【Submission Deadline on Feb 13】Esri中國(香港)25周年STEAM盃——多學科ArcGIS故事地圖應用比賽2022-2023

為提高學生的批判思維、解決難題,創新與創造能力,Esri 中國(香港)與香港教育城聯合舉辦「Esri中國(香港)25周年STEAM盃——多學科ArcGIS故事地圖應用比賽2022-2023 」。智慧城市聯盟(SCC)是活動支持機構。
比賽歡迎全港中小學生參與,負責老師可填妥網上表格報名參加。報名及詳情請見 https://arcg.is/14L9LK 。如有查詢,歡迎致電3768 5955 或電郵至 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。
To sharpen students’ critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and innovation skills, the ‘Esri China (HK) 25th Anniversary STEAM Cup – Multi-Subjects ArcGIS StoryMaps Application Competition’, co-organised by Esri China (Hong Kong) and Hong Kong Education City and supported by Smart City Consortium, is open for applications.
All primary and secondary schools are welcome to join this territory-wide competition. Teachers can simply fill in the online application form to join the competition. Registration or more details, please visit https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/1e23f56bc5574ce1b4275dfec3c6abe6 . For more information, please contact us on 3768 5955 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .