【歡迎參觀】「SCC智慧生活展館」@香港國際創科展2023 【Welcome to visit】SCC Smart Living Pavilion at InnoEX

The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) will co-organise an inaugural InnoEX on 12-15 April 2023. The InnoEX will be a prominent I&T event displaying cutting-edge technologies and disruptive innovations, facilitating regional and cross-sector collaborations among enterprises and government administrations, with a special focus in Asia. (Please visit https://innoex.hk for more information).
香港特別行政區政府及香港貿易發展局將合辦全新的「香港國際創科展」(InnoEX),活動於 2023年4月12至15日假會展中心舉行,詳情請瀏覽 https://innoex.hk 。

SCC will stage a "Smart Living Pavilion" at the InnoEX in Hall 3G-B02, showcasing the “Smart Living” technologies of Hong Kong companies. The SCC Pavilion is funded by the General Support Programme of the Innovation and Technology Fund and sponsored by E-Commerce Association of HK. Welcome to visit SCC Pavilion and explore collaboration. Enquiries please reach SCC by 3480 4230.
SCC將於展會上設置「SCC智慧生活展館」,介紹香港公司與智慧生活有關的服務或科技產品,SCC展館位於會展中心3樓3G-B02展館,歡迎參觀及洽談合作。「SCC智慧生活展館」獲創新科技署創新及科技基金一般支援計劃資助,及香港電商協會贊助。查詢詳情請電3480 4230。