingnan University 【Smartcity Executive Training (SET) Programme】(2021)

智慧城市學院(SCA) 現正與嶺南大學合作開辦智慧城市行政人員課程,旨在加強學員對智慧城市多個領域包括智慧生活、智慧環境、智慧經濟的科技的認識,提升相關的管理技巧及策略部署能力。第一個單元是「智慧經濟」,2021年7月27日開課。
上課模式有兩種:混合模式 及 網上模式。混合模式上課的SCC會員可獲七折優惠(推薦代碼: SCCLU2021),而參加網上模式的SCC會員更可獲四二折優惠。報名截止日期為7月16日(星期五),網上註冊或了解更多: 。
如有查詢,請電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 或致電2616 8274 與嶺南大學聯絡。
Smart City Academy and Lingnan University have jointly developed a SmartCity Executive Training (SET) Program with an aim to enrich students with multi-dimensional knowhow in smart city technologies, management/strategic skills, specific knowledge in smart living, smart environment, smart economy and social context areas. The first module will be SMART ECONOMY with start date on 27 July 2021.
There are 2 modes of study: hybrid mode and online mode. Members of SCC can enjoy 30% discount off on program registration (SCC Referral Code: SCCLU2021) in hybrid mode, while SCC members participating in online programme mode will enjoy a 58% discount off.Application deadline is on 16 July 2021. For application or more information, please visit
For enquiries, please reach Lingnan University (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 2616 8274).