Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH)

The Asia Summit on Global Health (ASGH), an event focused on health innovation and investment in Asia jointly organised by HKSAR Govt and HKTDC, will take place on 17-18 May at HKCEC (pls see above for more details).
SCC Members are offered discounted Standard Pass at USD200/HKD1,560 (Original fee at USD800 / HKD6,240 per head ) which allows access to ASGH physical sessions and exhibition at HKCEC on 17 May; and full access to streaming sessions and virtual exhibition via ASGH Digital Platform on 18 May.
If you are interested, please register online for the discounted pass at on or before 31 March 2023. Pls mark “ 01P50TGSCC “which is the special code offered to SCC.
Please contact Ms Vanessa Wong of HKTDC at Tel: (852) 2584 4302 or via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..