「全球數字貿易博覽會」11月23 -27日杭州舉行

「全球數字貿易博覽會」11月23 -27日杭州舉行
由中華人民共和國商務部和浙江省人民政府主辦的「全球數字貿易博覽會」是以數字貿易為主題的國家級的國際專業博覽會,首屆博覽會於去年12月在杭州舉辦,有800餘家 境內外企業參展。
第二屆全球數字貿易博覽會將於2023年11月23 -27日在杭州國際博覽中心舉行,展覽展示全球數字貿易領域發展趨勢和行業發展成果,包括數字技術(5G/雲計算大數據/人工智能/區塊鏈)、數字內容(影視/游戲/動漫)、數字服務(金融/物流/知識產權/咨詢)、數字消費(智能產品/文旅)、
電商)等專業展區。詳情請閱 https://www.gdte.org.cn 。
浙江省商務廳誠邀香港數字貿易領域企業參展,查詢或報名請電 +86 - 571 – 88228822 或電郵 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 。
The Global Digital Trade Expo (GDTE), organised by Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and Zhejiang Provincial Government, is currently the only official expo on the mainland that is themed as international digital trade. The first Expo was held in Hangzhou last December, participated by over 800 mainland and foreign enterprises.
The 2nd GDTE will take place on 23-27 November 2023 in Hangzhou International Expo Center. Department of Commerce of Zhejiang Province invites the participation from Hong Kong digital trade sectors. For more details about the expo, please visit https://www.gdte.org.cn/En/ . For enquiries or registration, please contact the organisers by phone on +86 - 571 – 88228822 或by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .